1.T-SQL练习 (1) --> 创建一个School数据库 ---> 创建一个班级表: --班级id、班级名称、班级简介 ---> 创建一个学生表: --学生id、姓名、性别、年龄、电话、 --家庭住址、出生日期、身份证号、班级id (

if(DB_ID('School'))is not null drop database School;   --查看有没有此数据库,有则删除掉 create database School on ( name='School', filename='F:\DBA\mytest\School.mdf' ) log on ( name='School_log', filename='F:\DBA\mytest\School.ldf' ) --创建School数据库 --go use School; --go create table T_class--创建class表 ( ClassID int, ClassName nvarchar(10), ClassDesciption nvarchar(50) ) create table T_Student --创建student表 ( StuID varchar(10), StuName nvarchar(10), StuGender bit, StuAge int, StuPhone varchar(11), StuDress nvarchar(50), StuBorthday datetime, StuCardID varchar(18), ClassID int ) --go insert into dbo.T_Class(ClassID,ClassName,ClassDesciption) --添加数据 values(1,'DOTNET基础班','DOTNET基础班学习基础'); insert into dbo.T_Class(ClassID,ClassName,ClassDesciption) values(2,'JAVA基础班','JAVA基础班学习基础'); insert into dbo.T_Class(ClassID,ClassName,ClassDesciption) values(3,'JAVA基础班','JAVA基础班学习基础'); insert into dbo.T_Class(ClassID,ClassName,ClassDesciption) values(3,'JAVA基础班','JAVA基础班学习基础');

select * from dbo.T_Class;   --查询表 select ClassName from dbo.T_Class;  --查询指定字段 select * from dbo.T_Class where ClassID=1;  --查询语句

update dbo.T_Class set ClassName='JAVA就业班' ,  ClassDesciption='JAVA就业班毕业就能就业' where ClassID=3; select * from dbo.T_Class;  --更改表的信息

update dbo.T_Class set ClassID=4 where ClassID=3 and ClassName='JAVA基础班';

Delete from dbo.T_Class where ClassID=4;  --删除信息

) (2) --创建学生成绩表Score --scoreId,studentId,english,math --创建老师表Teacher --tId,tName,tSex,tAge,tSalary,tBirthday --学生表Student (

studentId  name age

if(DB_ID('Score')) is not null drop database Score;

create database Score on ( name ='Score', filename ='F:\DBA\Score\Score.mdf' ) log on ( name='Score_log', filename='F:\DBA\Score\Score.1df' )

use Score; create table T_Score ( ScoreID int, StudentID int, english int, Math int )

create table T_Teacher ( TId int, TName nvarchar(10), TSex bit, TAge int, TSalary decimal, TBirthday datetime )

create table T_Student ( StudentID int, name nvarchar(10), age int )

insert into T_Score(ScoreID,StudentID,english,Math) values (1,1,79,85); insert into T_Score(ScoreID,StudentID,english,Math) values (2,2,73,80); insert into T_Score(ScoreID,StudentID,english,Math) values (3,3,58,59);

update T_Score set english=98,Math=99 where ScoreID=3;

delete from T_Score where ScoreID=2; select * from dbo.T_Score;

) 3. --创建一张表,记录电话呼叫员的工作流水,记录呼叫员编号、对方号码、通话开始时间、通话结束时间。建表、插数据等最后都自己写SQL语句。 --要求:输出所有数据中通话时间最长的5条记录。orderby datediff --输出所有数据中拨打长途号码(对方号码以0开头)的总时长。like、sum --输出本月通话总时长最多的前三个呼叫员的编号。 --输出本月拨打电话次数最多的前三个呼叫员的编号.group by,count(*)


CREATE TABLE [CallRecords] (  [Id] [int] NOT NULL identity(1,1),  [CallerNumber] [nvarchar](50), --三位数字,呼叫中心员工编号(工号)  [TelNum] [varchar](50),  [StartDateTime] [datetime] NULL,  [EndDateTime] [datetime] NULL  --结束时间要大于开始时间,默认当前时间 )

--主键约束 alter table [CallRecords] add constraint PK_CallRecords primary key(id)

--检查约束 alter table [CallRecords] add constraint CK_CallRecords check(CallerNumber like '[0-9][0-9][0-9]')

alter table [CallRecords] add constraint CK_CallRecords_EndDateTime check(EndDateTime > StartDateTime)

--默认约束 alter table [CallRecords] add constraint DF_CallRecords default(getdate()) for EndDateTime


INSERT [dbo].[CallRecords] ([CallerNumber], [TelNum], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) VALUES ('001', '0208888888', CAST(0x00009DAF00A4CB80 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DAF00A62E94 AS DateTime)); INSERT [dbo].[CallRecords] ([CallerNumber], [TelNum], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) VALUES ('001', '0208888888', CAST(0x00009DB000D63BC0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB000D68DC8 AS DateTime)); INSERT [dbo].[CallRecords] ([CallerNumber], [TelNum], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) VALUES ('001', '89898989', CAST(0x00009DB000E85C60 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB000E92F50 AS DateTime)); INSERT [dbo].[CallRecords] ([CallerNumber], [TelNum], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) VALUES ('002', '98987676', CAST(0x00009DB2015BB7A0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB2015C4DA0 AS DateTime)); INSERT [dbo].[CallRecords] ([CallerNumber], [TelNum], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) VALUES ('002', '02188839389', CAST(0x00009DA4014C9C70 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DA4014E0308 AS DateTime)); INSERT [dbo].[CallRecords] ([CallerNumber], [TelNum], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) VALUES ('001', '767676766', CAST(0x00009DB400DAA0C0 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB400DD5FE0 AS DateTime)); INSERT [dbo].[CallRecords] ([CallerNumber], [TelNum], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) VALUES ('003', '0227864656', CAST(0x00009DB200B9AB40 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB200B9FC1C AS DateTime)); INSERT [dbo].[CallRecords] ([CallerNumber], [TelNum], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) VALUES ('003', '676765777', CAST(0x00009DB8014042B8 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009DB80141804C AS DateTime)); INSERT [dbo].[CallRecords] ([CallerNumber], [TelNum], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) VALUES ('001', '89977653', CAST(0x00009D9A00FB9898 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D9A00FE6118 AS DateTime)); INSERT [dbo].[CallRecords] ([CallerNumber], [TelNum], [StartDateTime], [EndDateTime]) VALUES ('004', '400400400', CAST(0x00009D9A00FB9898 AS DateTime), CAST(0x00009D9A00FE6118 AS DateTime));

use MyDataBase select * from dbo.CallRecords --要求:输出所有数据中通话时间最长的5条记录。orderby datediff select TOP 5 * from dbo.CallRecords order by datediff(SECOND,StartDateTime,EndDateTime) desc;


select  SUM(datediff(SECOND,StartDateTime,EndDateTime)) as 长途总时长 from dbo.CallRecords where TelNum like '0%'

--输出本月通话总时长最多的前三个呼叫员的编号。 select TOP 3 CallerNumber as 呼叫员, SUM(datediff(SECOND,StartDateTime,EndDateTime))  as 通话总时间 from dbo.CallRecords group by CallerNumber order by SUM(datediff(SECOND,StartDateTime,EndDateTime)) desc ;

--输出本月拨打电话次数最多的前三个呼叫员的编号.group by,count(*) select TOP 3 CallerNumber as 呼叫员, COUNT(CallerNumber) as 通话次数 from dbo.CallRecords group by CallerNumber order by COUNT(CallerNumber) desc;

) 4.产生随机姓名 namespace 产生随机姓名 ( {     class Program     {         static void Main(string[] args)         {             List<string> list = new List<string>();             string familyname = File.ReadAllText(@"百家姓.txt", Encoding.Default);             MatchCollection ms = Regex.Matches(familyname, @"〔(\w+)〕");             foreach (Match m in ms)             {                 list.Add(m.Groups[1].Value);                 //Console.WriteLine(m.Groups[1].Value);             }             List<string> list1 = new List<string>();             string girlname = File.ReadAllText(@"好听的女孩的名字.txt", Encoding.Default);             string[] strs = girlname.Split(new char[] { '、', '。' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);             list1.AddRange(strs);

            List<string> list2 = new List<string>();             string boyname = File.ReadAllText(@"好听的男孩名字.txt", Encoding.UTF8);             string[] strboy = boyname.Split(new char[] { '\r', '\n', '。' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);             list2.AddRange(strboy);

            Random r = new Random();             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();             List<string> boylist = new List<string>();             List<string> girllist = new List<string>();             for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)             {                 string s1 = list[r.Next(1, list.Count)];                 string s2 = list1[r.Next(1, list1.Count)];                 string s3 = list2[r.Next(1, list2.Count)];                 if (r.Next(1, 100) % 2 == 0)                 {                     sb.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", s1, s3);                     boylist.Add(sb.ToString());                     sb.Clear();                 }                 else                 {                     sb.AppendFormat("{0}{1}", s1, s2);                     girllist.Add(sb.ToString());                     sb.Clear();                 }             }

            using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=randomname;Integrated Security=True"))             {                 conn.Open();                 using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand())                 {                     foreach (var item in boylist)                     {                                                 int age = r.Next(18, 35);                         cmd.CommandText = @"insert into T_Boy(BoyName,BoyAge) values('" + item + "','" + age + "')";                         cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                     }                     foreach (var item in girllist)                     {                         int age = r.Next(18, 35);                         cmd.CommandText = @"insert into T_Girl(GirlName,GirlAge) values('" + item + "','" + age + "')";                         cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                     }                 }             }

            //Console.ReadKey();         }     } } ) 5.创建表同时添加约束 (

create database D_0710 on ( name='D_0710', filename='F:\DBA\0710\D_0710.mdf' ) log on ( name='D_0710_log', filename='F:\DBA\0710\D_0710.ldf' ) use D_0710; create table T_Classroom ( RoomID int primary key, RoomName nvarchar(10) )

create table T_Student ( StuID int primary key, StuNum varchar(10) unique, Stuname nvarchar(10), Stuphone varchar(11) check(Len(Stuphone)=11), StuEnterdate datetime default(getdate()), RoomID int foreign key references T_Classroom(RoomID) )

create table T_Teacher ( TeaID int primary key, TeaNum varchar(10) unique, TeaName nvarchar(10), TeaPhone varchar(11) check(Len(TeaPhone)=11), TeaEnterDate datetime default(getdate()), RoomID int foreign key  references T_Classroom(RoomID) )

 insert into T_Classroom(RoomID,RoomName) values(1,'.NET基础班');  insert into T_Classroom(RoomID,RoomName) values(2,'.NET就业班');  insert into T_Classroom(RoomID,RoomName) values(3,'JAVA基础班');  insert into T_Classroom(RoomID,RoomName) values(4,'JAVA就业班');    select * from dbo.T_Classroom;        insert into T_Student(StuID,StuNum,Stuname,Stuphone,StuEnterdate,RoomID)  values(1,'061901','董超','12345678900','2012-06-19',1);    insert into T_Student(StuID,StuNum,Stuname,Stuphone,RoomID)  values(2,'061902','庞永帅','12345678901',2);    insert into T_Student(StuID,StuNum,Stuname,Stuphone,RoomID)  values(3,'061903','翟冲','12345678902',4);    insert into T_Student(StuID,StuNum,Stuname,Stuphone,RoomID)  values(4,'061904','赵希平','12345678903',4);    select * from dbo.T_Student;    insert into dbo.T_Teacher(TeaID,TeaNum,TeaName,TeaPhone,TeaEnterDate,RoomID)  values(1,'001','蒋坤','12345678900','2012-01-01',3);      insert into dbo.T_Teacher(TeaID,TeaNum,TeaName,TeaPhone,RoomID)  values(2,'002','苏坤','12345678901',1);      insert into dbo.T_Teacher(TeaID,TeaNum,TeaName,TeaPhone,RoomID)  values(3,'003','赵小虎','12345678902',4);    insert into dbo.T_Teacher(TeaID,TeaNum,TeaName,TeaPhone,RoomID)  values(4,'004','牛亮亮','12345678903',1);    select * from dbo.T_Teacher; )

6SQLHelper ( using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Data;

namespace SQLHelper {     public class Class1     {         static string strcoon = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["sql"].ConnectionString;        -- #region 封装ExcuteNonQuery         public static int ExcuteNonQurey(string commandText, params SqlParameter[] para)         {             using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strcoon))             {                 using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, conn))                 {                     if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)                     {                         conn.Open();                     }                     if (para != null && para.Length != 0)                     {                         cmd.Parameters.AddRange(para);                     }                     return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();                 }             }         }         #endregion

       -- #region 二次封装ExcuteNonQuery         public static int ExcuteNonQurey(string commandText, params object[] objs)         {             MatchCollection ms = Regex.Matches(commandText, @"@\w+");             List<SqlParameter> list = new List<SqlParameter>();             if (ms.Count != objs.Length)             {                 throw new Exception();             }             for (int i = 0; i < ms.Count; i++)             {                 list.Add(new SqlParameter(ms[i].Value, objs[i]));             }             return ExcuteNonQurey(commandText, list.ToArray());         }         #endregion

       -- #region 封装ExcuteScalar         public static object ExcuteScalar(string commandText, params SqlParameter[] para)         {             using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strcoon))             {                 using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, conn))                 {                     if (para != null && para.Length != 0)                     {                         cmd.Parameters.AddRange(para);                     }                     if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)                     {                         conn.Open();                     }                     return cmd.ExecuteScalar();                 }             }         }         #endregion

       -- #region 二次封装ExcuteScalar         public static object ExcuteScalar(string commandText, params object[] objs)         {             MatchCollection ms = Regex.Matches(commandText, @"@\w+");             List<SqlParameter> list = new List<SqlParameter>();             if (ms.Count != objs.Length)             {                 throw new Exception();             }             for (int i = 0; i < ms.Count; i++)             {                 list.Add(new SqlParameter(ms[i].Value, objs[i]));             }             return ExcuteScalar(commandText, list.ToArray());         }         #endregion

      --  #region 封装ExcuteReader         public static SqlDataReader ExcuteReader(string commandText, params SqlParameter[] para)         {             SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(strcoon);             using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(commandText, conn))              {                 if (para != null && para.Length != 0)                 {                     cmd.Parameters.AddRange(para);                 }                 if (conn.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed)                 {                     conn.Open();                 }                 return cmd.ExecuteReader(System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);             }         }         #endregion

       -- #region 二次封装ExcuteReader         public static SqlDataReader ExcuteReader(string commandText, params object[] objs)         {             MatchCollection ms = Regex.Matches(commandText, @"@\w+");             List<SqlParameter> list = new List<SqlParameter>();             if (ms.Count != objs.Length)             {                 throw new Exception();             }             for (int i = 0; i < ms.Count; i++)             {                 list.Add(new SqlParameter(ms[i].Value, objs[i]));             }             return ExcuteReader(commandText, list.ToArray());         }         #endregion

      --  #region 封装DataAdapter         public static DataSet DataAdapter(string commandText, params SqlParameter[] para)         {             DataSet ds = new DataSet();             using (SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(commandText, strcoon))             {                 if (para != null && para.Length != 0)                 {                     sda.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddRange(para);                 }                 sda.Fill(ds);                 return ds;             }         }         #endregion

      -- #region 二次封装DataAdapter         public static DataSet DataAdapter(string commandText, params object[] objs)         {             MatchCollection ms = Regex.Matches(commandText, @"@\w+");             List<SqlParameter> list = new List<SqlParameter>();             if (ms.Count != objs.Length)             {                 throw new Exception();             }             for (int i = 0; i < ms.Count; i++)             {                 list.Add(new SqlParameter(ms[i].Value, objs[i]));             }             return DataAdapter(commandText, list.ToArray());         }         #endregion

    } } ) 7.省市联动 --首先添加SQL类型,写应用程序配置文件,并分别引用 ( --Model类 namespace 省市联动专属Helper版 {     class model     {         public int ID         {             get;             set;         }         public string Name         {             get;             set;         }        -- //重写ToString         public override string ToString()         {             return Name;         }     } }

--专属Helper  static class PCHelper     {         public static List<model> PCExcute(string commandText, params object[] objs)         {             List<model> list = new List<model>();             using (SqlDataReader reader = SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteReader(commandText, objs))             {                 if (reader.HasRows)                 {                     while (reader.Read())                     {                         list.Add(                         new model {                             ID=Convert.ToInt32(reader["AreaId"]),                             Name=reader["AreaName"].ToString()                         }                         );                     }                 }             }             return list;         }     } --窗口 namespace 省市联动专属Helper版 {     public partial class Form1 : Form     {         public Form1()         {             InitializeComponent();         }

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             string str = @"select AreaId,AreaName from TblArea where AreaPId=@p";             cmdpro.Items.AddRange(PCHelper.PCExcute(str,0).ToArray());         }

        private void cmdpro_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             cmbcity.Items.Clear();             cmbcity.Text = string.Empty;             string str = @"select AreaId,AreaName from TblArea where AreaPId=@pid";             int id = ((model)(cmdpro.SelectedItem)).ID;             cmbcity.Items.AddRange(PCHelper.PCExcute(str, id).ToArray());         }     } } )

8.登录注册 ---首先添加SQL类型,写应用程序配置文件,并分别引用 --主窗口 ( using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Configuration;

namespace 用户登录 {     public partial class MainForm : Form     {         public static string strLogName = string.Empty;         public MainForm()         {             InitializeComponent();         }         private void btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             Form1 f1 = new Form1();             this.Hide();             f1.Show();         }         private void btnenter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             //判断文本框不为空             if (txtid.Text == "" || txtpwd.Text == "")             {                 MessageBox.Show("用户名或者密码不能为空");                 return;             }             string myname = txtid.Text.Trim();             string sqlstr = "select count(userName) from T_userinformation where userName=@name";             int res = Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteScalar(sqlstr, myname));             //查询用户名是否存在             if (res > 0)             {             Found:                 string str2 = "select time from T_userinformation where username=@name";                 bool res2 =Convert.IsDBNull(SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteScalar(str2, myname));                //查询数据库设定的time是否为空                 if (res2)                 {                     string str = "select userPWD from T_userinformation where username=@name";                     string pwd = Convert.ToString(SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteScalar(str, myname));                    //查询输入的密码是否正确                     if (pwd == txtpwd.Text.Trim())                     {                         MessageBox.Show("登录成功");                         strLogName = txtid.Text.Trim();                         messageform mform = new messageform();                         this.Hide();                         mform.Show();                     }                     else                     {                         string str1 = "select seed from T_userinformation where username=@name";                         int myseed = Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteScalar(str1, myname));                         //设定种子,小于3则给与提示,并自增1                         if (myseed < 3)                         {                             myseed++;                             string str4 = "update T_userinformation set seed='" + myseed + "' where username=@name";                             SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteNonQurey(str4, myname);                             MessageBox.Show(string.Format("密码错误,你还有{0}次登录机会", 4 - myseed));                         }                             //大于3则锁定账户,往数据库插入当前时间                         else                         {                             btnenter.Enabled = false;                             string str3 = "update T_userinformation set time=GETDATE() where username=@name";                             SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteNonQurey(str3, myname);                             MessageBox.Show("你的用户名已被锁定,15分钟后可以登录");                         }                     }                 }                 else                 {                     //用当前时间减去数据库里的时间,大于15分钟则设数据库里的时间为NULL并返回,小于15分钟                     //则给予提示                     string str4 = "select time from T_userinformation where username=@name";                     DateTime savetime =Convert.ToDateTime(SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteScalar(str4, myname));                     string str1 = @"select datediff(SECOND,'"+savetime+"',getdate())";                     int time =Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteScalar(str1,null));                     if (time < 900)                     {                         MessageBox.Show(string.Format("还有{0}分钟可以登录", time / 60 + 1));                     }                     else                     {                         string str5 = "update T_userinformation set seed=1,time=null where username=@name";                         SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteNonQurey(str5, myname);                         goto Found;                     }                 }             }             else             {                 MessageBox.Show("用户名不存在");             }         }         private void btnalter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             alterpwd ap = new alterpwd();             this.Hide();             ap.Show();         }     } }

--修改密码窗口 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace 用户登录 {     public partial class alterpwd : Form     {         public alterpwd()         {             InitializeComponent();         }         bool b1, b2, b3;         private void textBox1_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             b1 = false;             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtuid.Text.Trim()))             {                 return;             }             string sqlstr1 = "select count(userName) from T_userinformation where userName=@name";             int res = Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteScalar(sqlstr1, txtuid.Text.Trim()));             if (res > 0)             {                 lbuid.ForeColor = Color.Green;                 lbuid.Text = "用户名正确";                 b1 = true;             }             else             {                 lbuid.ForeColor = Color.Red;                 lbuid.Text = "用户名不存在";             }         }         private void txtnewpwd_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtnewpwd.Text.Trim()))             {                 return;             }             b2 = Regex.IsMatch(txtnewpwd.Text.Trim(), @"^\d{6}$");             if (b2)             {                 lbpwd.ForeColor = Color.Green;                 lbpwd.Text = "恭喜,密码输入正确!";             }             else             {                 lbpwd.ForeColor = Color.Red;                 lbpwd.Text = "输入错误,请检查密码长度和格式";             }         }

        private void txtnewpwd2_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtnewpwd2.Text.Trim()))             {                 return;             }             b3 = txtnewpwd2.Text.Trim() == txtnewpwd.Text.Trim();             if (b3)             {                 lbpwd2.ForeColor = Color.Green;                 lbpwd2.Text = "恭喜,密码验证正确!";             }             else             {                 lbpwd2.ForeColor = Color.Red;                 lbpwd2.Text = "密码不一致";             }         }

        private void btnok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             string str = "select userPWD from T_userinformation where username=@name";             string pwd = Convert.ToString(SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteScalar(str, txtuid.Text.Trim()));             if (b1 && b2 && b3)             {                 if (pwd == txtoldpwd.Text.Trim())                 {                     string str2 = "update T_userinformation set userPWD=@pwd where username=@name";                     SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteNonQurey(str2, txtnewpwd2.Text.Trim(), txtuid.Text.Trim());                     MessageBox.Show("修改成功");                 }                 else                 {                     MessageBox.Show("原始密码错误");                 }             }             else             {                 MessageBox.Show("请填写正确的信息");             }         }

        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             MainForm mf = new MainForm();             this.Hide();             mf.Show();         }     } }

--注册窗口 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace 用户登录 {     public partial class Form1 : Form     {         public Form1()         {             InitializeComponent();         }         bool b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6;         private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             try             {                 if (b1 && b2 && b3 && b4 && b5 && b6)                 {                     string str = @"insert into T_userinformation                         (userName, userPWD, userPhone, userEmial, userBirthday)                          values                          (@t1,@t2,@t3,@t4,@t5)";                     SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteNonQurey(str,txtuid.Text,txtpwd.Text,txtphone.Text,txtmail.Text,Convert.ToDateTime(txtbirth.Text));                     MessageBox.Show("注册成功");                     MainForm mf = new MainForm();                     this.Hide();                     mf.Show();                 }                 else                 {                     MessageBox.Show("请完善信息");                 }             }             catch (Exception ex)             {                 MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);             }         }

        private void textBox1_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtuid.Text.Trim()))             {                 return;             }             b1 = Regex.IsMatch(txtuid.Text.Trim(), @"^\w{0,20}$");             string str = "select count(userName) from T_userinformation where userName=@n";             int res = Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteScalar(str, txtuid.Text.Trim()));             if (b1)             {                 if (res == 0)                 {                     labelUid.ForeColor = Color.Green;                     labelUid.Text = "恭喜,用户名可以使用!";                 }                 else                 {                     labelUid.ForeColor = Color.Red;                     labelUid.Text = "用户名已存在";                 }             }             else             {                 labelUid.ForeColor = Color.Red;                 labelUid.Text = "用户名长度超过20";             }         }

        private void textBox3_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtpwd.Text.Trim()))             {                 return;             }             b2 = Regex.IsMatch(txtpwd.Text.Trim(), @"^\d{6}$");             if (b2)             {                 labelpas.ForeColor = Color.Green;                 labelpas.Text = "恭喜,密码输入正确!";             }             else             {                 labelpas.ForeColor = Color.Red;                 labelpas.Text = "输入错误,请检查密码长度和格式";             }         }

        private void textBox2_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtpwd2.Text.Trim()))             {                 return;             }             b3 = txtpwd2.Text.Trim() == txtpwd.Text.Trim();             if (b3)             {                 labelpas2.ForeColor = Color.Green;                 labelpas2.Text = "恭喜,密码验证正确!";             }             else             {                 labelpas2.ForeColor = Color.Red;                 labelpas2.Text = "输入错误,请检查密码";             }         }

        private void textBox4_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtmail.Text.Trim()))             {                 return;             }             b4 = Regex.IsMatch(txtmail.Text.Trim(), @"^[0-9a-zA-Z\.-_]+@[0-9a-zA-Z\-_]+(\.[0-9a-zA-Z\-_]+)+$");             if (b4)             {                 labelmail.ForeColor = Color.Green;                 labelmail.Text = "恭喜,邮箱输入正确!";             }             else             {                 labelmail.ForeColor = Color.Red;                 labelmail.Text = "输入错误,请检查邮箱格式";             }         }

        private void textBox5_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtphone.Text.Trim()))             {                 return;             }             b5 = Regex.IsMatch(txtphone.Text.Trim(), @"^\d{11}$");             if (b5)             {                 labelphone.ForeColor = Color.Green;                 labelphone.Text = "恭喜,手机输入正确";             }             else             {                 labelphone.ForeColor = Color.Red;                 labelphone.Text = "输入错误,请检查手机格式";             }         }

        private void textBox6_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtbirth.Text.Trim()))             {                 return;             }             b6 = Regex.IsMatch(txtbirth.Text.Trim(), @"^\d{4}\-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|(1[0-9])|(2[0-9])|(3[0-1]))$");             if (b6)             {                 labelbirth.ForeColor = Color.Green;                 labelbirth.Text = "恭喜,出生日期输入正确";             }             else             {                 labelbirth.ForeColor = Color.Red;                 labelbirth.Text = "输入错误,请检查出生日期格式";             }         }

        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)         {


        private void btnreturn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             MainForm mf = new MainForm();             this.Hide();             mf.Show();         }     } }

--信息显示窗口 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace 用户登录 {     public partial class messageform : Form     {         public messageform()         {             InitializeComponent();         }

        private void messageform_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             string uid = MainForm.strLogName;             string str = "select * from T_userinformation where username=@name";             SqlDataReader reader = SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteReader(str, uid);             if (reader.HasRows)             {                 while (reader.Read())                 {                     label5.Text = reader["userName"].ToString();                     label6.Text = reader["userPhone"].ToString();                     label7.Text = reader["userEmial"].ToString();                     label8.Text = reader["userBirthday"].ToString();                 }             }         }     } } )

9.case函数练习题 ( <1>--显示分数等级A(100-90)B(89-80)C(79-70)D(69-60)E select top 50 * from Score select top 50  scId,  case   when scBaseDotNet>=90 then 'A'   when scBaseDotNet>=80 then 'B'   when scBaseDotNet>=70 then 'C'   when scBaseDotNet>=60 then 'D'   else 'E'  end AS Net基础,  scDataBase,  case   when scDataBase>=90 then 'A'   when scDataBase>=80 then 'B'   when scDataBase>=70 then 'C'   when scDataBase>=60 then 'D'   else 'E'  end AS 数据库,  scJavaScript from  Score   <2>----面试题 单号   金额 Rk1     10 Rk2     20 Rk3     -30 Rk4     -10 将上面的表输出为如下的格式: 单号   收入   支出 Rk1     10       0 Rk2     20       0 Rk3      0       30 Rk4      0       10

create table test (  number varchar(10),  amount int ) insert into test(number,amount) values('RK1',10) insert into test(number,amount) values('RK2',20) insert into test(number,amount) values('RK3',-30) insert into test(number,amount) values('RK4',-10)

select * from test

select number as 单号,  case   when amount>0 then amount   else 0  end as 收入,  case   when amount<0 then -amount   else 0  end as 支出 from test <3>--有如下一张表,使用SQL实现如表2的数据集    学号    课程    成绩  1 0001 语文 87  2 0001 数学 79  3 0001 英语 95  4 0002 语文 69  5 0002 数学 84   表2    学号 数学 语文 英语 1  0001 79 87 95 2  0002 84 69 0 --create table TScore (  学号 nvarchar(10),  课程 nvarchar(10),  成绩 int )

insert into TScore values('0001','语文',87); insert into TScore values('0001','数学',79); insert into TScore values('0001','英语',95); insert into TScore values('0002','语文',69); insert into TScore values('0002','数学',84);

select * from TScore

--要使用学生进行分组 select 学号 from TScore group by 学号

--前面不能显示各个科目 --可以考虑使用聚合函数 select 学号,  SUM(case when 课程='数学' then 成绩 else 0 end) as 数学,  SUM(case when 课程='语文' then 成绩 else 0 end) as 语文,  SUM(case when 课程='英语' then 成绩 else 0 end) as 英语 from TScore group by 学号


) 10.实现日记和分页 ( --视图               --表的内连接 SELECT     t2.UserName, t1.Title, t1.CreateTime,t2.ID FROM         dbo.DiaryInfo AS t1 INNER JOIN                       dbo.Users AS t2 ON t1.UserID = t2.ID        --存储过程 create proc usp_Getpaged          --时间分页   @pageindex int,   @pagesize int,   @pagecount int output   as   begin   declare @num int   select @num=COUNT(*) from dbo.vw_myvw   set @pagecount=CEILING(@num*1.0/@pagesize)   select * from   (select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by ID) as num,* from dbo.vw_myvw)as t   where num between (@pageindex-1)*@pagesize+1 and @pageindex*@pagesize   order by t.ID   end   --查询 declare @n int exec dbo.usp_Getpaged 1,3,@n output print @n

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; ---登录主页面 namespace 日记 {     public partial class LoginForm : Form     {         public LoginForm()         {             InitializeComponent();         }

        private void btnenter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtuid.Text.Trim())||string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtpwd.Text.Trim()))             {                 return;             }             string str = @"select count(*) from Users where UserName=@n";             int res =Convert.ToInt32(SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteScalar(str, txtuid.Text.Trim()));             if (res > 0)             {                 string str2 = @"select Pwd from Users where UserName=@n";                 string mypwd = Convert.ToString(SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteScalar(str2, txtuid.Text.Trim()));                 if (mypwd == txtpwd.Text.Trim())                 {                     ShowtxtForm sf = new ShowtxtForm();                     sf.Show();                     this.Hide();                 }                 else                 {                     MessageBox.Show("密码错误");                     return;                 }             }             else             {                 MessageBox.Show("用户名不存在");                 return;             }         }

        private void btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             try             {                 string str = @"insert into Users(UserName,Pwd) values(@n,@p)";                 SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteNonQurey(str, txtuid.Text.Trim(), txtpwd.Text.Trim());                 MessageBox.Show("注册成功");             }             catch (Exception ex)             {                 MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);             }         }     } } --显示日记的页面 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace 日记 {     public partial class ShowtxtForm : Form     {         public ShowtxtForm()         {             InitializeComponent();         }         int pageIndex = 1;         int pageSize = 3;         int pageCount;         private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             AddtxtForm af = new AddtxtForm();             this.Close();             af.Show();         }

        private void ShowtxtForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             BindDGV();         }         void BindDGV()         {             DataTable dt = new DataTable();             using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=DiaryManager;Integrated Security=True"))             {                 using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("usp_Getpaged", conn))  //存储过程名字                 {                     cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;  //设置类型为存储过程类型,默认是Text

                    SqlParameter[] para =                     {                         new SqlParameter("@pageindex",SqlDbType.Int),                         new SqlParameter("@pagesize",SqlDbType.Int),                         new SqlParameter("@pagecount",SqlDbType.Int)    //不忙给赋值,先定义类型                     };                     //输入参数                     para[0].Value = pageIndex;                     para[1].Value = pageSize;                     //输出参数                     para[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;                     //添加参数                     cmd.Parameters.AddRange(para);                     //执行存储过程                     SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);                     sda.Fill(dt);                     //必须调用完存储过程 才能获取输出参数的值                     pageCount = Convert.ToInt32(para[2].Value);                     //设置dgv不自动生成列                     dataGridView1.AutoGenerateColumns = false;                     //设置dgv的数据源                     dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;                 }             }             btnfirst.Enabled = true;             btnpre.Enabled = true;             btnnext.Enabled = true;             btnlast.Enabled = true;             if (pageIndex == 1)             {                 btnfirst.Enabled = false;                 btnpre.Enabled = false;             }             if (pageIndex == pageCount)             {                 btnnext.Enabled = false;                 btnlast.Enabled = false;             }         }         //首页         private void btnfirst_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             pageIndex = 1;             BindDGV();         }         //上一页         private void btnpre_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (pageIndex > 1)             {                 pageIndex--;                 BindDGV();             }         }         //下一页         private void btnnext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (pageIndex < pageCount)             {                 pageIndex++;                 BindDGV();             }         }         //末页         private void btnlast_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             pageIndex = pageCount;             BindDGV();         }     } } --添加日记的页面 using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient;

namespace 日记 {     public partial class AddtxtForm : Form     {         public AddtxtForm()         {             InitializeComponent();         }

        private void AddtxtForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             string str = @"select ID,UserName from Users";             List<model> list = new List<model>();             SqlDataReader reader = SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteReader(str, null);             using (reader)             {                 if (reader.HasRows)                 {                     while (reader.Read())                     {                         list.Add(                             new model                             {                                 ID=Convert.ToInt32(reader["ID"]),                                 Name=(reader["UserName"]).ToString()                             }                             );                     }                 }             }             cmbauther.Items.AddRange(list.ToArray());         }

        private void btnok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             try             {                 string str1 = @"insert into DiaryInfo(Title,Content,CreateTime,UserID)                      values(@t,@c,getdate(),@id)";                 SQLHelper.Class1.ExcuteNonQurey(str1, txttitle.Text.Trim(), txtboby.Text.Trim(), ((model)cmbauther.SelectedItem).ID);                 MessageBox.Show("添加成功");                 ShowtxtForm sf = new ShowtxtForm();                 this.Close();                 sf.Show();             }             catch (Exception ex)             {                 MessageBox.Show(ex.Message);             }         }     }     class model     {          public int ID         {             get;             set;         }         public string Name         {             get;             set;         }         public override string ToString()         {             return Name;         }     } } ) 11.

posted @ 2012-09-06 22:27  zxp19880910  阅读(313)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报