C# 控制台应用程序中输出彩色字体

using System;

class Example
   public static void Main() 
      // Get a string array with the names of ConsoleColor enumeration members.
      String[] colorNames = ConsoleColor.GetNames(typeof(ConsoleColor));

      // Display each foreground color except black on a constant black background.
      Console.WriteLine("All the foreground colors (except Black) on a constant black background:");

      foreach (string colorName in colorNames)
         // Convert the string representing the enum name to the enum value.
         ConsoleColor color = (ConsoleColor) Enum.Parse(typeof(ConsoleColor), colorName);

         if (color == ConsoleColor.Black) continue;

         Console.Write("{0,11}: ", colorName);
         Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
         Console.ForegroundColor = color;
         Console.WriteLine("This is foreground color {0}.", colorName);
         // Restore the original foreground and background colors.

      // Display each background color except white with a constant white foreground.
      Console.WriteLine("All the background colors (except White) with a constant white foreground:");

      foreach (string colorName in colorNames)
         // Convert the string representing the enum name to the enum value.
         ConsoleColor color = (ConsoleColor) Enum.Parse(typeof(ConsoleColor), colorName);

         if (color == ConsoleColor.White) continue;

         Console.Write("{0,11}: ", colorName);
         Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
         Console.BackgroundColor = (ConsoleColor) Enum.Parse(typeof(ConsoleColor), colorName);
         Console.WriteLine("This is background color {0}.", colorName);

posted @ 2017-03-27 11:18  雲霏霏  阅读(3188)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报