Merge k Sorted Lists

2013.12.7 01:32

Merge k sorted linked lists and return it as one sorted list. Analyze and describe its complexity.


  You must've done the job of merging two sorted linked lists quite often, this time it's k lists. The simple way is to find the smallest of all k head nodes, pick it out and put into the result list, then move the corresponding node forward by 1 step. Do this until all k lists are empty.

  In that case, the time complexity would be O(n * k), where $n is the total number of nodes in k lists. Every time we use linear search through k nodes to find the minimum, that's where the problem lies.

  With minimal heap we can achieve O(n * log(k)) time, with O(k) extra space complexity. But note that you cannot put a pointer into the priority_queue STL, so might as well use some trick to deal with this trivial matter, e.g. a wrapper struct or class will do.

Accepted code:

 1 // 9CE, 1WA, 1AC, pointer can't be elements of priority_queue, might as well wrap it with a class.
 2 // Seem so silly...
 3 #include <queue>
 4 using namespace std;
 5 /**
 6  * Definition for singly-linked list.
 7  * struct ListNode {
 8  *     int val;
 9  *     ListNode *next;
10  *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
11  * };
12  */
14 class ListNodeSt{
15 public:
16     ListNode *ptr;
18     ListNodeSt(ListNode *_ptr = nullptr){
19         ptr = _ptr;
20     }
21 };
23 bool operator < (const ListNodeSt a, const ListNodeSt b) {
24     return a.ptr->val > b.ptr->val;
25 }
27 class Solution {
28 public:
29     ListNode *mergeKLists(vector<ListNode *> &lists) {
30         // IMPORTANT: Please reset any member data you declared, as
31         // the same Solution instance will be reused for each test case.
32         int k;
33         ListNode *root, *par, *tmp;
34         ListNodeSt st;
36         while(!pq.empty()){
37             pq.pop();
38         }
39         k = lists.size();
40         if(k <= 0){
41             return nullptr;
42         }
45         int i;
46         for(i = 0; i < k; ++i){
47             if(lists[i] != nullptr){
48                 pq.push(ListNodeSt(lists[i]));
49             }
50         }
51         root = nullptr;
52         par = root;
53         while(!pq.empty()){
54             st =;
55             tmp = st.ptr;
56             pq.pop();
57             if(par == nullptr){
58                 par = tmp;
59                 root = par;
60             }else{
61                 par->next = tmp;
62             }
63             if(tmp->next != nullptr){
64                 pq.push(ListNodeSt(tmp->next));
65             }
66             tmp->next = nullptr;
67             par = tmp;
68         }
70         return root;
71     }
72 private:
73     priority_queue<ListNodeSt> pq;
74 };


 posted on 2013-12-07 01:49  zhuli19901106  阅读(246)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报