
IDEA里运行代码时出现Error:scalac: error while loading JUnit4, Scala signature JUnit4 has wrong version expected: 5.0 found: 4.1 in JUnit4.class错误的解决办法(图文详解)








Information:2017/8/29 7:54 - Compilation completed with 10 errors and 0 warnings in 3s 910ms
Error:scalac: error while loading JUnit4, Scala signature JUnit4 has wrong version
 expected: 5.0
 found: 4.1 in JUnit4.class
Error:scalac: error while loading ConsoleRunner, Scala signature ConsoleRunner has wrong version
 expected: 5.0
 found: 4.1 in ConsoleRunner.class
Error:scalac: error while loading Specification, Scala signature Specification has wrong version
 expected: 5.0
 found: 4.1 in Specification.class
Error:(6, 26) illegal inheritance;
 self-type zhouls.bigdata.MySpecTest does not conform to org.specs.runner.JUnit4's selftype org.specs.runner.JUnit4
class MySpecTest extends JUnit4(MySpec)
Error:(6, 18) org.specs.runner.JUnit4 does not have a constructor
class MySpecTest extends JUnit4(MySpec)
Error:(8, 29) illegal inheritance;
 self-type zhouls.bigdata.MySpecRunner.type does not conform to org.specs.runner.ConsoleRunner's selftype org.specs.runner.ConsoleRunner
object MySpecRunner extends ConsoleRunner(MySpec)
Error:(8, 21) org.specs.runner.ConsoleRunner does not have a constructor
object MySpecRunner extends ConsoleRunner(MySpec)
Error:(10, 23) illegal inheritance;
 self-type zhouls.bigdata.MySpec.type does not conform to org.specs.Specification's selftype org.specs.Specification
object MySpec extends Specification {
Error:(10, 15) org.specs.Specification does not have a constructor
object MySpec extends Specification {
Error:(11, 27) value should is not a member of String
  "This wonderful system" should {

















   File  -> settings ->  Editor -> plugins -> junit




posted @ 2017-08-29 07:59  大数据和AI躺过的坑  阅读(3372)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报