Abap common tcode
t_code function
ABAPdocu Abap Documentation And Examples
se11 dictionary
se16 quick query dictionary
sm30 database maintain
se38 report
se37 function 
se24 class builder
se10 TR
se01 complete TR
se30/st05/st01 Performance
se80 function group,dialogue prg,
se51 screen paiter
se71 sapscript
so10/se75(check) standard texts
se78 graphic
smartforms smartform
smartstyles smartstyles
se93 create T_code
se91 message class
sm37 background job
se36/SLDB Logical database
solar01/solar02/sola_eva Business blueprint/Manage documents changes
SWO1 Business Object Builder
SWDD workflow builder
spad/sp01 spool administration/output control
SLIN ABAP Prg Extended Syntax Check
Snote Note assistant
SCI Code Inspector
se15 Repository Information System
SCC4 search all the clients of a system
FBPM Payment Medium Creation
(Execution one format created in DMEE)
NACE Check System standard print program and modifyed form
SPRO/SE81 Search User Exit
SM35/SHDB Batch Input :session Overview/BDC Recording
SU01 User Personal Info(like Profile/Role/Parameter etc.)
SMOD/CMOD/SE94 User Exit
VK13 Condition Type (Pricing)
program name:
For Creat TR for SE63 translation
se18/se19 Business Add-Ins Defenitons/Business Add-InsImplementation
BAPI BAPI Explorer
swud Test a method of Business object
SU20/SU21/SU01/PFCG Auth Fields/Auth Objects/Profile Maitain/Role
Basic outbound and inbound  
1、WE31 :创建IDoc Segment;
2、WE30/we60 创建IDoc Type,并将相应的IDoc Segment分配给IDoc_Type/带Document;
3、WE81 :创建Message Type;
4、WE82 :把相应的Message Type和IDoc Type进行匹配;
5、SE80 :创建Function Group和相应的Function Module;
6、BD51 :Inbound Function Module里注册一下刚刚建立的Function Module;
(Define the function module characteristics)
7、WE57 :将Function Module与IDoc Type、Message Type关联起来;
8、WE42/we41 (inbound)/(outbound):用建立的函数生成Process Code;
9、WE20 :配置合作伙伴参数文件(Partner Profile);
10、WE19 对所创建的IDoc Type进行功能测试。 
11、WE21 创建端口
12、WE41/WE42 Createing Outbound Process Code /Inbound Process Code
13、 WE02/WE05 Check the Status of IDOC
14、WE47  Status Maintenenance
Idoc Filter  
1. BD95 "ALE OBJECT TYPE" Overview
2.BD59 Assign "ALE OBJECT TYPE" to message Overview(TBD10: TBD05(meg);TBD06(BAPI))
3.BD64 Distribution Module
SAP Query  
sq01 ABAP query
sq02 Infoset 
sq03 User group.
Pepsi Tech tool   
ZCODE_CHK Code Review tool
posted on 2009-06-10 22:18  yxbsmx  阅读(442)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报