How to Backup Project in TestDirector 7.6 and 8.0

Posted on 2005-06-08 15:35  野人  阅读(581)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

How to Backup Project in TestDirector 7.6 and 8.0

1. Database Backup Procedure

Please get your DBA’s assistance to perform the backup in database backend and ensure it is a valid backup
Database Type
How To Backup Database (reference only)
Check Backup Files
1.Navigate to TestDirector Common Directory
Or Domain Physical directory on the file system.
2. Under each project folder, make a copy of TestDir.mdb file and store it somewhere else.
TestDir.mdb files for all TD projects
The database that has the same name as TD project is the database that TD project is using.
For TD 7.2 and below, you can verify the project name by checking the database name value on project->configuration tab under project admin utility.
For TD 7.6 and above, you can verify the project name by checking the database name value on project under site admin.
1.Go to MS SQL Server ->Enterprise Manager->Under your server ->Databases->Highlight TD SQL database you want to back up
2. Right click it and select All Tasks->backup Database
3. Follow the steps to complete backup procedure.
MSSQL backup files for all TD projects
The database that has the same name as TD project is the database that TD project is using.
For TD 7.2 and below, you can verify the project name by checking the database name value on project->configuration tab under project admin utility.
For TD 7.6 and above, you can verify the project name by checking the database name value on project under site admin.
1.Go to Sybase Central->Under your server->Database->Highlight TD Sybase database you want to backup
2. Right click it and select backup Database
3. Follow the steps to complete backup procedure.
Sybase backup files for all TD projects
The schema that is owned by a user that has the same name as the name of the project is the schema that TestDirector is using.
For TD 7.2 and below, you can verify the project name by checking the database name value on project->configuration tab under project admin utility.
For TD 7.6 and above, you can verify the project name by checking the database name value on project under site admin.
Export an Oracle database to a dump file is one option to backup TD data.
Here are steps to export a TestDirector project to a dump file:
1. On Oracle server, open a DOS session, type in "exp."
2. Follow the prompt. Basically you need to log into the Oracle server using the "system" account. Make sure you choose to export the User option and provide the TestDirector project name (the Oracle user) to complete the export procedure.
Oracle dump files for all TD projects

2. File System Backup

Check Backup Files:
The Project folder under Common Directory (or Domain Repository) is where data including automated tests scripts/results, attachments, etc. is saved. Make a copy of this common directory including all subfolders and files.
If you are storing your automated tests outside the project folder, then you will also need to make a copy of them. To verify whether your tests are outside the project folder, you go to
Project Admin or Site Admin and check tests_directory value in dataconst table under the project. If it is not set as tests but some other locations, which means your tests are outside of project folder.
If you are using TD 7.6 and above, you also need to make a copy of DomsInfo folder including all subfolders and files which is located in <system drive:>\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive

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