口译务实——unit10 II



全句可翻译为:China's economic development is high on the meeting's agenda.




全句可翻译为:Since it embarked on the parth of reform and opening-up nearly 30 years ago, China has seen profound economic and social changes.


3. 中国实现了从计划经济体制到社会主义市场经济体制的转变,实现了从封闭半封闭经济到开放经济的转变。


全句可翻译为:China has succeded in transforming itself from a closed and semi-closed planned economy into open socialist market economy.


4. 这些成就的取得,根本的原因,是我们找到了一条符合中国国情,顺应时代潮流的正确发展道路。


全句可翻译为:All these achievements are possible because we have embarked on a correct path of development that suited it particular conditions and is in keeping with the trend of times.


5. 我要坦率地告诉大家,中国仍然是一个发展中国家,人口多,底子薄,生产力不发达的状况没有根本改变。


全句可翻译为:I want to tell you frankly that China is still a developing country with a large population, weak economic foundation and underdeveloped productivity. This is a reality that has basically remained unchanged.


6. 城乡发展、地区发展不平衡的问题相当突出。


全句可翻译为:the uneven developmnet between urban and rural areas and among differ regions is still an acute problem.


7. 十多亿人口大国在社会转型时期的矛盾和问题非常复杂。


全句可翻译为:China, a big country with over one billion population, has encountered a host of interwined problems and difficulties in the course of social transformation.


8. 中国当前经济发展的总体形势是好的,国民经济持续快速增长,财政金融平稳运行,对外贸易稳步发展,人民生活不断改善。


全句可翻译为:China's economy on the whole is in good shape, marked by sustained and fast economic growth, sound financial performance, growing trade and rising living standards.


9. 经济增长速度偏快,结构性矛盾突出,发展方式粗放,资源匮乏,环境恶化,物价上涨压力增加,体制机制性障碍还没有根本消除。


全句可翻译为:They include excessively rapid economic growth, acute structural tensions, the inefficient pattern of growth, depletion of resources and environmental degradation, mounting pressure on price and entrenched structural and institutional obstacles.


10. 坚持以人为本、全面协调可持续发展的道路。


全句可翻译为:We are committed to a comprhensive , coordinate and sustainable path of development that puts people's interests first.


11. 我们要建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会。


全句可翻译为:Strive to build a resource-conserving and environment friendly society.


12. 我们的国民经济和社会发展规划确定了节能降耗和污染减排的约束性指标,我们有信心有决心通过坚持不懈地努力,完成这个艰巨的任务。


全句可翻译为:Saving energy and reducing energy and resource consumption and pollution discharge have been set as obligatory targets in China's plan on national economic and social development.  We have the confidence and resolve to accomplish this arduous task through unremitting efforts.


13. 我们高度重视应对气候变化问题,制定了应对气候变化的国家方案。


全句可翻译为:we take climate change seriously and have formulated national program on tackling climate change.


14. 维护和发展最广大群众的切身利益,是各项工作的落脚点。


全句可翻译为:To protect and advance the interests of the people is the ultimate goal of all our endeavors.


15. 我们要以解决民生问题为重点,全面推进和谐社会建设。


全句可翻译为:We need to build a harmonious  society in all aspects, and the focus of our effort is to address issues connecting people's livelihood.


16. 推进改革: Deepen reform


17. 构筑有利于科学发展、和谐发展的体制机制保障。


全句可翻译为:to establish institutional safeguards which facilitate scientific and harmonious development.


18. 继续推进政治体制改革,扩大人民民主,加强法治建设,促进社会公平正义。


全句可翻译为:we will continue to advance political reform, expand people's democracy, strengthen the rule of law, and promote social equity and justice.


19. 这样的发展势头还能不能继续下去?


全句可翻译为:Will such development momentum continue?


20. 尽管前进道路上会遇到这样或那样的困难、风险和挑战,但我们有信心、有能力、有办法战胜任何艰难险阻,把现代化建设大业不断推向前进。


全句可翻译为:Despite the difficulties, risks and challenges on our way ahead, we have the confidence, capability and means to surmount them and advance the modernization drive.


posted @ 2012-03-05 22:14  KingsLanding  阅读(592)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报