USACO Section 2.2 Subset Sums(整数划分01背包思想)

Subset Sums

For many sets of consecutive integers from 1 through N (1 <= N <= 39), one can partition the set into two sets whose sums are identical.

For example, if N=3, one can partition the set {1, 2, 3} in one way so that the sums of both subsets are identical:

  • {3} and {1,2}

This counts as a single partitioning (i.e., reversing the order counts as the same partitioning and thus does not increase the count of partitions).

If N=7, there are four ways to partition the set {1, 2, 3, ... 7} so that each partition has the same sum:

  • {1,6,7} and {2,3,4,5}
  • {2,5,7} and {1,3,4,6}
  • {3,4,7} and {1,2,5,6}
  • {1,2,4,7} and {3,5,6}

Given N, your program should print the number of ways a set containing the integers from 1 through N can be partitioned into two sets whose sums are identical. Print 0 if there are no such ways.

Your program must calculate the answer, not look it up from a table.



The input file contains a single line with a single integer representing N, as above.




The output file contains a single line with a single integer that tells how many same-sum partitions can be made from the set {1, 2, ..., N}. The output file should contain 0 if there are no ways to make a same-sum partition.

SAMPLE OUTPUT (file subset.out)

题意:输入一个 n ,从 1 到 n 这 n 个数分成两部分,这两部分的和相等,问这种方法有多少种。
分析:d[i][j] 表示前 i 个数组合起来的和是 j 的种数,对 j 考虑选择与不选择两种情况,不选:d[i-1][j],选择:d[i-1][j-i];所以d[i][j]=d[i-1][j]+d[i-1][j-i];

View Code
 1 /*
 2   ID: dizzy_l1
 3   LANG: C++
 4   TASK: subset
 5 */
 6 #include<iostream>
 7 #include<cstring>
 8 #include<cstdio>
10 using namespace std;
12 long long d[1000];
14 int main()
15 {
16     freopen("","r",stdin);
17     freopen("subset.out","w",stdout);
18     int n,sumv,i,j;
19     while(cin>>n)
20     {
21         sumv=(n+1)*n/2;
22         if(sumv%2==1)
23         {
24             printf("0\n");
25             continue;
26         }
27         sumv=sumv/2;
28         memset(d,0,sizeof(d));
29         d[0]=1;
30         for(i=1;i<=n;i++)
31         {
32             for(j=sumv;j>=i;j--)
33             {
34                 d[j]+=d[j-i];
35             }
36         }
37         cout<<d[sumv]/2<<endl;
38     }
39     return 0;
40 }


posted @ 2012-09-01 11:29  mtry  阅读(1142)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报