python引用变量的顺序: 当前作用域局部变量->外层作用域变量->当前模块中的全局变量->python内置变量

1. Scope:

• If a variable is assigned inside a def, it is local to that function.
• If a variable is assigned in an enclosing def, it is nonlocal to nested functions.
• If a variable is assigned outside all defs, it is global to the entire file.

• global makes scope lookup begin in the enclosing module’s scope and allows
names there to be assigned. Scope lookup continues on to the built-in scope if the
name does not exist in the module, but assignments to global names always create
or change them in the module’s scope.
• nonlocal restricts scope lookup to just enclosing defs, requires that the names already
exist there, and allows them to be assigned. Scope lookup does not continue
on to the global or built-in scopes.


>>> gcount = 0
>>> def func():
...     print(gcount)
>>> def func_count():
...     global gcount
...     gcount +=1
...     return gcount
>>> def func_count_test():
...     print(func_count())
...     print(func_count())


>>> def tester(start):
... state = start # Each call gets its own state
... def nested(label):
... nonlocal state # Remembers state in enclosing scope
... print(label, state)
... state += 1 # Allowed to change it if nonlocal
... return nested
>>> F = tester(0)
>>> F('spam') # Increments state on each call
spam 0
>>> F('ham')
ham 1
>>> F('eggs')
eggs 2
>>> spam = 99
>>> def tester():
... def nested():
... nonlocal spam # Must be in a def, not the module!
... print('Current=', spam)
... spam += 1
... return nested
SyntaxError: no binding for nonlocal 'spam' found

2. Arguments

  • Immutable arguments are effectively passed “by value.” (int,string,tuple) (复制)
  • Mutable arguments are effectively passed “by pointer.” (list, dictionary) (引用)
>>> def changer(a, b): # Arguments assigned references to objects
... a = 2 # Changes local name's value only
... b[0] = 'spam' # Changes shared object in-place
>>> X = 1
>>> L = [1, 2] # Caller
>>> changer(X, L) # Pass immutable and mutable objects
>>> X, L # X is unchanged, L is different!
(1, ['spam', 2])
def changer(a, b):
b = b[:] # Copy input list so we don't impact caller
>>> def multiple(x, y):
...     x=2
...     y=[3,4]
...     return x,y
>>> X =1
>>> L=[1,2]
>>> X,L = multiple(X,L)
>>> X
>>> L
[3, 4]
>>> X,L
(2, [3, 4])


>>> def echo(*args, **kwargs): print(args, kwargs)
>>> echo(1, 2, a=3, b=4)
(1, 2) {'a': 3, 'b': 4}

intersect and union:

def intersect(*args):
  res = []
  for x in args[0]: # Scan first sequence
    for other in args[1:]: # For all other args
      if x not in other: break # Item in each one?
    else: # No: break out of loop
      res.append(x) # Yes: add items to end
  return res
def union(*args):
  res = []
  for seq in args: # For all args
    for x in seq: # For all nodes
      if not x in res:
        res.append(x) # Add new items to result
  return res


posted on 2013-06-27 10:35  大哉昆仑  阅读(403)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报