yqueue_t是一个高效的队列,高效体现在她的内存配置上,尽量少的申请内存,尽量重用将要释放的内存。其实,容器的设计都会涉及这点--高效的内存配置器,像sgi stl容器的内存配置器,使用了内存池,预先分配一块较大内存,用不同大小的桶管理,容器申请内存时从相应的桶里拿一块内存,释放内存时又把内存回收到相应的桶里,这样就能做到尽量少的malloc调用。yqueue_t并没有使用内存池,但是利用了同样的思想,一次性分配一个chunk_t减少内存分配次数,并用spare_chunk管理将要释放的块用于内存回收,详细的实现后面再说,先看一下yqueue_t的整个概况,源码位于Yqueue.hpp
// T is the type of the object in the queue.队列中元素的类型 // N is granularity(粒度) of the queue,简单来说就是yqueue_t一个结点可以装载N个T类型的元素,可以猜想yqueue_t的一个结点应该是个数组 template <typename T, int N> class yqueue_t { public: inline yqueue_t ();// Create the queue. inline ~yqueue_t ();// Destroy the queue. inline T &front ();// Returns reference to the front element of the queue. If the queue is empty, behaviour is undefined. inline T &back ();// Returns reference to the back element of the queue.If the queue is empty, behaviour is undefined. inline void push ();// Adds an element to the back end of the queue. inline void pop ();// Removes an element from the front of the queue. inline void unpush ()// 用于回滚操作,暂时先不管这个函数,用到再说 private: // Individual memory chunk to hold N elements. struct chunk_t { T values [N]; chunk_t *prev; chunk_t *next; }; chunk_t *begin_chunk; int begin_pos; chunk_t *back_chunk; int back_pos; chunk_t *end_chunk; int end_pos; atomic_ptr_t<chunk_t> spare_chunk; //空闲块(我把所有元素都已经出队的块称为空闲块),读写线程的共享变量 };
// This class encapsulates several atomic operations on pointers. template <typename T> class atomic_ptr_t { public: inline void set (T *ptr_);//非原子操作 inline T *xchg (T *val_);//原子操作 inline T *cas (T *cmp_, T *val_);//原子操作 private: volatile T *ptr; }
- set函数,把私有成员ptr指针设置成参数ptr_的值,不是一个原子操作,需要使用者确保执行set过程没有其他线程使用ptr的值
- xchg函数,把私有成员ptr指针设置成参数val_的值,并返回ptr设置之前的值。原子操作,操作系统保证线程安全
- cas函数,把私有成员ptr指针与参数cmp_指针比较,如果相等,就把ptr设置为参数val_的值,返回ptr设置之前的值;如果直接返回ptr值。原子操作,操作系统保证线程安全
inline yqueue_t () { begin_chunk = (chunk_t*) malloc (sizeof (chunk_t)); alloc_assert (begin_chunk); begin_pos = 0; back_chunk = NULL;//back_chunk总是指向队列中最后一个元素所在的链表结点,现在还没有元素,所以初始为空 back_pos = 0; end_chunk = begin_chunk;//end_chunk总是指向链表的最后一个结点 end_pos = 0; }
// Removes an element from the front end of the queue. inline void pop () { if (++ begin_pos == N) { chunk_t *o = begin_chunk; begin_chunk = begin_chunk->next; begin_chunk->prev = NULL; begin_pos = 0; // 'o' has been more recently used than spare_chunk, // so for cache reasons we'll get rid of the spare and // use 'o' as the spare. chunk_t *cs = spare_chunk.xchg (o);//由于局部性原理,总是保存最新的空闲块而释放先前的空闲快 free (cs); } }
- pop掉的元素,其销毁工作交给调用者完成
- 空闲块的保存,要求是原子操作。这得想明白为什么。原因是,空闲块是读写线程的共享变量,需要做同步,我们会在push中看到,push使用了spare_chunk。
inline void push ()
back_chunk = end_chunk;
back_pos = end_pos;
if (++end_pos != N)//end_pos==N表明这个链表结点已经满了
chunk_t *sc = spare_chunk.xchg (NULL);
if (sc) {
end_chunk->next = sc;
sc->prev = end_chunk;
} else {
end_chunk->next = (chunk_t*) malloc (sizeof (chunk_t));
alloc_assert (end_chunk->next);
end_chunk->next->prev = end_chunk;
end_chunk = end_chunk->next;
end_pos = 0;
// Returns reference to the front element of the queue. // If the queue is empty, behaviour is undefined. inline T &front () { return begin_chunk->values [begin_pos]; } // Returns reference to the back element of the queue. // If the queue is empty, behaviour is undefined. inline T &back () { return back_chunk->values [back_pos]; }
// Lock-free queue implementation. // Only a single thread can read from the pipe at any specific moment. // Only a single thread can write to the pipe at any specific moment. // T is the type of the object in the queue. // N is granularity of the pipe, i.e. how many items are needed to // perform next memory allocation. template <typename T, int N> class ypipe_t : public ypipe_base_t<T,N> template <typename T, int N> class ypipe_base_t { public: virtual ~ypipe_base_t () {} virtual void write (const T &value_, bool incomplete_) = 0; virtual bool unwrite (T *value_) = 0; virtual bool flush () = 0; virtual bool check_read () = 0; virtual bool read (T *value_) = 0; virtual bool probe (bool (*fn)(T &)) = 0; }; template <typename T, int N> class ypipe_t : public ypipe_base_t<T,N> { protected: // Allocation-efficient queue to store pipe items. // Front of the queue points to the first prefetched item, back of the pipe points to last un-flushed item. // Front is used only by reader thread, while back is used only by writer thread. yqueue_t <T, N> queue;//底层容器 // Points to the first un-flushed item. This variable is used exclusively by writer thread. T *w;//指向第一个未刷新的元素,只被写线程使用 // Points to the first un-prefetched item. This variable is used exclusively by reader thread. T *r;//指向第一个还没预提取的元素,只被读线程使用 // Points to the first item to be flushed in the future. T *f;//指向下一轮要被刷新的一批元素中的第一个 // The single point of contention between writer and reader thread. // Points past the last flushed item. If it is NULL,reader is asleep. // This pointer should be always accessed using atomic operations. atomic_ptr_t <T> c;//读写线程共享的指针,指向每一轮刷新的起点(看代码的时候会详细说)。当c为空时,表示读线程睡眠(只会在读线程中被设置为空) }
// Initialises the pipe. inline ypipe_t () { // Insert terminator element into the queue. queue.push ();//yqueue_t的尾指针加1,开始back_chunk为空,现在back_chunk指向第一个chunk_t块的第一个位置 // Let all the pointers to point to the terminator. r = w = f = &queue.back (); c.set (&queue.back ()); }
在ypipe_t中,back_chunk+back_pos类似vector的end迭代器,上面的注释"Let all the pointers to point to the terminator."也是这个意思,就是让r、w、f、c四个指针都指向这个end迭代器,有关这点在write的时候能看清晰的感受到。那么做完这一步,他们关系像下面这个样子:
inline void write (const T &value_, bool incomplete_) { // Place the value to the queue, add new terminator element. queue.back () = value_; queue.push (); // Move the "flush up to here" poiter. if (!incomplete_) f = &queue.back (); }
write(A,true); some code; write(B,true); some code; write(C,false); some code;
- 如何让读线程看到这个数据?
- 如何判断读线程睡眠?
- 读线程睡眠时,写线程如何通知读线程?
- 如何刷新
inline bool flush () { // If there are no un-flushed items, do nothing. if (w == f) return true; // Try to set 'c' to 'f'. if (c.cas (w, f) != w) { // Compare-and-swap was unseccessful because 'c' is NULL. // This means that the reader is asleep. Therefore we don't care about thread-safeness and update c in non-atomic manner. // We'll return false to let the caller know that reader is sleeping. c.set (f); w = f; return false; } // Reader is alive. Nothing special to do now. Just move the 'first un-flushed item' pointer to 'f'. w = f; return true; }
可以看到w==f 时,flush是直接返回的,什么也没做,而当write函数的incomplete_=false时,把 f 指向了新的结点,这个时候 w!=f 了,flush函数才有所作为,所以w、f指针合作可用来告知flush函数现在能否刷新。
T* cas(w,f){ ret=c ; if(c==w) c = f; return ret; }
- 如何让读线程看到这个数据?
令c=f,读线程会检查指针c,判断是否有数据 - 如何判断读线程睡眠?
c.cas(w,f)返回NULL,读线程睡眠 - 读线程睡眠时,写线程如何通知读线程?
flush函数返回false,表明读线程睡眠了,写线程看到flush返回false之后会发送一个消息给读线程。关于这点可以看上一篇中mailbox的send函数源码 - 如何刷新
c=f ; w=f
// Reads an item from the pipe. Returns false if there is no value available. inline bool read (T *value_) { // Try to prefetch a value. if (!check_read ()) return false; // There was at least one value prefetched.Return it to the caller. *value_ = queue.front (); queue.pop (); return true; }
// Check whether item is available for reading. inline bool check_read () { // Was the value prefetched already? If so, return. if (&queue.front () != r && r)//判断是否在前几次调用read函数时已经预取数据了return true; // There's no prefetched value, so let us prefetch more values. // Prefetching is to simply retrieve the pointer from c in atomic fashion. // If there are no items to prefetch, set c to NULL (using compare-and-swap). r = c.cas (&queue.front (), NULL);//尝试预取数据 // If there are no elements prefetched, exit. // During pipe's lifetime r should never be NULL, however,it can happen during pipe shutdown when items are being deallocated. if (&queue.front () == r || !r)//判断是否成功预取数据 return false; // There was at least one value prefetched. return true; }
可以看到,check_read是通过指针r的位置来判断是否有数据可读的:如果指针r指向的是队头元素(r==&queue.front())或者r没有指向任何元素(NULL)则说明队列中并没有可读的数据,这个时候check_read尝试去预取数据。所谓的预取就是令 r=c (cas函数就是返回c本身的值,看上面关于cas的实现), 而c在write中被指向f(见上图),这时从queue.front()到f这个位置的数据都被预取出来了,然后每次调用read都能取出一段。值得注意的是,当c==&queue.front()时,代表数据被取完了,这时把c指向NULL,接着读线程会睡眠,这也是给写线程检查读线程是否睡眠的标志。
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