OpenGL ES学习笔记(一)——基本用法、绘制流程与着色器编译
首先声明下,本文为笔者学习《OpenGL ES应用开发实践指南(Android卷)》的笔记,涉及的代码均出自原书,如有需要,请到原书指定源码地址下载。
在Android、iOS等移动平台上,开发者可以使用跨平台应用编程接口创建二维或者三维图形,或进行图像处理和计算机视觉应用,结合两者将能构建丰富有趣的交互体验。前者称为OpenGL,后者称为OpenCV,不过本文主要介绍前者,OpenCV在后续文章中涉及。OpenGL应用于桌面系统的历史已经很长了,但考虑到移动平台的特点(计算能力、性能等),将OpenGL应用与移动端使用的是一个特殊的嵌入式版本:OpenGL ES(OpenGL for Embedded System)。OpenGL ES有三个版本:版本1.0提供了一个不太灵活的、固定功能的管道;2.0版本推出了可编程的管道,提供我们所需的所有功能;3.0版本在2.0的基础上增加了一些新的特性,目前还没有广泛使用。《OpenGL ES应用开发实践指南(Android卷)》基于2.0版本进行说明,本文主要内容如下:
- OpenGL ES的基本用法,即HelloWorld实现
- 二维或者三维图形绘制流程
- 着色器(顶点和片段)编译
一、OpenGL ES的基本用法
OpenGL ES的HelloWorld实现非常简单,只需两步:(1)在xml布局文件或者代码中引入GLSurfaceView;(2)为GLSurfaceView设置Renderer。代码如下:
glSurfaceView = new GLSurfaceView(this); // Check if the system supports OpenGL ES 2.0. ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE); ConfigurationInfo configurationInfo = activityManager .getDeviceConfigurationInfo(); // Even though the latest emulator supports OpenGL ES 2.0, // it has a bug where it doesn't set the reqGlEsVersion so // the above check doesn't work. The below will detect if the // app is running on an emulator, and assume that it supports // OpenGL ES 2.0. final boolean supportsEs2 = configurationInfo.reqGlEsVersion >= 0x20000 || (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1 && (Build.FINGERPRINT.startsWith("generic") || Build.FINGERPRINT.startsWith("unknown") || Build.MODEL.contains("google_sdk") || Build.MODEL.contains("Emulator") || Build.MODEL.contains("Android SDK built for x86"))); if (supportsEs2) { // Request an OpenGL ES 2.0 compatible context. glSurfaceView.setEGLContextClientVersion(2); // Assign our renderer. glSurfaceView.setRenderer(new AirHockeyRenderer(this)); rendererSet = true; } else { /* * This is where you could create an OpenGL ES 1.x compatible * renderer if you wanted to support both ES 1 and ES 2. Since * we're not doing anything, the app will crash if the device * doesn't support OpenGL ES 2.0. If we publish on the market, we * should also add the following to AndroidManifest.xml: * * <uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" * android:required="true" /> * * This hides our app from those devices which don't support OpenGL * ES 2.0. */ Toast.makeText(this, "This device does not support OpenGL ES 2.0.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return; } setContentView(glSurfaceView);
首先通过GLSurfaceView的构造函数创建GLSurfaceView对象glSurfaceView,然后检查系统是否支持OpenGL ES 2.0版,支持就为glSurfaceView设置Renderer,否则弹出提示并返回,最后设置界面展示。
@Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); if (rendererSet) { glSurfaceView.onPause(); } } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (rendererSet) { glSurfaceView.onResume(); } }
public interface Renderer { void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config); void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height); void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl); }
onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config)方法在Surface被创建的时候调用。但在实践中,设备被唤醒或者用户从其他activity切换回来时,这个方法也可能被调用。
onSurfaceChanged(GL10 gl, int width, int height)方法在Surface尺寸变化时调用,在横竖屏切换时,Surface尺寸都会变化。
onDrawFrame(GL10 gl)方法在绘制一帧时调用。在这个方法中,一定要绘制一些东西,即使只是清空屏幕,因为在这个方法返回后,渲染缓冲区会被交换并显示到屏幕上,如果什么都没画,可能看到糟糕的闪烁效果。
@Override public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 glUnused, EGLConfig config) { glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); }
@Override public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 glUnused, int width, int height) { // Set the OpenGL viewport to fill the entire surface. glViewport(0, 0, width, height); }
@Override public void onDrawFrame(GL10 glUnused) { // Clear the rendering surface. glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); }
首先,在OpenGL ES中,只支持三种类型的绘制:点、直线以及三角形。所以需要在绘制图像之前,需要把一个图像分解为这三种图像的组合。
private final FloatBuffer vertexData; vertexData = ByteBuffer .allocateDirect(tableVerticesWithTriangles.length * BYTES_PER_FLOAT) .order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder()) .asFloatBuffer(); vertexData.put(tableVerticesWithTriangles);
在上述代码中,首先使用ByteBuffer.allocateDirect()分配一块本地内存,这块本地内存不会被垃圾回收器管理。这个方法需要确定分配的内存的大小(单位为字节);因为顶点存储在浮点数组中,并且每个浮点数有4个字节,所以这块内存的大小为tableVerticesWithTriangles.length * BYTES_PER_FLOAT。order(ByteOrder.nativeOrder())的意思是使缓冲区按照本地字节序组织内容,字节序请移步这里。asFloatBuffer()方法得到一个可以反映底层字节的FloatBuffer类实例,因为我们直接操作的是浮点数,而不是单独的字节。
attribute vec4 a_Position; void main() { gl_Position = a_Position; gl_PointSize = 10.0; }
precision mediump float; uniform vec4 u_Color; void main() { gl_FragColor = u_Color; }
着色器使用GLSL定义,GLSL是OpenGL的着色语言,语法结构与C语言相似。顶点着色器中,gl_Position接收当前顶点的位置,gl_PointSize设置顶点的大小;片段着色器中,gl_FragColor接收片段的颜色。precision mediump float为精度限定符,可以选择lowp、mediump和highp,分别对应低精度、中等精度和高精度。
public static String readTextFileFromResource(Context context, int resourceId) { StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(); try { InputStream inputStream = context.getResources().openRawResource(resourceId); InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader); String nextLine; while ((nextLine = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { body.append(nextLine); body.append('\n'); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Could not open resource: " + resourceId, e); } catch (Resources.NotFoundException nfe) { throw new RuntimeException("Resource not found: " + resourceId, nfe); } return body.toString(); }
/** * Loads and compiles a vertex shader, returning the OpenGL object ID. */ public static int compileVertexShader(String shaderCode) { return compileShader(GL_VERTEX_SHADER, shaderCode); } /** * Loads and compiles a fragment shader, returning the OpenGL object ID. */ public static int compileFragmentShader(String shaderCode) { return compileShader(GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, shaderCode); } /** * Compiles a shader, returning the OpenGL object ID. */ private static int compileShader(int type, String shaderCode) { // Create a new shader object. final int shaderObjectId = glCreateShader(type); if (shaderObjectId == 0) { if (LoggerConfig.ON) { Log.w(TAG, "Could not create new shader."); } return 0; } // Pass in the shader source. glShaderSource(shaderObjectId, shaderCode); // Compile the shader. glCompileShader(shaderObjectId); // Get the compilation status. final int[] compileStatus = new int[1]; glGetShaderiv(shaderObjectId, GL_COMPILE_STATUS, compileStatus, 0); if (LoggerConfig.ON) { // Print the shader info log to the Android log output. Log.v(TAG, "Results of compiling source:" + "\n" + shaderCode + "\n:" + glGetShaderInfoLog(shaderObjectId)); } // Verify the compile status. if (compileStatus[0] == 0) { // If it failed, delete the shader object. glDeleteShader(shaderObjectId); if (LoggerConfig.ON) { Log.w(TAG, "Compilation of shader failed."); } return 0; } // Return the shader object ID. return shaderObjectId; }
compileShader方法包含的步骤是:新建着色器对象(glCreateShader)——上传着色器源代码(glShaderSource)——取出编译状态(glCompileShader)——取出着色器信息日志(glGetShaderiv)——验证编译状态并返回着色器对象ID(compileStatus[0] == 0。
/** * Links a vertex shader and a fragment shader together into an OpenGL * program. Returns the OpenGL program object ID, or 0 if linking failed. */ public static int linkProgram(int vertexShaderId, int fragmentShaderId) { // Create a new program object. final int programObjectId = glCreateProgram(); if (programObjectId == 0) { if (LoggerConfig.ON) { Log.w(TAG, "Could not create new program"); } return 0; } // Attach the vertex shader to the program. glAttachShader(programObjectId, vertexShaderId); // Attach the fragment shader to the program. glAttachShader(programObjectId, fragmentShaderId); // Link the two shaders together into a program. glLinkProgram(programObjectId); // Get the link status. final int[] linkStatus = new int[1]; glGetProgramiv(programObjectId, GL_LINK_STATUS, linkStatus, 0); if (LoggerConfig.ON) { // Print the program info log to the Android log output. Log.v(TAG, "Results of linking program:\n" + glGetProgramInfoLog(programObjectId)); } // Verify the link status. if (linkStatus[0] == 0) { // If it failed, delete the program object. glDeleteProgram(programObjectId); if (LoggerConfig.ON) { Log.w(TAG, "Linking of program failed."); } return 0; } // Return the program object ID. return programObjectId; }
/** * Validates an OpenGL program. Should only be called when developing the * application. */ public static boolean validateProgram(int programObjectId) { glValidateProgram(programObjectId); final int[] validateStatus = new int[1]; glGetProgramiv(programObjectId, GL_VALIDATE_STATUS, validateStatus, 0); Log.v(TAG, "Results of validating program: " + validateStatus[0] + "\nLog:" + glGetProgramInfoLog(programObjectId)); return validateStatus[0] != 0; }
// Clear the rendering surface. glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); // Draw the table. glUniform4f(uColorLocation, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); // Draw the center dividing line. glUniform4f(uColorLocation, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 6, 2); // Draw the first mallet blue. glUniform4f(uColorLocation, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 8, 1); // Draw the second mallet red. glUniform4f(uColorLocation, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 9, 1);