What is difference between UIModalTransitionStyle and UIModalPresentationStyle ?

For UIViewController, we have UIModalTransitionStyle and UIModalPresentationStyle enter link description here

Question is what is the difference of them ?

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UIModalTransitionStyle is used to specify how the modal form transitions into view. For example, it can come in vertically, flip horizontal, or do a partial curl.

UIModalPresentationStyle is used to specified whether you want the modal form to be full screen (basically what iPhone uses) or otherwise (therefore only makes sense for iPad) as a page sheet (full height, width is the size of the portrait mode screen width), a form sheet (partial width and partial height) or current context (i.e. what the parent container uses).

posted on 2011-06-04 18:02  禚来强  阅读(815)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
