SharePoint(Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (wss)) 搜索错误的解决方法


当在Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services (wss)进行搜索的时候,若出现和“没有发现搜索结果”类似的错误。
如果使用 SQL Server Enterprise Manager 去看Microsoft SQL Server的SiteName_SITE 数据库里的全文目录( full-text catalog),就可以发现被索引的项目计数为0。 如果试图索引全文目录,可能会出现下面的错误:
Error 7605: Full-text catalog ‘ix_CatalogName_SITE’ has been lost. Use SPS_fulltext_catalog to rebuild and repopulate this full-text catalog.


This issue may occur if a problem with the full-text catalog(全文目录) in the SiteName_SITE database prevents indexes from being generated correctly.


          在查询分析器中使用execute sp_fulltext_database 'enable'打开数据库全文索引的支持


1. 打开SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
2. 展开数据库, 展开SiteName_SITE 数据库, 并点击全文目录(Full-Text Catalogs).
3. 在右边窗格里, 右键点击全文目录(full-text catalog), 并点击重建目录.
4. 当提示是否重建全文目录时,选确定(Yes).这个时候可以看到项目计数会不断增加。
5. 退出SQL Server Enterprise Manager.


For more information about how to rebuild a full-text catalog in SQL Server, see the "Full-Text Indexes" section of SQL Server Books Online.

For more information about SharePoint Portal Server 2003, visit the following Microsoft Web site: For more information about Windows SharePoint Services, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
posted @ 2004-11-24 17:12  嘻哈  阅读(1524)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报