Dim printFont As Font = New Font("宋体", 10)
' Construct the PrintPreviewControl.
Me.PrintPreviewControl1 = New Windows.Forms.PrintPreviewControl
' Set location, name, and dock style for PrintPreviewControl1.
Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Location = New Point(88, 80)
Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Name = "PrintPreviewControl1"
Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
' Set the Document property to the PrintDocument
' for which the PrintPage event has been handled.
Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Document = docToPrint
' Set the zoom to 25 percent.
Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Zoom = 1
' Set the document name. This will show be displayed when
' the document is loading into the control.
' Set the UseAntiAlias property to true so fonts are smoothed
' by the operating system.
Me.PrintPreviewControl1.UseAntiAlias = True
Me.PrintPreviewControl1.Rows = 5 '纵向显示五页,用于调试
' Add the control to the form.
Private Sub docToPrint_PrintPage(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs) Handles docToPrint.PrintPage
Dim linesPerPage As Single = 0
Dim yPos As Single = 0
Dim count As Integer = 0
Dim leftMargin As Single = e.MarginBounds.Left '左边距
Dim topMargin As Single = e.MarginBounds.Top '右边距
Dim line As String = Nothing
' Calculate the number of lines per page.
linesPerPage = e.MarginBounds.Height / printFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics)
Static starRow As Integer
Dim row As Integer
For row = starRow To Me.lv.Items.Count - 1
If count > linesPerPage Then
starRow = row
Exit For
End If
Dim item = Me.lv.Items(row)
yPos = topMargin + count * printFont.GetHeight(e.Graphics)
Dim x As Single = leftMargin
For m As Integer = 0 To item.SubItems.Count - 1
x += Me.lv.Columns(m).Width
line = item.SubItems(m).Text
e.Graphics.DrawString(line, printFont, Brushes.Black, x, yPos, New StringFormat())
count += 1
If row = Me.lv.Items.Count Then
e.HasMorePages = False
e.HasMorePages = True
End If
End Sub