本人觉得码农的技术提升应该是从how to do到why do,而项目或产品都是从why do到how to do,按题来,所以呢下面先从大的方面介绍一下消息队列。
如上图,在不使用消息队列服务器的时候,用户的请求数据直接写入数据库,在高并发的情况下数据库压力剧增,使得响应速度变慢。但是在使用消息队列之后,用户的请求数据发送给消息队列之后立即 返回,再由消息队列的消费者进程从消息队列中获取数据,异步写入数据库。由于消息队列服务器处理速度快于数据库(消息队列也比数据库有更好的伸缩性),因此响应速度得到大幅改善。
通过以上分析我们可以得出消息队列具有很好的削峰作用的功能——即通过异步处理,将短时间高并发产生的事务消息存储在消息队列中,从而削平高峰期的并发事务。 举例:在电子商务一些秒杀、促销活动中,合理使用消息队列可以有效抵御促销活动刚开始大量订单涌入对系统的冲击。如下图所示:

我们知道模块分布式部署以后聚合方式通常有两种:1.分布式消息队列和2.分布式服务。先来简单说一下分布式服务:目前使用比较多的用来构建SOA(Service Oriented Architecture面向服务体系结构)的分布式服务框架是阿里巴巴开源的Dubbo.如果想深入了解Dubbo的可以看我写的关于Dubbo的这一篇文章:《高性能优秀的服务框架-dubbo介绍》:https://juejin.im/post/5acadeb1f265da2375072f9c 再来谈我们的分布式消息队列:我们知道如果模块之间不存在直接调用,那么新增模块或者修改模块就对其他模块影响较小,这样系统的可扩展性无疑更好一些。
消息队列使利用发布-订阅模式工作,消息发送者(生产者)发布消息,一个或多个消息接受者(消费者)订阅消息。 从上图可以看到消息发送者(生产者)和消息接受者(消费者)之间没有直接耦合,消息发送者将消息发送至分布式消息队列即结束对消息的处理,消息接受者从分布式消息队列获取该消息后进行后续处理,并不需要知道该消息从何而来。对新增业务,只要对该类消息感兴趣,即可订阅该消息,对原有系统和业务没有任何影响,从而实现网站业务的可扩展性设计。
动手前先构思一下,本人需要一个简单的、可发布订阅的、高吞吐量的消息队列,并将之简单大的方面分成QServer、QClient;QServer主要有Exchange、Binding、MessageQueue构成;QClient和QServer共用一套相同的传输编解码器QCoder ,主要实现Publish、Subscribe、Unsubcribe、Closes等功能;先想这么多,开干!
1 /**************************************************************************** 2 *Copyright (c) 2018 Microsoft All Rights Reserved. 3 *CLR版本: 4.0.30319.42000 4 *机器名称:WENLI-PC 5 *公司名称:Microsoft 6 *命名空间:SAEA.QueueSocket.Model 7 *文件名: Exchange 8 *版本号: V1.0.0.0 9 *唯一标识:6a576aad-edcc-446d-b7e5-561a622549bf 10 *当前的用户域:WENLI-PC 11 *创建人: yswenli 12 *电子邮箱:wenguoli_520@qq.com 13 *创建时间:2018/3/5 16:36:44 14 *描述: 15 * 16 *===================================================================== 17 *修改标记 18 *修改时间:2018/3/5 16:36:44 19 *修改人: yswenli 20 *版本号: V1.0.0.0 21 *描述: 22 * 23 *****************************************************************************/ 24 25 using SAEA.Commom; 26 using SAEA.Sockets.Interface; 27 using System; 28 using System.Collections.Generic; 29 using System.Linq; 30 using System.Text; 31 using System.Threading; 32 using System.Threading.Tasks; 33 34 namespace SAEA.QueueSocket.Model 35 { 36 class Exchange : ISyncBase 37 { 38 object _syncLocker = new object(); 39 40 public object SyncLocker 41 { 42 get 43 { 44 return _syncLocker; 45 } 46 } 47 48 long _pNum = 0; 49 50 long _cNum = 0; 51 52 long _inNum = 0; 53 54 long _outNum = 0; 55 56 private Binding _binding; 57 58 private MessageQueue _messageQueue; 59 60 public Exchange() 61 { 62 this._binding = new Binding(); 63 64 this._messageQueue = new MessageQueue(); 65 } 66 67 68 public void AcceptPublish(string sessionID, QueueResult pInfo) 69 { 70 lock (_syncLocker) 71 { 72 this._binding.Set(sessionID, pInfo.Name, pInfo.Topic); 73 74 this._messageQueue.Enqueue(pInfo.Topic, pInfo.Data); 75 76 _pNum = this._binding.GetPublisherCount(); 77 78 Interlocked.Increment(ref _inNum); 79 } 80 } 81 82 public void AcceptPublishForBatch(string sessionID, QueueResult[] datas) 83 { 84 if (datas != null) 85 { 86 foreach (var data in datas) 87 { 88 if (data != null) 89 { 90 AcceptPublish(sessionID, data); 91 } 92 } 93 } 94 } 95 96 97 public void GetSubscribeData(string sessionID, QueueResult sInfo, int maxSize = 500, int maxTime = 500, Action<List<string>> callBack = null) 98 { 99 lock (_syncLocker) 100 { 101 var result = this._binding.GetBingInfo(sInfo); 102 103 if (result == null) 104 { 105 this._binding.Set(sessionID, sInfo.Name, sInfo.Topic, false); 106 107 _cNum = this._binding.GetSubscriberCount(); 108 109 Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 110 { 111 while (this._binding.Exists(sInfo)) 112 { 113 var list = this._messageQueue.DequeueForList(sInfo.Topic, maxSize, maxTime); 114 if (list != null) 115 { 116 list.ForEach(i => { Interlocked.Increment(ref _outNum); }); 117 callBack?.Invoke(list); 118 list.Clear(); 119 list = null; 120 } 121 } 122 }); 123 } 124 } 125 } 126 127 public void Unsubscribe(QueueResult sInfo) 128 { 129 Interlocked.Decrement(ref _cNum); 130 this._binding.Del(sInfo.Name, sInfo.Topic); 131 } 132 133 public void Clear(string sessionID) 134 { 135 lock (_syncLocker) 136 { 137 var data = this._binding.GetBingInfo(sessionID); 138 139 if (data != null) 140 { 141 if (data.Flag) 142 { 143 Interlocked.Decrement(ref _pNum); 144 } 145 else 146 { 147 Interlocked.Decrement(ref _cNum); 148 } 149 this._binding.Remove(sessionID); 150 } 151 } 152 } 153 154 public Tuple<long, long, long, long> GetConnectInfo() 155 { 156 return new Tuple<long, long, long, long>(_pNum, _cNum, _inNum, _outNum); 157 } 158 159 public List<Tuple<string, long>> GetQueueInfo() 160 { 161 List<Tuple<string, long>> result = new List<Tuple<string, long>>(); 162 lock (_syncLocker) 163 { 164 var list = this._messageQueue.ToList(); 165 if (list != null) 166 { 167 var tlts = list.Select(b => b.Topic).Distinct().ToList(); 168 169 if (tlts != null) 170 { 171 foreach (var topic in tlts) 172 { 173 var count = this._messageQueue.GetCount(topic); 174 var t = new Tuple<string, long>(topic, count); 175 result.Add(t); 176 } 177 tlts.Clear(); 178 } 179 list.Clear(); 180 } 181 } 182 return result; 183 } 184 185 } 186 }
思维发散:这里可以增加全局消息队列、指定连接消息队列等;将连接通过类型redis cluster模式进行一个均衡分布等
1 /**************************************************************************** 2 *Copyright (c) 2018 Microsoft All Rights Reserved. 3 *CLR版本: 4.0.30319.42000 4 *机器名称:WENLI-PC 5 *公司名称:Microsoft 6 *命名空间:SAEA.QueueSocket.Model 7 *文件名: Binding 8 *版本号: V1.0.0.0 9 *唯一标识:7472dabd-1b6a-4ffe-b19f-2d1cf7348766 10 *当前的用户域:WENLI-PC 11 *创建人: yswenli 12 *电子邮箱:wenguoli_520@qq.com 13 *创建时间:2018/3/5 17:10:19 14 *描述: 15 * 16 *===================================================================== 17 *修改标记 18 *修改时间:2018/3/5 17:10:19 19 *修改人: yswenli 20 *版本号: V1.0.0.0 21 *描述: 22 * 23 *****************************************************************************/ 24 25 using SAEA.Commom; 26 using SAEA.Sockets.Interface; 27 using System; 28 using System.Collections.Generic; 29 using System.Linq; 30 using System.Text; 31 32 namespace SAEA.QueueSocket.Model 33 { 34 /// <summary> 35 /// 连接与主题的映射 36 /// </summary> 37 class Binding : ISyncBase, IDisposable 38 { 39 List<BindInfo> _list = new List<BindInfo>(); 40 41 object _syncLocker = new object(); 42 43 public object SyncLocker 44 { 45 get 46 { 47 return _syncLocker; 48 } 49 } 50 51 bool _isDisposed = false; 52 53 int _minutes = 10; 54 55 public Binding(int minutes = 10) 56 { 57 _minutes = minutes; 58 59 ThreadHelper.PulseAction(() => 60 { 61 lock (_syncLocker) 62 { 63 var list = _list.Where(b => b.Expired <= DateTimeHelper.Now).ToList(); 64 if (list != null) 65 { 66 list.ForEach(item => 67 { 68 _list.Remove(item); 69 }); 70 list.Clear(); 71 list = null; 72 } 73 } 74 }, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10), _isDisposed); 75 } 76 77 78 public void Set(string sessionID, string name, string topic, bool isPublisher = true) 79 { 80 81 lock (_syncLocker) 82 { 83 var result = _list.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == name && b.Topic == topic); 84 if (result == null) 85 { 86 _list.Add(new BindInfo() 87 { 88 SessionID = sessionID, 89 Name = name, 90 Topic = topic, 91 Flag = isPublisher, 92 Expired = DateTimeHelper.Now.AddMinutes(_minutes) 93 }); 94 } 95 else 96 { 97 result.Expired = DateTimeHelper.Now.AddMinutes(_minutes); 98 } 99 } 100 } 101 102 public void Del(string sessionID, string topic) 103 { 104 lock (_syncLocker) 105 { 106 var result = _list.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == sessionID && b.Topic == topic); 107 if (result != null) 108 { 109 _list.Remove(result); 110 } 111 } 112 } 113 114 public void Remove(string sessionID) 115 { 116 lock (_syncLocker) 117 { 118 var result = _list.Where(b => b.SessionID == sessionID).ToList(); 119 if (result != null) 120 { 121 result.ForEach((item) => 122 { 123 _list.Remove(item); 124 }); 125 result.Clear(); 126 } 127 } 128 } 129 130 public BindInfo GetBingInfo(QueueResult sInfo) 131 { 132 lock (_syncLocker) 133 { 134 var bi = _list.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == sInfo.Name && b.Topic == sInfo.Topic); 135 136 if (bi != null) 137 { 138 if (bi.Expired <= DateTimeHelper.Now) 139 { 140 Remove(bi.SessionID); 141 } 142 else 143 { 144 return bi; 145 } 146 } 147 return null; 148 } 149 } 150 151 public BindInfo GetBingInfo(string sessionID) 152 { 153 lock (_syncLocker) 154 { 155 return _list.FirstOrDefault(b => b.SessionID == sessionID); 156 } 157 } 158 159 public bool Exists(QueueResult sInfo) 160 { 161 lock (_syncLocker) 162 { 163 var data = _list.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Name == sInfo.Name && b.Topic == sInfo.Topic); 164 165 if (data != null) 166 { 167 if (data.Expired <= DateTimeHelper.Now) 168 { 169 Remove(data.SessionID); 170 171 return false; 172 } 173 174 data.Expired = DateTimeHelper.Now.AddMinutes(_minutes); 175 176 return true; 177 } 178 } 179 return false; 180 } 181 182 183 public IEnumerable<BindInfo> GetPublisher() 184 { 185 lock (_syncLocker) 186 { 187 return _list.Where(b => b.Flag); 188 } 189 } 190 191 public int GetPublisherCount() 192 { 193 lock (_syncLocker) 194 { 195 return _list.Where(b => b.Flag).Count(); 196 } 197 } 198 199 public IEnumerable<BindInfo> GetSubscriber() 200 { 201 lock (_syncLocker) 202 { 203 return _list.Where(b => !b.Flag); 204 } 205 } 206 207 public int GetSubscriberCount() 208 { 209 lock (_syncLocker) 210 { 211 return _list.Where(b => !b.Flag).Count(); 212 } 213 } 214 215 216 public void Dispose() 217 { 218 _isDisposed = true; 219 lock (_syncLocker) 220 { 221 _list.Clear(); 222 _list = null; 223 } 224 } 225 } 226 }
1 /**************************************************************************** 2 *Copyright (c) 2018 Microsoft All Rights Reserved. 3 *CLR版本: 4.0.30319.42000 4 *机器名称:WENLI-PC 5 *公司名称:Microsoft 6 *命名空间:SAEA.QueueSocket.Model 7 *文件名: QueueCollection 8 *版本号: V1.0.0.0 9 *唯一标识:89a65c12-c4b3-486b-a933-ad41c3db6621 10 *当前的用户域:WENLI-PC 11 *创建人: yswenli 12 *电子邮箱:wenguoli_520@qq.com 13 *创建时间:2018/3/6 10:31:11 14 *描述: 15 * 16 *===================================================================== 17 *修改标记 18 *修改时间:2018/3/6 10:31:11 19 *修改人: yswenli 20 *版本号: V1.0.0.0 21 *描述: 22 * 23 *****************************************************************************/ 24 25 using SAEA.Commom; 26 using SAEA.Sockets.Interface; 27 using System; 28 using System.Collections.Concurrent; 29 using System.Collections.Generic; 30 using System.Linq; 31 using System.Threading.Tasks; 32 33 namespace SAEA.QueueSocket.Model 34 { 35 public class MessageQueue : ISyncBase, IDisposable 36 { 37 bool _isDisposed = false; 38 39 ConcurrentDictionary<string, QueueBase> _list; 40 41 object _syncLocker = new object(); 42 43 public object SyncLocker 44 { 45 get 46 { 47 return _syncLocker; 48 } 49 } 50 51 public MessageQueue() 52 { 53 _list = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, QueueBase>(); 54 55 ThreadHelper.Run(() => 56 { 57 while (!_isDisposed) 58 { 59 var list = _list.Values.Where(b => b.Expired <= DateTimeHelper.Now); 60 if (list != null) 61 { 62 foreach (var item in list) 63 { 64 if (item.Length == 0) 65 { 66 _list.TryRemove(item.Topic, out QueueBase q); 67 } 68 } 69 } 70 ThreadHelper.Sleep(10000); 71 } 72 }, true, System.Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest); 73 } 74 75 76 public void Enqueue(string topic, string data) 77 { 78 var queue = _list.Values.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Topic.Equals(topic)); 79 lock (_syncLocker) 80 { 81 if (queue == null) 82 { 83 queue = new QueueBase(topic); 84 _list.TryAdd(topic, queue); 85 } 86 } 87 queue.Enqueue(data); 88 } 89 90 91 public string Dequeue(string topic) 92 { 93 var queue = _list.Values.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Topic.Equals(topic)); 94 if (queue != null) 95 { 96 return queue.Dequeue(); 97 } 98 return null; 99 } 100 101 /// <summary> 102 /// 批量读取数据 103 /// </summary> 104 /// <param name="topic"></param> 105 /// <param name="maxSize"></param> 106 /// <param name="maxTime"></param> 107 /// <returns></returns> 108 public List<string> DequeueForList(string topic, int maxSize = 500, int maxTime = 500) 109 { 110 List<string> result = new List<string>(); 111 bool running = true; 112 var m = 0; 113 var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 114 { 115 while (running) 116 { 117 var data = Dequeue(topic); 118 if (data != null) 119 { 120 result.Add(data); 121 m++; 122 if (m == maxSize) 123 { 124 running = false; 125 } 126 } 127 else 128 { 129 ThreadHelper.Sleep(1); 130 } 131 } 132 }); 133 Task.WaitAll(new Task[] { task }, maxTime); 134 running = false; 135 return result; 136 } 137 138 public string BlockDequeue(string topic) 139 { 140 var queue = _list.Values.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Topic == topic); 141 if (queue != null) 142 { 143 return queue.BlockDequeue(); 144 } 145 return null; 146 } 147 148 public List<QueueBase> ToList() 149 { 150 lock (_syncLocker) 151 { 152 return _list.Values.ToList(); 153 } 154 } 155 156 public long GetCount(string topic) 157 { 158 var queue = _list.Values.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Topic == topic); 159 if (queue != null) 160 return queue.Length; 161 return 0; 162 } 163 164 public void Dispose() 165 { 166 _isDisposed = true; 167 _list.Clear(); 168 _list = null; 169 } 170 } 171 }
1 /**************************************************************************** 2 *Copyright (c) 2018 Microsoft All Rights Reserved. 3 *CLR版本: 4.0.30319.42000 4 *机器名称:WENLI-PC 5 *公司名称:Microsoft 6 *命名空间:SAEA.QueueSocket.Net 7 *文件名: QCoder 8 *版本号: V1.0.0.0 9 *唯一标识:88f5a779-8294-47bc-897b-8357a09f2fdb 10 *当前的用户域:WENLI-PC 11 *创建人: yswenli 12 *电子邮箱:wenguoli_520@qq.com 13 *创建时间:2018/3/5 18:01:56 14 *描述: 15 * 16 *===================================================================== 17 *修改标记 18 *修改时间:2018/3/5 18:01:56 19 *修改人: yswenli 20 *版本号: V1.0.0.0 21 *描述: 22 * 23 *****************************************************************************/ 24 25 using SAEA.Commom; 26 using SAEA.QueueSocket.Model; 27 using SAEA.QueueSocket.Type; 28 using SAEA.Sockets.Interface; 29 using System; 30 using System.Collections.Generic; 31 using System.Text; 32 33 namespace SAEA.QueueSocket.Net 34 { 35 public sealed class QCoder : ICoder 36 { 37 static readonly int MIN = 1 + 4 + 4 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 0; 38 39 private List<byte> _buffer = new List<byte>(); 40 41 private object _locker = new object(); 42 43 public void Pack(byte[] data, Action<DateTime> onHeart, Action<ISocketProtocal> onUnPackage, Action<byte[]> onFile) 44 { 45 46 } 47 48 /// <summary> 49 /// 队列编解码器 50 /// </summary> 51 public QueueCoder QueueCoder { get; set; } = new QueueCoder(); 52 53 /// <summary> 54 /// 包解析 55 /// </summary> 56 /// <param name="data"></param> 57 /// <param name="OnQueueResult"></param> 58 public void GetQueueResult(byte[] data, Action<QueueResult> OnQueueResult) 59 { 60 lock (_locker) 61 { 62 try 63 { 64 _buffer.AddRange(data); 65 66 if (_buffer.Count > (1 + 4 + 4 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 0)) 67 { 68 var buffer = _buffer.ToArray(); 69 70 QCoder.Decode(buffer, (list, offset) => 71 { 72 if (list != null) 73 { 74 foreach (var item in list) 75 { 76 OnQueueResult?.Invoke(new QueueResult() 77 { 78 Type = (QueueSocketMsgType)item.Type, 79 Name = item.Name, 80 Topic = item.Topic, 81 Data = item.Data 82 }); 83 } 84 _buffer.RemoveRange(0, offset); 85 } 86 }); 87 } 88 } 89 catch (Exception ex) 90 { 91 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine("QCoder.GetQueueResult error:" + ex.Message + ex.Source); 92 _buffer.Clear(); 93 } 94 } 95 } 96 97 98 99 /// <summary> 100 /// socket 传输字节编码 101 /// 格式为:1+4+4+x+4+x+4 102 /// </summary> 103 /// <param name="queueSocketMsg"></param> 104 /// <returns></returns> 105 public static byte[] Encode(QueueSocketMsg queueSocketMsg) 106 { 107 List<byte> list = new List<byte>(); 108 109 var total = 4 + 4 + 4; 110 111 var nlen = 0; 112 113 var tlen = 0; 114 115 byte[] n = null; 116 byte[] tp = null; 117 byte[] d = null; 118 119 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queueSocketMsg.Name)) 120 { 121 n = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(queueSocketMsg.Name); 122 nlen = n.Length; 123 total += nlen; 124 } 125 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queueSocketMsg.Topic)) 126 { 127 tp = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(queueSocketMsg.Topic); 128 tlen = tp.Length; 129 total += tlen; 130 } 131 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(queueSocketMsg.Data)) 132 { 133 d = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(queueSocketMsg.Data); 134 total += d.Length; 135 } 136 137 list.Add(queueSocketMsg.Type); 138 list.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(total)); 139 list.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(nlen)); 140 if (nlen > 0) 141 list.AddRange(n); 142 list.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(tlen)); 143 if (tlen > 0) 144 list.AddRange(tp); 145 if (d != null) 146 list.AddRange(d); 147 var arr = list.ToArray(); 148 list.Clear(); 149 return arr; 150 } 151 152 /// <summary> 153 /// socket 传输字节解码 154 /// </summary> 155 /// <param name="data"></param> 156 /// <param name="onDecode"></param> 157 public static bool Decode(byte[] data, Action<QueueSocketMsg[], int> onDecode) 158 { 159 int offset = 0; 160 161 try 162 { 163 if (data != null && data.Length > offset + MIN) 164 { 165 var list = new List<QueueSocketMsg>(); 166 167 while (data.Length > offset + MIN) 168 { 169 var total = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, offset + 1); 170 171 if (data.Length >= offset + total + 1) 172 { 173 offset += 5; 174 175 var qm = new QueueSocketMsg((QueueSocketMsgType)data[0]); 176 qm.Total = total; 177 178 qm.NLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, offset); 179 offset += 4; 180 181 182 if (qm.NLen > 0) 183 { 184 var narr = new byte[qm.NLen]; 185 Buffer.BlockCopy(data, offset, narr, 0, narr.Length); 186 qm.Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(narr); 187 } 188 offset += qm.NLen; 189 190 qm.TLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(data, offset); 191 192 offset += 4; 193 194 if (qm.TLen > 0) 195 { 196 var tarr = new byte[qm.TLen]; 197 Buffer.BlockCopy(data, offset, tarr, 0, tarr.Length); 198 qm.Topic = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(tarr); 199 } 200 offset += qm.TLen; 201 202 var dlen = qm.Total - 4 - 4 - qm.NLen - 4 - qm.TLen; 203 204 if (dlen > 0) 205 { 206 var darr = new byte[dlen]; 207 Buffer.BlockCopy(data, offset, darr, 0, dlen); 208 qm.Data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(darr); 209 offset += dlen; 210 } 211 list.Add(qm); 212 } 213 else 214 { 215 break; 216 } 217 } 218 if (list.Count > 0) 219 { 220 onDecode?.Invoke(list.ToArray(), offset); 221 return true; 222 } 223 } 224 } 225 catch (Exception ex) 226 { 227 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine($"QCoder.Decode error:{ex.Message} stack:{ex.StackTrace} data:{data.Length} offset:{offset}"); 228 } 229 onDecode?.Invoke(null, 0); 230 return false; 231 } 232 233 234 /// <summary> 235 /// dispose 236 /// </summary> 237 public void Dispose() 238 { 239 _buffer.Clear(); 240 _buffer = null; 241 } 242 243 244 245 } 246 }
简单的How to do和Why do已经完成了,是时候定义个Producer、Consumer来测试一把了
1 using SAEA.QueueSocket; 2 using SAEA.Commom; 3 using SAEA.QueueSocket.Model; 4 using System; 5 using System.Collections.Generic; 6 using System.Diagnostics; 7 using System.Text; 8 using System.Threading; 9 using System.Threading.Tasks; 10 11 namespace SAEA.QueueSocketTest 12 { 13 class Program 14 { 15 static void Main(string[] args) 16 { 17 do 18 { 19 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine("输入s启动队列服务器,输入p启动生产者,输入c启动消费者"); 20 21 var inputStr = ConsoleHelper.ReadLine(); 22 23 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(inputStr)) 24 { 25 var topic = "测试频道"; 26 27 switch (inputStr.ToLower()) 28 { 29 case "s": 30 ConsoleHelper.Title = "SAEA.QueueServer"; 31 ServerInit(); 32 break; 33 case "p": 34 ConsoleHelper.Title = "SAEA.QueueProducer"; 35 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine("输入ip:port连接到队列服务器"); 36 inputStr = ConsoleHelper.ReadLine(); 37 ProducerInit(inputStr, topic); 38 break; 39 case "c": 40 ConsoleHelper.Title = "SAEA.QueueConsumer"; 41 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine("输入ip:port连接到队列服务器"); 42 inputStr = ConsoleHelper.ReadLine(); 43 ConsumerInit(inputStr, topic); 44 break; 45 default: 46 ServerInit(); 47 inputStr = ""; 48 ProducerInit(inputStr, topic); 49 ConsumerInit(inputStr, topic); 50 break; 51 } 52 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine("回车退出!"); 53 ConsoleHelper.ReadLine(); 54 return; 55 } 56 } 57 while (true); 58 } 59 60 61 62 static QServer _server; 63 static void ServerInit() 64 { 65 _server = new QServer(); 66 _server.OnDisconnected += Server_OnDisconnected; 67 _server.CalcInfo((ci, qi) => 68 { 69 var result = string.Format("生产者:{0} 消费者:{1} 收到消息:{2} 推送消息:{3}{4}", ci.Item1, ci.Item2, ci.Item3, ci.Item4, Environment.NewLine); 70 71 qi.ForEach((item) => 72 { 73 result += string.Format("队列名称:{0} 堆积消息数:{1} {2}", item.Item1, item.Item2, Environment.NewLine); 74 }); 75 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine(result); 76 }); 77 _server.Start(); 78 } 79 80 private static void Server_OnDisconnected(string ID, Exception ex) 81 { 82 _server.Clear(ID); 83 if (ex != null) 84 { 85 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine("{0} 已从服务器断开,err:{1}", ID, ex.ToString()); 86 } 87 } 88 89 static void ProducerInit(string ipPort, string topic) 90 { 91 int pNum = 0; 92 93 //string msg = "主要原因是由于在高并发环境下,由于来不及同步处理,请求往往会发生堵塞,比如说,大量的insert,update之类的请求同时到达MySQL,直接导致无数的行锁表锁,甚至最后请求会堆积过多,从而触发too many connections错误。通过使用消息队列,我们可以异步处理请求,从而缓解系统的压力。"; 94 string msg = "123"; 95 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipPort)) ipPort = ""; 96 97 QClient producer = new QClient("productor" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), ipPort); 98 99 producer.OnError += Producer_OnError; 100 101 producer.OnDisconnected += Client_OnDisconnected; 102 103 producer.ConnectAsync((s) => 104 { 105 Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 106 { 107 var old = 0; 108 var speed = 0; 109 while (producer.Connected) 110 { 111 speed = pNum - old; 112 old = pNum; 113 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine("生产者已成功发送:{0} 速度:{1}/s", pNum, speed); 114 Thread.Sleep(1000); 115 } 116 }); 117 118 var list = new List<Tuple<string, byte[]>>(); 119 120 121 while (producer.Connected) 122 { 123 124 producer.Publish(topic, msg); 125 126 Interlocked.Increment(ref pNum); 127 } 128 }); 129 130 131 } 132 133 private static void Producer_OnError(string ID, Exception ex) 134 { 135 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine("id:" + ID + ",error:" + ex.Message); 136 } 137 138 static void ConsumerInit(string ipPort, string topic) 139 { 140 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipPort)) ipPort = ""; 141 QClient consumer = new QClient("subscriber-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), ipPort); 142 consumer.OnMessage += Subscriber_OnMessage; 143 consumer.OnDisconnected += Client_OnDisconnected; 144 consumer.ConnectAsync((s) => 145 { 146 Task.Factory.StartNew(() => 147 { 148 var old = 0; 149 var speed = 0; 150 while (consumer.Connected) 151 { 152 speed = _outNum - old; 153 old = _outNum; 154 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine("消费者已成功接收:{0} 速度:{1}/s", _outNum, speed); 155 Thread.Sleep(1000); 156 } 157 }); 158 159 consumer.Subscribe(topic); 160 }); 161 162 } 163 164 private static void Client_OnDisconnected(string ID, Exception ex) 165 { 166 ConsoleHelper.WriteLine("当前连接已关闭"); 167 } 168 169 static int _outNum = 0; 170 171 private static void Subscriber_OnMessage(QueueResult obj) 172 { 173 if (obj != null) 174 _outNum += 1; 175 } 176 } 177 }
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