__author__ = 'Administrator' import fileinput #!/usr/bin/env python # -*-coding:UTF-8-*- import io,sys def numif(number): # 判断输入是否为数字 while not number.isdigit(): # 输入不是数字就进入循环 number = input('\033[31m 输入%s不是数字,请重新输入!\033[0m' % number) # 提示重新输入 number = number return number def chioce(): print('--------------请选择-----------------') print('1、添加backwend和server信息') print('2、修改backwend和server信息') print('3、删除backwend和server信息') print('4、查询backwend和server信息') print('5、退出') print('------------------------------------') # number = numif(input("请选择您的操作:")) number=input("请选择您的操作:") return number def add(): new={}#新增 new["backend"]=input( '请输入bakend:') new["server"]=input('请输入recordserver:') new["IP"]=input('请输入IP:') new["weight"]=input('请输入recordweight:') new["maxconn"]=input('请输入recordmaxconn:') all= 'backend %(backend)s \n server %(server)s %(IP)s weight %(weight)s maxconn %(maxconn)s' % new #格式化输出字典 with open('E:\haproxy.txt','a') as f_new: f_new.write(all) def lineno(): fro = open('E:\haproxy.txt', "r") frw = open('E:\haproxy.txt', "r+") current_line = 0 strinput=input('请输入需要删除的信息:') for line in fro: current_line+=1 if line.startswith(strinput):#只与开始进行匹配 break fro.close() frw.close() return current_line #返回需要删除的字符所在行的行号 def removeLine(filename, lineno): fro = open(filename, "r") current_line = 0 while current_line < lineno: fro.readline() current_line += 1 seekpoint = fro.tell()#需要被删除的位置,读对应的指针 frw = open(filename, "r+"), 0)#定位到删除位置 # read the line we want to discard fro.readline() # 读入一行进内内存 同时! 文件指针下移实现删除 # now move the rest of the lines in the file # one line back chars = fro.readline() while chars: frw.writelines(chars) chars = fro.readline() fro.close() frw.truncate() frw.close() def search(arg): fro = open('E:\haproxy.txt', "r") flag=False result=[] for line in fro: if line.startswith(arg): flag=True continue if line.startswith("backend"): flag=False if flag: result.append(line) return result while True: number=chioce() if number=='1': add() if number=='2': print('修改') if number=='3': removeLine('E:\haproxy.txt', lineno()-1) if number=='4': arg=input('请输入需要查询的信息:') search(arg) if number=='5': exit()