pb.go 转 proto 文件
使用python将pb.go 文件转为proto文件
import os
import re
# 处理字段选项
def dispose_field_type(ft: str):
ft = ft.replace("*", "")
if "[]" not in ft and ("int" in ft or "string" in ft):
return ft
if "[]" not in ft and "float" in ft:
return "float"
if "[]" in ft:
return f"repeated {ft.replace("[]","")}"
return ft
# 将Go代码转换为Proto文件
def convert_go_to_proto(go_code, packnme):
proto_code = f"""syntax="proto3";\npackage {packname};\n"""
state = False
for line in go_code.split("\n"):
line = re.sub(r"\s+", " ", line)
if "type " in line and "struct" in line:
message_name = line.split(" ")[1]
proto_code += f"message {message_name} {{\n"
state = True
elif "}" in line and state:
proto_code += "}\n\n"
state = False
elif "protobuf" in line and "import" not in line and "github.com" not in line:
ss = line.split(" ")
(field_name, field_type, info) = ss[1], ss[2], ss[3]
fieldType = dispose_field_type(field_type)
number = info.split(",")[1]
proto_code += f" {fieldType} {field_name} = {number};\n"
return proto_code
def check_directory(directory):
out = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
if "msgtype" in root:
for file in files:
if "pb.go" in file:
# print(os.path.join(root, file))
out.append(os.path.join(root, file))
return out
给定目录,递归所有.pb.go 文件,然后转换成proto,会在pb.go 目录生成一份,还会在当前目录proto下生成一份,需要手动创建proto
if __name__ == "__main__":
files = check_directory("E:\\codes")
for file in files:
result = ""
ss = file.split("\\")
packname = ss[len(ss) - 2]
with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
result = convert_go_to_proto(f.read(), packname)
file2 = file.replace("pb.go", "proto")
print(file, " -> ", file2)
with open(file2, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
ss = file2.split("\\")
file3 = f"proto\\{ss[len(ss)-1]}"
with open(file3, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: