即将到来的兼容4G 无线网络iPhone 5的10大缺憾

Top 10 Features Upcoming 4G LTE1-compatible iPhone 5 Will Not Have

    The upcoming iPhone 5 is expected to make improvements to its previous line of smartphones and a lot depends on what the company actually releases later this year. There are, however, some features that iPhone 5 will miss out that could prove costly in the long run.



Camera: The iPhone 5 is expected to arrive with an 8MP dual-LED flash camera. However, early rumors in the beginning of the year said that the upcoming Apple-made smartphone would flash a 12MP camera with the same set of specifications and a 1080p video recording capability. Maybe a 12MP camera with dual-LED flash will arrive with iPhone 6?

照相机:iPhone5期待搭载8MP dual-LEB照相机闪光灯,然而,今年早期的传言称将要到来的苹果智能机将发布具有相同标准的12MP,1080p的视频录制功能的照相机,如此强大的配置应该会放在iPhone6上吧?

Processor: iPhone 5 is expected to come with a dual-core A5 processor, which presently powers the iPad 2, and have a 1GB RAM2 owing to the fact that the iPhone 4 already has a 512MB RAM. But, will it be enough against the likes of Google Nexus 4G AT&T that will sport a dual-core Snapdragon processor which will include Krait chips from Qualcomm, along with 1GB RAM. It is yet to be seen if the processor will be of either 1.2GHz or 1.5GHz. In short, the Krait-based Snapdragon processor will have the ability to run at a massive speed of 2.5 GHz per core at the least power which will make it more than a hundred times faster than a normal ARM based CPU. So has Apple missed out on a snapdragon processor? The answer is most likely a 'yes' as Apple will stick to its expected A5 processor.

处理器:iPhone 5期待会配备双核A5处理器,也就是现在iPad 2上使用的处理器,由于iPhone4只有512MB RAM,所以iPhone5将会使用1G RAM,但是,面对宣称有高通Krait芯片,1GRAM的狂龙双核处理器Google Nexus 4G AT&T时,这就够了吗?

如果处理器的主频达到1.2GHz或是1.5GHz,或许有看头。简而言之,基于高通Krait的狂龙处理器能够以每个功率2.5GHz的高频率运转,这将比ARM CPU快上一百多倍,即便这样苹果还是会放弃狂龙处理器吗?答案是肯定的,苹果将坚持A5处理器。

Screen Dimensions: Apple will make improvements to its screen dimensions which, previously, were 3.5-inch. Now the iPhone 5 is expected to arrive with a screen dimension of 3.7-inch, whereas, most of the upcoming Android-based smartphones are expected to arrive with a 4-inch screen. Apple could also have done the same thing to get the edge in the smartphone war, but it is unlikely that the company will compromise on the 3.7-inch screen.

屏幕尺寸:苹果将会对先前3.5英寸的屏幕尺寸进行改进,iPhone 5将会使用3.7英寸的屏幕,然而多数将出场的基于Android智能手机会使用4英寸的屏幕。苹果本来可以同样通过提高到4英寸在智能机的争夺中占领优势,但是这就是苹果的特点,独到!!

Thunderbolt3 Port: The upcoming iPad 3 is expected to sport a Thunderbolt port but what about the iPhone 5? The Thunderbolt port, that will make data flow and connectivity lightning fast, is unlikely to arrive with the iPhone 5 and users will definitely miss out on the possibility of a fast data transfer between the smartphone and other iOS devices. If not now, Apple will definitely introduce a thunderbolt port in its smartphones in the future.

雷速端口:iPad 3将以拥有Thunderbolt端口称道,那iPhone 5又怎样呢?Thunderbolt端口拥有闪电般的数据传输和连接速度,但是遗憾的是不能出现在iPhone 5上,要是这样,要使iPhone5与其他iOS设备快速传输将无法实现。不要灰心,可能这一功能可能在iPhone 6中使用。呵呵

Face Recognition: The Apple iPhone 5 is definitely arriving with enhanced Voice Recognition features but has Apple missed out on Face Recognition? The Face Recognition will let users unlock their smartphones by simply looking at them. That would be a ground-breaking inclusion to the iPhone 5 and would be an easy feature to provide as the iPhone already has an existing front-facing camera. Apple also was previously reported to acquire Face Recognition company, so why not include Face Recognition?

面部识别:苹果iPhone 5肯定会增强语音识别功能,而面部识别功能就不一定咯?面部识别功能将使您通过注视摄像头来解锁,能实现的话,这将成为智能手机中的独创,而iPhone前端摄像机可以轻松的配合这一特性,苹果也在先前的报道中兼并了面部识别公司Polar Rose(极地玫瑰),但为什么还不实现这一功能呢?这也许就是苹果吧!

Map Data for iOS 5: Apple was rumored to remove Google Maps in favor of the company's own navigation software in iOS 5 called Map Data, that would bring forth various third-party navigation and mapping firms like Localeze, TomTom, CoreLogic and Getchee to name a few. But, now that possibility is out of the question as Apple will stick to Google Maps for the time being. The company previously hired engineers with the knowledge and experience of mapping and navigation who joined the OS developing team. But, now Apple has confirmed that Map Data is still in development and the company will continue with Google Maps.

iOS 5地图数据:苹果传言出于保护iOS中自带软件Map Data的缘故,抛弃Google地图,这将带来更多的第三方地图导航公司Localeze, TomTom, CoreLogic and Getchee等的加入,出于这个原因,可能苹果现在仍会使用Google Maps,苹果之前还招纳了有丰富地图导航知识和经验的工程师到OS开发团队,但是,苹果已经确认Map Data仍在开发中,会继续支持Google地图。

Adobe Flash: Apple's iPhone 4 did not support Adobe Flash. A lot was expected in that department from iPhone 5, but now it is certain that the next generation iPhone 5 will also have the Adobe Flash support. Apple CEO Steve Jobs said in April 2010 that Apple would not support Flash as "Flash was created during the PC era - for PCs and mice". He added that "But the mobile era is about low power devices, touch interfaces and open Web standards - all areas where Flash falls short". Jobs, however, said that Flash is the primary reason Mac crashes.

Adobe Flash:苹果iPhone 4不支持Adobe Flash,很多人期待iPhone 5会支持它,现在确定了,iPhone 5中会有Adobe Flash的身影,苹果CEO乔布斯在2010年四月宣称苹果不将支持Flash,"Flash只存在于PC时代",还说"移动互联时代都是一些低功耗的设备,触屏界面,开放网络标准-而Flash不符合任意一个标准。"这就是Mac抛弃Flash的主要原因吧!!

Display Type: Apple, previously, has had numerous problems with Samsung over lawsuits and patents. If that was not the case then Apple's iPhone 5 would have featured a super AMOLED4 Plus capacitive touchscreen with a Gorilla Glass display. Samsung is the world's largest dealer of AMOLED screens and Apple's iPhone would definitely have benefitted from that. Maybe things will turn out better in the future. All the problems started when Apple charged Samsung for copying iPhone's design to develop the Samsung Galaxy S2.

显示方式:先前,苹果与三星之间有许多关于专利的诉讼。现在这些问题将不复存在,因为苹果iPhone 5一个重要的特征是采用了super AMOLED3 Plus电容式金刚玻璃触摸屏,三星是世界最大的AMOLED触摸屏经销商,看来苹果iPhone也得感谢三星AMOLED触摸屏,未来将会证实这是一个无比正确的决定,可是,一切问题源于苹果起诉三星开发的Samsung Galaxy S2盗版了iPhone的设计。

NFC5-enabled mobile payment: Apple's iPhone 4 was rumored to have NFC support but did not get it. Now it seems that the upcoming iPhone 5 will also not have it. Other Android-based smartphones like Samsung Galaxy S2 and Google Nexus 4G are already out there with it. In May, Business Insider, quoting a Bernstein report, said that Apple's next iPhone will not support NFC-based mobile payment. This may be due to lack in industry standards. The smartphone will also be devoid of Google Wallet that arrived in May

NFC手机支付:苹果iPhone 4曾传言支持NFC近场通讯功能,但后来还是传言。现在看来,iPhone 5也不能支持。而基于Android系统的三星的Galaxy S2和谷歌Nexus 4G早已经能够使用手机支付了,今年五月,业内人士引用了Bernstein的报告,称:苹果下一代iPhone不会支持基于NFC的手机支付功能,这大概是缺乏工业标准造成的吧,这意味着iPhone 5无法使用今年5月刚出现的Google钱包功能!!

iCloud: Apple's iPhone 4 had two internal memory specifications, 16 and 32 GB. Apple's new iCloud, however, has the possibility of offering a 64GB or higher internal memory configuration which could help the iPhone 5's memory crisis. Apple could make use of iCloud's support to leverage iPhone 5's internal memory requirement. However, Apple will not be using iCloud in this edition of the iPhone.

苹果云端:苹果iPhone 4 有两个存储规格,16和32G。然而苹果新一代iCloud可能会配置64G或更高的存储容量,这将有助于解决iPhone 5的容量紧缺的状况,苹果可能会有效利用iCloud调整iPhone 5对存储容量的需求,遗憾的是,iPhone 5中不会使用iCloud功能。


    LTE: 3GPP长期演进技术(3GPP Long Term Evolution, LTE)为第三代合作伙伴计划(3GPP)标准,使用"正交频分复用"(OFDM)的射频接收技术,以及2×2和4×4 MIMO的分集天线技术规格。同时支援FDD(频分双工)和TDD(时分双工)。LTE是GSM超越3G与HSDPA阶段迈向4G的进阶版本。LTE也被俗称为3.9G。2010年12月6日国际电信联盟把LTE正式称为4G.








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    ARM : ARM架构,过去称作高级精简指令集机器(Advanced RISC Machine,更早称作:Acorn RISC Machine),是一个32位精简指令集(RISC)处理器架构,其广泛地使用在许多嵌入式系统设计。由于节能的特点,ARM处理器非常适用于移动通信领域,符合其主要设计目标为低成本、高性能、低耗电的特性。在今日,ARM家族占了所有32位嵌入式处理器75%的比例[1],使它成为占全世界最多数的32位架构之一。ARM处理器可以在很多消费性电子产品上看到,从可携式设备(PDA、移动电话、多媒体播放器、掌上型电子游戏,和计算机)到电脑外设(硬盘、桌面型路由器)甚至在导弹的弹载计算机等军用设施中都有他的存在。在此还有一些基于ARM设计的派生产品,重要产品还包括Marvell的XScale架构和德州仪器的OMAP系列。

    Thunderbolt:Thunderbolt,计划代号Light Peak,是由英特尔(Intel)发表的光纤连接器标准,目的在于当作电脑与其他装置之间的通用总线。Thunderbolt目前的讯号线最长可达100米,且双向同步传输速度可达10Gb/s,英特尔希望在2020年时将它提升到100 Gbit/s。Thunderbolt透过光纤线路发送具红外线光芒的讯号代替传统的数据线进行数据传输,当作电脑与其他装置之间的通用连接线,类似目前USB的功能,未来一台电脑可装设数个Thunderbolt连接埠,提供不同的装置使用,也可直接连接到一个具有数种对外接口的装置上,用一种细长的线缆支援多种输入输出装置。

    AMOLED:AMOLED(有源矩阵有机发光二极体或主动矩阵有机发光二极体,英语:Active-matrix organic light-emitting diode),是一种应用于电视和移动设备中的显示技术。其中OLED(有机发光二极体)描述的是薄膜显示技术的具体类型-有机电激发光显示,AM(有源矩阵)指的是背后的像素寻址技术。截至2011年,AMOLED技术被用在移动电话和媒体播放器上[1],并继续朝低功耗,低成本,大尺寸(例如40英寸)方向发展。

    NFC:近场通信(英语:Near Field Communication,NFC),又称近距离无线通信,是一种短距离的高频无线通信技术,允许电子设备之间进行非接触式点对点数据传输,在十厘米(3.9英吋)内,交换数据。

posted @ 2011-07-18 01:29  zuizuihao  阅读(552)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报