所谓二部图(bipartite graphs),是指图中的节点可以分这两个子集,任意一条边关联的两个节点分别来自于这两个子集。用I(v)和O(v)分别表示节点v的in-neighbors和out-neighbors。看上面的二部图,我们把A、B当成两个人,把a、b、c当成三件商品,有向边代表人购买的商品。simrank的基本思想是:如果两个实体相似,那么跟它们相关的实体应该也相似。比如在上图中如果a和c相似,那么A和B应该也相似,因为A和a相关,而B和c相关。
\begin{equation}s(A,B)=\frac{C_1}{|O(A)||O(B)|}\sum_{i=1}^{|O(A)|}\sum_{j=1}^{|O(B)|}s(O_i(A),O_j(B))\ \ \ \ for\ A\ne{B}\label{out}\end{equation}
\begin{equation}s(a,b)=\frac{C_2}{|I(a)||I(b)|}\sum_{i=1}^{|I(a)|}\sum_{j=1}^{|I(b)|}s(I_i(a),I_j(b))\ \ \ \ for\ a\ne{b}\label{in}\end{equation}
Naive SimRank
$R_0(a,b)=\left\{\begin{matrix}0\ \ \ \ if\ a\ne{b}\\1\ \ \ \ if\ a=b\end{matrix}\right.$
$R_{k+1}(a,b)=\left\{\begin{matrix}\frac{C}{|I(a)||I(b)|}\sum_{i=1}^{|I(a)|}\sum_{j=1}^{|I(b)|}R_k(I_i(a),I_j(b))\ \ \ \ if\ a\ne{b}\\1\ \ \ \ if\ a=b\end{matrix}\right.$
\begin{equation}\|S^{(k)}-S\|_{max}\le{c}^{k+1}\ \ \ \ (\vee{k}=0,1,2\ldots)\label{err_ceil}\end{equation}
图2. 网页链接关系图
univ profA profB profA studentA studentA univ profB studentB studentB profB
A a b B b c a A b A B c B
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 import numpy as np import scipy as sp nodes = [] # 所有的节点存入数组 nodesnum = 0 # 所有节点的数目 nodes_index = {} # <节点名,节点在nodes数组中的编号> damp = 0.8 # 阻尼系数 trans_matrix = np.matrix(0) # 转移概率矩阵 sim_matrix = np.matrix(0) # 节点相似度矩阵 def initParam(graphFile): ''' 构建nodes、nodes_index、trans_matrix和第0代的sim_matrix. 输入文件行格式要求:node\toutneighbor\toutneighbor\t...或 node\tinneighbor\tinneighbor\t... ''' global nodes global nodes_index global trans_matrix global sim_matrix global damp global nodesnum link_in = {} for line in open(graphFile, "r", 1024): arr = line.strip("\n").split() node = arr[0] nodeid = -1 if node in nodes_index: nodeid = nodes_index[node] else: nodeid = len(nodes) nodes_index[node] = nodeid nodes.append(node) for ele in arr[1:]: outneighbor = ele outneighborid = -1 if outneighbor in nodes_index: outneighborid = nodes_index[outneighbor] else: outneighborid = len(nodes) nodes_index[outneighbor] = outneighborid nodes.append(outneighbor) inneighbors = [] if outneighborid in link_in: inneighbors = link_in[outneighborid] inneighbors.append(nodeid) link_in[outneighborid] = inneighbors nodesnum = len(nodes) trans_matrix = np.zeros((nodesnum, nodesnum)) for node, inneighbors in link_in.items(): num = len(inneighbors) prob = 1.0 / num for neighbor in inneighbors: trans_matrix[neighbor, node] = prob sim_matrix = np.identity(nodesnum) * (1 - damp) def iterate(): ''' 迭代更新相似度矩阵 ''' global trans_matrix global sim_matrix global damp global nodesnum sim_matrix = damp * np.dot(np.dot(trans_matrix.transpose(), sim_matrix), trans_matrix) + (1 - damp) * np.identity(nodesnum) def printResult(sim_node_file): ''' 打印输出相似度计算结果 ''' global sim_matrix global link_out global link_in global nodes global nodesnum # 打印node之间的相似度 f_out_user = open(sim_node_file, "w") for i in range(nodesnum): f_out_user.write(nodes[i] + "\t") neighbour = [] for j in range(nodesnum): if i != j: sim = sim_matrix[i, j] if sim == None: sim = 0 if sim > 0: neighbour.append((j, sim)) # 按相似度由大到小排序 neighbour = sorted( neighbour, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]), reverse=True) for (u, sim) in neighbour: f_out_user.write(nodes[u] + ":" + str(sim) + "\t") f_out_user.write("\n") f_out_user.close() def simrank(graphFile, maxIteration): global nodes_index global trans_matrix global sim_matrix initParam(graphFile) print "nodes:" print nodes_index print "trans ratio:" print trans_matrix for i in range(maxIteration): print "iteration %d:" % (i + 1) iterate() print sim_matrix if __name__ == '__main__': graphFile = "../data/linkgraph" sim_node_file = "../data/nodesim_naive" maxIteration = 10 simrank(graphFile, maxIteration) printResult(sim_node_file)
univ profB:0.10803511296 studentB:0.02203058176 profA profB:0.36478881792 studentB:0.08159625216 profB profA:0.36478881792 univ:0.10803511296 studentB:0.0642220032 studentA:0.03022258176 studentA studentB:0.28216737792 profB:0.03022258176 studentB studentA:0.28216737792 profA:0.08159625216 profB:0.0642220032 univ:0.02203058176
\begin{equation}\left\{\begin{matrix}S_{\left \langle 2 \right \rangle }^{(0)}=(1-c)\cdot{I_n}\\S_{\left \langle 2 \right \rangle }^{(k+1)}=S_{\left \langle 2 \right \rangle }^{(k)}+c^{2^k}\cdot{(Q^{2^k})^T}\cdot{S_{\left \langle 2 \right \rangle }^{(k)}}\cdot{Q^{2^k}}\end{matrix}\right.\label{square_cache}\end{equation}
\begin{equation}\|S_{\left \langle 2 \right \rangle }^{(k)}-S\|_{max}\le{c}^{2^k}\ \ \ \ (\vee{k}=0,1,2\ldots)\label{square_err_ceil}\end{equation}
$S_{\left \langle 2 \right \rangle }^{(k)}=S^{(2^k-1)}$
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 import numpy as np import scipy as sp nodes = [] # 所有的节点存入数组 nodesnum = 0 # 所有节点的数目 nodes_index = {} # <节点名,节点在nodes数组中的编号> damp = 0.8 # 阻尼系数 trans_matrix = np.matrix(0) # 转移概率矩阵 sim_matrix = np.matrix(0) # 节点相似度矩阵 def initParam(graphFile): ''' 构建nodes、nodes_index、trans_matrix和第0代的sim_matrix. 输入文件行格式要求:node\toutneighbor\toutneighbor\t...或 node\tinneighbor\tinneighbor\t... ''' global nodes global nodes_index global trans_matrix global sim_matrix global damp global nodesnum link_in = {} for line in open(graphFile, "r", 1024): arr = line.strip("\n").split() node = arr[0] nodeid = -1 if node in nodes_index: nodeid = nodes_index[node] else: nodeid = len(nodes) nodes_index[node] = nodeid nodes.append(node) for ele in arr[1:]: outneighbor = ele outneighborid = -1 if outneighbor in nodes_index: outneighborid = nodes_index[outneighbor] else: outneighborid = len(nodes) nodes_index[outneighbor] = outneighborid nodes.append(outneighbor) inneighbors = [] if outneighborid in link_in: inneighbors = link_in[outneighborid] inneighbors.append(nodeid) link_in[outneighborid] = inneighbors nodesnum = len(nodes) trans_matrix = np.zeros((nodesnum, nodesnum)) for node, inneighbors in link_in.items(): num = len(inneighbors) prob = 1.0 / num for neighbor in inneighbors: trans_matrix[node, neighbor] = prob sim_matrix = np.identity(nodesnum) * (1 - damp) def iterate(): ''' 迭代更新相似度矩阵 ''' global trans_matrix global sim_matrix global damp global nodesnum damp=damp**2 trans_matrix=np.dot(trans_matrix,trans_matrix) sim_matrix = damp * np.dot(np.dot(trans_matrix, sim_matrix), trans_matrix.transpose()) + sim_matrix def printResult(sim_node_file): ''' 打印输出相似度计算结果 ''' global sim_matrix global link_out global link_in global nodes global nodesnum # 打印node之间的相似度 f_out_user = open(sim_node_file, "w") for i in range(nodesnum): f_out_user.write(nodes[i] + "\t") neighbour = [] for j in range(nodesnum): if i != j: sim = sim_matrix[i, j] if sim == None: sim = 0 if sim > 0: neighbour.append((j, sim)) # 按相似度由大到小排序 neighbour = sorted( neighbour, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]), reverse=True) for (u, sim) in neighbour: f_out_user.write(nodes[u] + ":" + str(sim) + "\t") f_out_user.write("\n") f_out_user.close() def simrank(graphFile, maxIteration): global nodes_index global trans_matrix global sim_matrix initParam(graphFile) print "nodes:" print nodes_index print "trans ratio:" print trans_matrix for i in range(maxIteration): print "iteration %d:" % (i + 1) iterate() print sim_matrix if __name__ == '__main__': graphFile = "../data/linkgraph" sim_node_file = "../data/nodesim_square" maxIteration = 10 simrank(graphFile, maxIteration) printResult(sim_node_file)
$H_{r\times{r}}=\begin{bmatrix}h_{1,1} & h_{1,2} & h_{1,3} & \cdots & h_{1,r}\\h_{2,1} & h_{2,2} & h_{2,3} & \cdots & h_{2,r}\\0 & h_{3,2} & h_{3,3} & \cdots & h_{3,r}\\\vdots & \ddots & \ddots & \ddots & \vdots\\0 & \cdots & 0 & h_{r,r-1} & h_{r,r}\end{bmatrix}$
$step1.$ $v_0=[1,0,0,\ldots]^T$ $step2.$ $for\ k \in [1,\alpha]$ $\ \ \ \ v_k=Q\cdot{v_{k-1}}$ $\ \ \ \ for\ j \in [0,k)$ $\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ H[j][k-1]=v_j^T\cdot{v_k}$ $\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ v_k=v_k-H[j][k-1]\cdot{v_j}$ $\ \ \ \ norm2=\|v_k\|_2$ $\ \ \ \ if\ norm2=0$ $\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ break$ $\ \ \ \ H[k][k-1]=norm2$ $\ \ \ \ v_k=\frac{v_k}{norm2}$ $step3.$ $V舍弃最后一列,H舍弃最后一行$ |
#!/usr/bin/env pyton # coding=utf-8 import numpy as np from sparse_matrix import SparseMatrix def arnoldi_iteration(Q, n, rank): ''' 对Q进行分解,QV=VH。 Q是输入参数,numpy.matrix类型,n行n列,Q的秩为r。 V和H都是输出参数,numpy.matrix类型。 V是n行r+1列,每列模长为1且各列正交。V的转置与逆相等。 H是r+1行r列的上三角矩阵。 rank用于限制循环次数,r<=rank。 ''' if rank > n or rank <= 0: rank = n V = np.zeros((n, 1)) V[0, 0] = 1 h_col_list=[] k = 1 while k <= rank: h_col = [] v_k = Q.mulMatrixCol(V,k-1) for j in range(k): product = np.dot(np.matrix(V[:,j]).reshape(n,1).transpose(), v_k)[0,0] h_col.append(product) v_k = v_k - product * (np.matrix(V[:,j]).reshape(n,1)) norm2 = np.linalg.norm(v_k, ord=2) if norm2 == 0: print "norm2=0, will break" break h_col.append(norm2) h_col_list.append(h_col) v_k = v_k / norm2 V = np.hstack((V, np.matrix(v_k))) k += 1 r = len(h_col_list) print "r=", r H = np.zeros((r, r)) for i in range(r): h_col = h_col_list[i] for j in range(len(h_col)): if j < r: H[j, i] = h_col[j] V = V[:, :r] return (V, H) if __name__ == '__main__': Q=SparseMatrix() Q.set(0,1,0.5) Q.set(0,2,1) Q.set(1,0,0.5) Q.set(1,3,1) Q.set(2,0,0.5) Q.set(3,1,0.5) (V,H)=arnoldi_iteration(Q,4,-1) print "V=" print V print "H=" print H print "VHV^T=" print np.dot(np.dot(V,H),V.transpose()) print "QV=" print Q.mulMatrix(V) print "VH=" print np.dot(V,H)
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 import numpy as np class SparseMatrix(): ''' 用dict实现高度稀疏的矩阵,dict的key是元素在matrix中的二维坐标,dict的value是元素的值 ''' def __init__(self): self.arr = {} def get(self, row, col): key = (row, col) if key in self.arr: return self.arr[key] else: return 0 def set(self, row, col, value): key = (row, col) self.arr[key] = value def mul(self, vec): ''' 与一个一维向量相乘,返回一个list ''' length = len(vec) rect = [0] * length for k, v in self.arr.items(): i = k[0] j = k[1] rect[i] += v * vec[j] return rect def mulMatrixCol(self, matrix, col): ''' 与矩阵的第col列相乘,返回一个n*1的矩阵 ''' length = matrix.shape[0] rect = np.zeros((length, 1)) for k, v in self.arr.items(): i = k[0] j = k[1] rect[i, 0] += v * matrix[j, col] return rect def mulMatrix(self, matrix): ''' 与一个矩阵相乘 ''' col_num = matrix.shape[1] rect = self.mulMatrixCol(matrix, 0) for i in range(1,col_num): rect = np.hstack((rect, self.mulMatrixCol(matrix, i))) return rect def transmul(self, vec): ''' 矩阵转置后与一维向量相乘 ''' length = len(vec) rect = [0] * length for k, v in self.arr.items(): i = k[1] j = k[0] rect[i] += v * vec[i] return rect
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 import numpy as np import scipy as sp import arnoldi from sparse_matrix import SparseMatrix from topk import TopkHeap nodes = [] # 所有的节点存入数组 nodesnum = 0 # 所有节点的数目 nodes_index = {} # <节点名,节点在nodes数组中的编号> damp = 0.8 # 阻尼系数 sim_matrix = np.matrix(0) # 在krylov子空间上的节点相似度矩阵 # 转移概率矩阵分解为orthogonal*hessenberg*orthogonal.transpose() alpha = 0 orthogonal = [] # nodesnum行,alpha列 hessenberg = np.matrix(0) # alpha行,alpha列 def initParam(graphFile): ''' 构建nodes、nodes_index、trans_matrix和第0代的sim_matrix. 输入文件行格式要求:node\toutneighbor\toutneighbor\t...或 node\tinneighbor\tinneighbor\t... ''' global nodes global nodes_index global sim_matrix global damp global nodesnum global orthogonal global hessenberg global alpha link_in = {} for line in open(graphFile, "r", 1024): arr = line.strip("\n").split() node = arr[0] nodeid = -1 if node in nodes_index: nodeid = nodes_index[node] else: nodeid = len(nodes) nodes_index[node] = nodeid nodes.append(node) for ele in arr[1:]: outneighbor = ele outneighborid = -1 if outneighbor in nodes_index: outneighborid = nodes_index[outneighbor] else: outneighborid = len(nodes) nodes_index[outneighbor] = outneighborid nodes.append(outneighbor) inneighbors = [] if outneighborid in link_in: inneighbors = link_in[outneighborid] inneighbors.append(nodeid) link_in[outneighborid] = inneighbors nodesnum = len(nodes) print "node count is %d:" % (nodesnum) trans_matrix = SparseMatrix() # 真实的转移概率矩阵 for node, inneighbors in link_in.items(): num = len(inneighbors) prob = 1.0 / num for neighbor in inneighbors: trans_matrix.set(node, neighbor, prob) (orthogonal, hessenberg) = arnoldi.arnoldi_iteration( trans_matrix, nodesnum, nodesnum / 100) #人为设定H的规模是trans_matrix的1/100 alpha = hessenberg.shape[0] sim_matrix = np.identity(alpha) * (1 - damp) def iterate(): ''' 迭代更新相似度矩阵 ''' global hessenberg global sim_matrix global damp global nodesnum damp = damp ** 2 hessenberg = np.dot(hessenberg, hessenberg) sim_matrix = damp * np.dot(np.dot(hessenberg, sim_matrix), hessenberg.transpose()) + sim_matrix def printResult(sim_node_file): ''' 打印输出相似度计算结果 ''' # global变量在子进程中可以读,但修改无效 global sim_matrix global orthogonal global nodes global nodesnum # 打印node之间的相似度 f_out_user = open(sim_node_file, "w") for i in range(nodesnum): f_out_user.write(nodes[i] + "\t") heap = TopkHeap(10) # 只取相似度最高的前10个节点 similarity = restoreSim(orthogonal, sim_matrix, i) for j in range(nodesnum): if i != j: sim = similarity[j] if sim == None: sim = 0 if sim > 1E-2: heap.Push((j, sim)) neighbour = heap.TopK() # 按相似度由大到小排序 # TODO 上线时可以不对neighbour排序,排序是为了数据验证阶段调参数 neighbour = sorted( neighbour, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]), reverse=True) simcnt = 0 for (u, sim) in neighbour: f_out_user.write(nodes[u] + ":" + str(sim) + "\t") simcnt += 1 if simcnt >= 100: break f_out_user.write("\n") f_out_user.close() def restoreSim(A, B, i): ''' 还原第i个节点与其他节点的相似度 ''' m = A.shape[0] n = A.shape[1] part = [0] * n for q in range(n): for p in range(n): if q + 1 >= p: # B是上三角矩阵,左下角的部分全为0,可以不管 part[q] += A[i, p] * B[p, q] rect = [0] * m for j in range(m): for q in range(n): rect[j] += A[j, q] * part[q] return rect def simrank(graphFile, maxIteration): initParam(graphFile) for i in range(maxIteration): print "iteration %d:" % (i + 1) iterate() print hessenberg if __name__ == '__main__': graphFile = "../data/linkgraph" sim_node_file = "../data/nodesim_krylov" maxIteration = 10 simrank(graphFile, maxIteration) printResult(sim_node_file)
import heapq import random class TopkHeap(object): def __init__(self, k): self.k = k self.data = [] def Push(self, elem): if len(self.data) < self.k: heapq.heappush(self.data, elem) else: topk_small = self.data[0][1] if elem[1] > topk_small: heapq.heapreplace(self.data, elem) def TopK(self): return [x for x in reversed([heapq.heappop(self.data) for x in xrange(len(self.data))])] if __name__ == "__main__": K=10 list_rand = random.sample(xrange(1000000), 100) th = TopkHeap(K) for i in list_rand: th.Push(('a',i)) print th.TopK() print sorted(list_rand, reverse=True)[0:K]
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # coding=utf-8 3 4 from sym_matrix import SymMatrix 5 import mathutil 6 import math 7 8 user_index = {} # user编号,从0开始 9 position_index = {} # position编号,从0开始 10 link_out = {} # user到position的邻接矩阵 11 link_in = {} # position到user的邻接矩阵 12 user_common_count = SymMatrix() # user共同浏览过的职位数 13 position_common_count = SymMatrix() # position共同被浏览过的用户数 14 user_sim_matrix = SymMatrix() # user之间的相似度矩阵 15 position_sim_matrix = SymMatrix() # position之间的相似度矩阵 16 user_damp = 0.8 # user阻尼系数 17 position_damp = 0.8 # position阻尼系数 18 evidence_size = 20 19 evidence = [] # evidence常量数组 20 user_weight_sum_variance = {} # 1个user节点上所有边权值的和以及方差 21 position_weight_sum_variance = {} # 1个position节点上所有边权值的和以及方差 22 23 24 def initEvidence(): 25 ''' 26 计算evidence常量数组 27 ''' 28 global evidence_size 29 global evidence 30 31 for i in range(evidence_size): 32 evidence.append(0) 33 evidence[0] = 0.5 34 for i in range(1, evidence_size): 35 evidence[i] = evidence[i - 1] + 1.0 / math.pow(2, i + 1) 36 37 38 def indexUserAndPosition(viewfile): 39 ''' 40 读取user浏览position页面的记录文件,为user和position建立编号 41 ''' 42 global user_index 43 global position_index 44 user_count = 0 45 position_count = 0 46 for line in open(viewfile, "r"): 47 arr = line.strip("\n").split() 48 user = arr[0] 49 if user not in user_index: 50 user_index[user] = user_count 51 user_count += 1 52 for ele in arr[1:]: 53 brr = ele.split(":") 54 if len(brr) == 2: 55 position = brr[0] 56 if position not in position_index: 57 position_index[position] = position_count 58 position_count += 1 59 60 61 def readLink(viewfile): 62 ''' 63 读取user浏览position页面的记录文件,建构出度和入度邻接矩阵 64 ''' 65 global link_out 66 global link_in 67 global position_index 68 global user_index 69 70 for line in open(viewfile, "r"): 71 arr = line.strip("\n").split() 72 user = arr[0] 73 userid = user_index[user] 74 position_count_collection = {} 75 for ele in arr[1:]: 76 brr = ele.split(":") 77 if len(brr) == 2: 78 position = brr[0] 79 positionid = position_index[position] 80 count = int(brr[1]) 81 position_count_collection[positionid] = count 82 user_count_collection = {} 83 if positionid in link_in: 84 user_count_collection = link_in[positionid] 85 user_count_collection[userid] = count 86 link_in[positionid] = user_count_collection 87 link_out[userid] = position_count_collection 88 89 90 def initWeightSumAndVariance(): 91 ''' 92 计算user_weight_sum_variance和position_weight_sum_variance 93 ''' 94 global link_out 95 global link_in 96 97 for k, v in link_out.items(): 98 ps = [] 99 for p, c in v.items(): 100 ps.append(c) 101 tup = mathutil.getSumAndVariance(ps) 102 user_weight_sum_variance[k] = tup 103 for k, v in link_in.items(): 104 us = [] 105 for u, c in v.items(): 106 us.append(c) 107 tup = mathutil.getSumAndVariance(us) 108 position_weight_sum_variance[k] = tup 109 110 111 def initSimMatrix(): 112 ''' 113 初始化相似度矩阵position_sim_matrix/user_sim_matrix 114 ''' 115 global link_out 116 global link_in 117 global user_sim_matrix 118 global position_sim_matrix 119 global user_common_count 120 global position_common_count 121 122 usernum = len(link_out) # user节点的数量 123 positionnum = len(link_in) # position节点的数量 124 125 user_sim_matrix = SymMatrix() 126 position_sim_matrix = SymMatrix() 127 user_common_count = SymMatrix() 128 position_common_count = SymMatrix() 129 130 # 计算user两两之间的相似度 131 # print "user_sim_matrix=" 132 for k1, v1 in link_out.items(): # user到position的链接 133 ps1 = [] 134 for p, c in v1.items(): 135 ps1.append(p) 136 for k2, v2 in link_out.items(): 137 if k1 < k2: 138 ps2 = [] 139 for p, c in v2.items(): 140 ps2.append(p) 141 common = mathutil.findCommonEle( 142 sorted(ps1), sorted(ps2)) # 2个user链接到的position的交集 143 commonLen = len(common) 144 if commonLen > 0: 145 user_common_count.set(k1, k2, commonLen) 146 # 2个user链接到至少同一个position时,他们的初始相似度为user_damp 147 user_sim_matrix.set(k1, k2, user_damp) 148 # print "(%d,%d)%f" % (k1, k2, user_sim_matrix.get(k1, k2)), 149 user_sim_matrix.set(k1, k1, 1) # 自己与自己的相似度为1 150 # print 151 152 # 计算position两两之间的相似度 153 # print "position_sim_matrix=" 154 for k1, v1 in link_in.items(): 155 usr1 = [] 156 for u, c in v1.items(): 157 usr1.append(u) 158 for k2, v2 in link_in.items(): 159 if k1 < k2: 160 usr2 = [] 161 for u, c in v2.items(): 162 usr2.append(u) 163 common = mathutil.findCommonEle(sorted(usr1), sorted(usr2)) 164 commonLen = len(common) 165 if commonLen > 0: 166 position_common_count.set(k1, k2, commonLen) 167 position_sim_matrix.set(k1, k2, position_damp) 168 # print "(%d,%d)%f" % (k1, k2, position_sim_matrix.get(k1, k2)), 169 position_sim_matrix.set(k1, k1, 1) 170 # print 171 172 173 def updateSim(): 174 ''' 175 迭代更新相似度 176 ''' 177 global link_out 178 global link_in 179 global user_common_count 180 global user_sim_matrix 181 global position_common_count 182 global position_sim_matrix 183 global user_damp 184 global position_damp 185 global evidence_size 186 global evidence 187 188 usernum = len(link_out) # user节点的数量 189 positionnum = len(link_in) # position节点的数量 190 # 计算user两两之间的相似度 191 # print "user_sim_matrix=" 192 for k1, v1 in link_out.items(): # user到position的链接 193 ps1 = [] # 存储第1个user的out-neighbour 194 for p, c in v1.items(): 195 ps1.append(p) 196 for k2, v2 in link_out.items(): 197 commCount = user_common_count.get(k1, k2) # 两user共同链接的position数 198 if commCount == None: 199 commCount = 0 200 # 数据量大时可以采用这种修剪策略,认为没有相同in-neighbour(或out-neighbour)的节点之间相似度为0,迭代时不去更新它 201 if k1 < k2 and commCount > 0: 202 # if k1 < k2: 203 ps2 = [] # 存储第2个user的out-neighbour 204 for p, c in v2.items(): 205 ps2.append(p) 206 if commCount > evidence_size: 207 commCount = evidence_size 208 edv = evidence[commCount - 1] 209 sum_part = 0.0 210 for p1 in ps1: 211 for p2 in ps2: 212 sim_p1_p2 = position_sim_matrix.get(p1, p2) 213 if sim_p1_p2 == None: 214 continue 215 spread_p1 = math.pow( 216 math.e, -position_weight_sum_variance[p1][1]) 217 weight_u1_p1 = link_out[k1][p1] 218 weight_u1_sum = user_weight_sum_variance[k1][0] 219 normalized_weight_u1_p1 = 1.0 * \ 220 weight_u1_p1 / weight_u1_sum 221 spread_p2 = math.pow( 222 math.e, -position_weight_sum_variance[p2][1]) 223 weight_u2_p2 = link_out[k2][p2] 224 weight_u2_sum = user_weight_sum_variance[k2][0] 225 normalized_weight_u2_p2 = 1.0 * \ 226 weight_u2_p2 / weight_u2_sum 227 sum_part += spread_p1 * normalized_weight_u1_p1 * \ 228 spread_p2 * normalized_weight_u2_p2 * sim_p1_p2 229 new_sim = edv * user_damp * sum_part 230 user_sim_matrix.set(k1, k2, new_sim) 231 # print "(%d,%d)%f" % (k1, k2, user_sim_matrix.get(k1, k2)), 232 # print 233 234 # 计算position两两之间的相似度 235 # print "position_sim_matrix=" 236 for k1, v1 in link_in.items(): # position到user的链接 237 us1 = [] # 存储第1个position的in-neighbour 238 for u, c in v1.items(): 239 us1.append(u) 240 for k2, v2 in link_in.items(): 241 commCount = position_common_count.get( 242 k1, k2) # 两position共同链接的user数 243 if commCount == None: 244 commCount = 0 245 # 数据量大时可以采用这种修剪策略,认为没有相同in-neighbour(或out-neighbour)的节点之间相似度为0,迭代时不去更新它 246 if k1 < k2 and commCount > 0: 247 # if k1 < k2: 248 us2 = [] # 存储第2个position的in-neighbour 249 for u, c in v2.items(): 250 us2.append(u) 251 if commCount > evidence_size: 252 commCount = evidence_size 253 edv = evidence[commCount - 1] 254 sum_part = 0.0 255 for u1 in us1: 256 for u2 in us2: 257 sim_u1_u2 = user_sim_matrix.get(u1, u2) 258 if sim_u1_u2 == None: 259 continue 260 spread_u1 = math.pow( 261 math.e, -user_weight_sum_variance[u1][1]) 262 weight_p1_u1 = link_in[k1][u1] 263 weight_p1_sum = position_weight_sum_variance[k1][0] 264 normalized_weight_p1_u1 = 1.0 * \ 265 weight_p1_u1 / weight_p1_sum 266 spread_u2 = math.pow( 267 math.e, -user_weight_sum_variance[u2][1]) 268 weight_p2_u2 = link_in[k2][u2] 269 weight_p2_sum = position_weight_sum_variance[k2][0] 270 normalized_weight_p2_u2 = 1.0 * \ 271 weight_p2_u2 / weight_p2_sum 272 sum_part += spread_u1 * normalized_weight_p1_u1 * \ 273 spread_u2 * normalized_weight_p2_u2 * sim_u1_u2 274 new_sim = edv * position_damp * sum_part 275 position_sim_matrix.set(k1, k2, new_sim) 276 # print "(%d,%d)%f" % (k1, k2, position_sim_matrix.get(k1, k2)), 277 # print 278 279 280 def simrank(linkfile, iteration): 281 initEvidence() 282 indexUserAndPosition(linkfile) 283 readLink(linkfile) 284 initWeightSumAndVariance() 285 print "iteration 0:" 286 initSimMatrix() 287 print 288 for i in range(iteration): 289 print "iteration %d:" % (i + 1) 290 updateSim() 291 print 292 293 294 def printResult(sim_user_file, sim_position_file): 295 ''' 296 打印输出相似度计算结果 297 ''' 298 global position_sim_matrix 299 global user_sim_matrix 300 global link_out 301 global link_in 302 usernum = len(link_out) # user节点的数量 303 positionnum = len(link_in) # position节点的数量 304 305 # 打印user之间的相似度 306 f_out_user = open(sim_user_file, "w") 307 for i in range(usernum): 308 f_out_user.write(str(i) + "\t") 309 neighbour = [] 310 for j in range(usernum): 311 if i != j: 312 sim = user_sim_matrix.get(i, j) 313 if sim == None: 314 sim = 0 315 if sim > 0: 316 neighbour.append((j, sim)) 317 # 按相似度由大到小排序 318 neighbour = sorted( 319 neighbour, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]), reverse=True) 320 for (u, sim) in neighbour: 321 f_out_user.write(str(u) + ":" + str(sim) + "\t") 322 f_out_user.write("\n") 323 f_out_user.close() 324 325 # 打印position之间的相似度 326 f_out_position = open(sim_position_file, "w") 327 for i in range(positionnum): 328 f_out_position.write(str(i) + "\t") 329 neighbour = [] 330 for j in range(positionnum): 331 if i != j: 332 sim = position_sim_matrix.get(i, j) 333 if sim == None: 334 sim = 0 335 if sim > 0: 336 neighbour.append((j, sim)) 337 neighbour = sorted( 338 neighbour, cmp=lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]), reverse=True) 339 for (p, sim) in neighbour: 340 f_out_position.write(str(p) + ":" + str(sim) + "\t") 341 f_out_position.write("\n") 342 f_out_position.close() 343 344 345 if __name__ == '__main__': 346 linkfile = "../data/delivery" 347 sim_user_file = "../data/sim_user.txt" 348 sim_position_file = "../data/sim_position.txt" 349 simrank(linkfile, 5) 350 printResult(sim_user_file, sim_position_file)
1 #!/usr/bin/env python 2 # coding=utf-8 3 4 def findCommonEle(list1,list2): 5 ''' 6 返回两个序列的公共元素。list1和list2中的元素必须按从小到大排好序 7 ''' 8 rect=[] 9 length1=len(list1) 10 length2=len(list2) 11 idx1=0 12 idx2=0 13 while idx1<length1 and idx2<length2: 14 ele1=list1[idx1] 15 ele2=list2[idx2] 16 if ele1==ele2: 17 rect.append(ele1) 18 idx1+=1 19 idx2+=1 20 elif ele1<ele2: 21 idx1+=1 22 else: 23 idx2+=1 24 return rect 25 26 def getSumAndVariance(li): 27 ''' 28 计算数列的和与方差 29 ''' 30 assert len(li)>0 31 total=0.0 32 sumSquare=0.0 33 for ele in li: 34 total+=ele 35 sumSquare+=ele*ele 36 mean=total/len(li) 37 variance=sumSquare/len(li)-mean*mean 38 return (total,variance)
期望-相遇距离模型说明:在图 G 中,顶点 a 和 b 之间的相似度取决于 a 和 b 在图中随机游走直至相 遇所经过的路径的长度以及能相遇的次数,基于这一模型 SimRank 的计算如式(9)和式(10)所示。
$t(a,b)\to(x,x)$表示以a、b为起点的两条随机游走路径,首次在x点相遇,两条路径的长度相同,均为$l(t)$。假设两条路径分别为 $t_1=(v_1,v_2,\cdots,v_m,x)$,$t_2=(w_1,w_2,\cdots,w_m,x)$。游 走 $t_1$的 概 率$P[t_1]=\prod_{i=1}^m{\frac{1}{\mid{O(v_i)}\mid}}$,游 走$t_2$的概率$P[t_2]=\prod_{i=1}^m{\frac{1}{\mid{O(w_i)}\mid}}$,a和b通过路径$t_1$和$t_2$在顶点 x 相遇的概率$P[t]=P[t_1]P[t_2]=\prod_{i=1}^m{\frac{1}{\mid{O(v_i)}\mid\mid{O(w_i)}\mid}}$。
通过随机游走路径方法来计算$s^{k+1}$ 时,需要进行如下步骤:
- 找到图中所有长度小于等于$k+1$的路径,并且记录路径的概率。
- 将终点和路径长度都相同的路径按照式\eqref{rw_sim}计算出起点的部分相似度。
- 将第2步得到的部分相似度相加。