mybatis 对string类型判断比较 group case when then 综合


特别注意两点 一个是where 的用法
case when的用法

<if test='hasLoanApplicationFlag == "1"'>
这个对string的比较 是单引号 括起test后面的整串, 然后 == 然后双引号括起比较的字符串内容


<select id="querySalesmanAndLoanInfoList" parameterType="com.zyd.orders.placeorder.model.SalesmanDO" 

select T.salesmanId, T.salesmanCode, T.salesmanName, T.idNo, T.idType,T.phoneNo, T.channelId,T.registerDate, T.profession,,
T.sumLoanAppCount, T.sumInProgressCount, T.sumFailLoanCount,T.sumReleaseCount,T.sumReleaseAmount ,T.channelName 
s.salesman_id as salesmanId,
s.salesman_code as salesmanCode,
s.salesman_name as salesmanName,
s.id_no as idNo, 
s.id_type as idType, 
s.phone_no as phoneNo, 
s.channel_id as channelId, 
s.register_date as registerDate, 
s.profession as profession, as email,
count(case when ob.apply_status > 0 then ob.apply_status end) as sumLoanAppCount, 
count(case when ob.apply_status > 1 and ob.apply_status < 6 then ob.apply_status end) as sumInProgressCount,
count(case when ob.apply_status = 7 then ob.apply_status end) as sumFailLoanCount,
count(case when ob.release_status = 1 then ob.release_status end) as sumReleaseCount,
sum(case when ob.release_status = 1 then ob.release_money end) as sumReleaseAmount,
c.channel_name as channelName
from salesman s left join order_base ob 
on s.salesman_id = ob.user_id 
left join channel_vendor c
on s.channel_id = c.channel_id 
<if test="salesmanId != null and salesmanId != ''">
AND s.salesman_id = #{salesmanId}
<if test="phoneNo != null and phoneNo != ''">
AND s.phone_no = #{phoneNo}
<if test="password != null and password != ''">
AND s.password = #{password}
<if test="salesmanName != null and salesmanName != ''">
AND s.salesman_name = #{salesmanName}
<if test="idNo != null and idNo != ''">
AND s.id_no = #{idNo}
<if test="cardNo != null and cardNo != ''">
AND s.card_no = #{cardNo}
<if test="loanApplicationCode != null and loanApplicationCode != ''">
AND = #{loanApplicationCode}
<if test="registerBeginDate != null">
AND s.register_date >= #{registerBeginDate}
<if test="registerEndDate != null">
AND s.register_date <= #{registerEndDate}
group by s.salesman_id,s.salesman_code,s.salesman_name,s.id_no,s.id_type,s.phone_no,s.channel_id,s.register_date,s.profession,,s.login_total_times 
) T
<if test='hasLoanApplicationFlag == "1"'>
AND T.sumLoanAppCount > 0



select * from (
s.salesman_id as salesmanId,
s.salesman_name as salesmanName,
s.id_no as idNo, 
s.id_type as idType, 
s.phone_no as phoneNo, 
s.channel_id as channelId, 
s.register_date as registerDate, 
s.profession as profession, as email,
count(case when ob.apply_status = 7 then ob.apply_status else 0 end) as reject_count,
count(case when ob.apply_status > 1 and ob.apply_status < 6 then ob.apply_status else 0 end) as inprogress_count,
count(case when ob.apply_status > 0 then ob.apply_status else 0 end) as total_count,
count(case when ob.release_status = 1 then ob.apply_status else 0 end) as release_status,
sum(case when ob.release_status = 1 then ob.release_money else 0 end) as total_release_amt
from salesman s left join order_base ob
on s.salesman_id = ob.user_id 
where s.salesman_id = 1
group by s.salesman_id,s.salesman_name,s.id_no,s.id_type,s.phone_no,s.channel_id,s.register_date,s.profession,

) t

posted @ 2019-09-05 14:08  那些年的代码  阅读(2894)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报