USACO Section 2.1 The Castle (dfs)

The Castle
IOI'94 - Day 1

In a stroke of luck almost beyond imagination, Farmer John was sent a ticket to the Irish Sweepstakes (really a lottery) for his birthday. This ticket turned out to have only the winning number for the lottery! Farmer John won a fabulous castle in the Irish countryside.

Bragging rights being what they are in Wisconsin, Farmer John wished to tell his cows all about the castle. He wanted to know how many rooms it has and how big the largest room was. In fact, he wants to take out a single wall to make an even bigger room.

Your task is to help Farmer John know the exact room count and sizes.

The castle floorplan is divided into M (wide) by N (1 <=M,N<=50) square modules. Each such module can have between zero and four walls. Castles always have walls on their "outer edges" to keep out the wind and rain.

Consider this annotated floorplan of a castle:

     1   2   3   4   5   6   7
 1 #   |   #   |   #   |   |   #
 2 #   #   |   #   #   #   #   #
 3 #   |   |   #   #   #   #   #   
 4 # ->#   |   |   |   |   #   #   

#  = Wall     -,|  = No wall
-> = Points to the wall to remove to
     make the largest possible new room

By way of example, this castle sits on a 7 x 4 base. A "room" includes any set of connected "squares" in the floor plan. This floorplan contains five rooms (whose sizes are 9, 7, 3, 1, and 8 in no particular order).

Removing the wall marked by the arrow merges a pair of rooms to make the largest possible room that can be made by removing a single wall.

The castle always has at least two rooms and always has a wall that can be removed.



The map is stored in the form of numbers, one number for each module, M numbers on each of N lines to describe the floorplan. The input order corresponds to the numbering in the example diagram above.

Each module number tells how many of the four walls exist and is the sum of up to four integers:

  • 1: wall to the west
  • 2: wall to the north
  • 4: wall to the east
  • 8: wall to the south

Inner walls are defined twice; a wall to the south in module 1,1 is also indicated as a wall to the north in module 2,1.

Line 1: Two space-separated integers: M and N
Line 2..: M x N integers, several per line.


7 4
11 6 11 6 3 10 6
7 9 6 13 5 15 5
1 10 12 7 13 7 5
13 11 10 8 10 12 13


The output contains several lines:

Line 1: The number of rooms the castle has.
Line 2: The size of the largest room
Line 3: The size of the largest room creatable by removing one wall
Line 4: The single wall to remove to make the largest room possible

Choose the optimal wall to remove from the set of optimal walls by choosing the module farthest to the west (and then, if still tied, farthest to the south). If still tied, choose 'N' before 'E'. Name that wall by naming the module that borders it on either the west or south, along with a direction of N or E giving the location of the wall with respect to the module.

SAMPLE OUTPUT (file castle.out)

4 1 E


第一步:使用dfs标记整个地图 flag[][] 属于哪个连通图;
第二步:统计每个连通图的大小存入 size[];


View Code
  1 /*
  2 ID: dizzy_l1
  3 LANG: C++
  4 TASK: castle
  5 */
  6 #include<iostream>
  7 #include<cstring>
  8 #include<cstdio>
  9 #define MAXN 60
 11 using namespace std;
 13 bool visited[MAXN][MAXN];
 14 int map[MAXN][MAXN],flag[MAXN][MAXN],size[MAXN*MAXN];
 15 int n,m,cnt;
 17 void dfs_flag(int i,int j)
 18 {
 19     flag[i][j]=cnt;
 20     visited[i][j]=true;
 21     if(j>1&&!visited[i][j-1]&&(map[i][j]&1))
 22         dfs_flag(i,j-1);
 23     if(i<n&&!visited[i+1][j]&&(map[i][j]&8))
 24         dfs_flag(i+1,j);
 25     if(j<m&&!visited[i][j+1]&&(map[i][j]&4))
 26         dfs_flag(i,j+1);
 27     if(i>1&&!visited[i-1][j]&&(map[i][j]&2))
 28         dfs_flag(i-1,j);
 29 }
 31 int count_size()
 32 {
 33     int i,j,ans;
 34     memset(size,0,sizeof(size));
 35     for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
 36         for(j=1; j<=m; j++)
 37             size[flag[i][j]]++;
 38     ans=0;
 39     for(i=1; i<=cnt; i++)
 40         if(ans<size[i])
 41             ans=size[i];
 42     return ans;
 43 }
 45 int ans_cnt,ans_max1,ans_max2,ans_i,ans_j;
 46 char ans_p;
 48 void work_ans()
 49 {
 50     int i,j;
 51     ans_max2=0;
 52     for(j=1; j<=m; j++)
 53     {
 54         for(i=n; i>=1; i--)
 55         {
 56             int t;
 57             map[i][j]^=15;
 58             if(j>1&&(map[i][j]&1))
 59             {
 60                 if(flag[i][j-1]!=flag[i][j])
 61                     t=size[flag[i][j-1]]+size[flag[i][j]];
 62                 else
 63                     t=size[flag[i][j]];
 64                 if(ans_max2<t)
 65                 {
 66                     ans_max2=t;
 67                     ans_i=i;
 68                     ans_j=j;
 69                     ans_p='W';
 70                 }
 71             }
 72             if(i<n&&(map[i][j]&8))
 73             {
 74                 if(flag[i+1][j]!=flag[i][j])
 75                     t=size[flag[i+1][j]]+size[flag[i][j]];
 76                 else
 77                     t=size[flag[i][j]];
 78                 if(ans_max2<t)
 79                 {
 80                     ans_max2=t;
 81                     ans_i=i;
 82                     ans_j=j;
 83                     ans_p='S';
 84                 }
 85             }
 86             if(i>1&&(map[i][j]&2))
 87             {
 88                 if(flag[i-1][j]!=flag[i][j])
 89                     t=size[flag[i-1][j]]+size[flag[i][j]];
 90                 else
 91                     t=size[flag[i][j]];
 92                 if(ans_max2<t)
 93                 {
 94                     ans_max2=t;
 95                     ans_i=i;
 96                     ans_j=j;
 97                     ans_p='N';
 98                 }
 99             }
100             if(j<m&&(map[i][j]&4))
101             {
102                 if(flag[i][j+1]!=flag[i][j])
103                     t=size[flag[i][j+1]]+size[flag[i][j]];
104                 else
105                     t=size[flag[i][j]];
106                 if(ans_max2<t)
107                 {
108                     ans_max2=t;
109                     ans_i=i;
110                     ans_j=j;
111                     ans_p='E';
112                 }
113             }
114         }
115     }
116 }
118 int main()
119 {
120     freopen("","r",stdin);
121     freopen("castle.out","w",stdout);
122     int i,j;
123     while(scanf("%d %d",&m,&n)==2)
124     {
125         for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
126             for(j=1; j<=m; j++)
127                 scanf("%d",&map[i][j]),map[i][j]^=15;
128         memset(flag,0,sizeof(flag));
129         memset(visited,false,sizeof(visited));
130         cnt=0;
131         for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
132             for(j=1; j<=m; j++)
133                 if(!visited[i][j])
134                 {
135                     cnt++;
136                     dfs_flag(i,j);
137                 }
138         ans_cnt=cnt;
139         ans_max1=count_size();
140         work_ans();
141         printf("%d\n",ans_cnt);
142         printf("%d\n%d\n",ans_max1,ans_max2);
143         printf("%d %d %c\n",ans_i,ans_j,ans_p);
144     }
145     return 0;
146 }
posted @ 2012-08-30 13:54  mtry  阅读(262)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报