java+JBroFuzz对restful api进行fuzz测试


0X00: 序言

fuzz测试作为安全测试的一个基本策略,被越来越多的引入整个测试过程,来避免一些简单的可能引发的安全问题. 如何将fuzzing测试引入软件自动化测试过程是本文将要阐述的主题。

0X01: 测试流程

使用JBroFuzz API来根据需求生成需要的测试数据, 这些数据来源与FuzzDB

然后将FuzzDB基于需要注入TestNG的DataProvider, 接口测试用例就可以调用DataProvider



0X02: JBroFuzz API





f_len: fuzz数据的长度

public void fuzzDbZone(String f_ID,int f_len){
       // You have to construct an instance of the fuzzers database
      Database fuzzDB = new Database();
        try {
     Fuzzer f = fuzzDB.createFuzzer(f_ID, f_len);
     while(f.hasNext()) {;
        System.out.println(" The maximum value is: " + f.getMaximumValue());
        System.out.println(" The current value is: " + f.getCurrentValue());
       } catch (NoSuchFuzzerException e) {
    System.out.println("Could not find fuzzer " + e.getMessage());


public void fuzzDbList() {
         Database fuzzDB = new Database();
         // Get a list of all the fuzzer IDs from the database
         String[] fuzzer_IDs = fuzzDB.getAllPrototypeIDs();
         System.out.println("The fuzzer IDs found are:");
         for(String fuzzerID : fuzzer_IDs) {
                System.out.println("The fuzzer ID is: " + fuzzerID);
                // We pass of length of 1, irrelevant if we are
                // just going to access the first payload
                // of the fuzzer
                Fuzzer fuzzer;
                try {
                    fuzzer = fuzzDB.createFuzzer(fuzzerID, 1);
                    // Normally you should check for fuzzer.hasNext()                
                    String payload =;
                    System.out.println("\tThe name of the fuzzer is:\t\t\t" + fuzzer.getName() );
                    System.out.println("\tThe id of the fuzzer is:\t\t\t" + fuzzer.getId() );
                    System.out.println("\tThe of payloads it carries (it's alphabet) is:\t" + fuzzDB.getSize(fuzzerID));
                    System.out.println("\tIt has as 1st payload:\n\t\t" + payload );
                } catch (NoSuchFuzzerException e) {
                    System.out.println("Could not find the specified fuzzer!");
                    System.out.println("Going to print all the fuzzer IDs I know:");
                    // old vs new for loop :)
                    // in case of an error, print just the 
                    // fuzzer IDs, accessed from the DB
                    for(int j = 0; j < fuzzer_IDs.length; j++) {
                        System.out.println("The fuzzer ID is: " + fuzzer_IDs[j]);



public ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> powerFuzzer (String f_ID,int f_len,int power) throws NoSuchFuzzerException {
         Database fuzzDB = new Database();
         ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> listArray = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();  
         for(PowerFuzzer f = fuzzDB.createPowerFuzzer(f_ID, f_len, power); f.hasNext();) {
               String[] identicalElements = f.nextPower();
               ArrayList<String> myList = Lists.newArrayList(identicalElements);   
         return listArray;


 I have 5 elements: 4817 4817 4817 4817 4817
 I have 5 elements: 4818 4818 4818 4818 4818
 I have 5 elements: 4819 4819 4819 4819 4819
 I have 5 elements: 481a 481a 481a 481a 481a
 I have 5 elements: 481b 481b 481b 481b 481b
 I have 5 elements: 481c 481c 481c 481c 481c
 I have 5 elements: 481d 481d 481d 481d 481d
 I have 5 elements: 481e 481e 481e 481e 481e
 I have 5 elements: 481f 481f 481f 481f 481f
 I have 5 elements: 4820 4820 4820 4820 4820
 I have 5 elements: 4821 4821 4821 4821 4821
 I have 5 elements: 4822 4822 4822 4822 4822
 I have 5 elements: 4823 4823 4823 4823 4823
 I have 5 elements: 4824 4824 4824 4824 4824
 I have 5 elements: 4825 4825 4825 4825 4825
 I have 5 elements: 4826 4826 4826 4826 4826


使用Using the Double Fuzzer API来生成2个数据组合

public DoubleFuzzer createDoubleFuzzer(String id1, int length1,  
                                String id2, int length2) throws NoSuchFuzzerException {


String fuzzID1 = "031-B16-HEX";
String fuzzID2 = "031-B16-HEX";

int length1 = 4;
int length2 = 2;


 I have 2 elements: fefb fb
 I have 2 elements: fefc fc
 I have 2 elements: fefd fd
 I have 2 elements: fefe fe
 I have 2 elements: feff ff
 I have 2 elements: ff00 00
 I have 2 elements: ff01 01
 I have 2 elements: ff02 02
 I have 2 elements: ff03 03

0X03: FuzzDB注入到testng dataprovider



@DataProvider(name = "UserLoginFuzzing")
    public static Object[][] UserLoginFuzzing() throws NoSuchFuzzerException{
        FuzzDB fuzzdb = new FuzzDB();
        ArrayList<String> fuzzDb = fuzzdb.fuzzDbFind("015-XSS-101", 24);
        JSONObject[] valueList = new JSONObject[fuzzDb.size()]; 
        for(int i =0;i < fuzzDb.size(); i++){
            valueList[i] = new JSONObject();
            valueList[i].put("LoginName", "admin");
            valueList[i].put("Password", fuzzDb.get(i));
            valueList[i].put("URI", "/UserLogin");
        Object[][] obj = new Object[valueList.length][1];
        for(int i=0;i<valueList.length;i++){
        return obj;

0X04 参考文档

posted on 2016-04-14 10:00  风之叹息  阅读(1821)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
