HTML Review
Congratulations! You've learned enough HTML to create a great website!

Before we move on to styling with CSS, let's review what we learned in this lesson.


html: stands for hypertext markup language, and is used to give a webpage structure.

css: stands for cascading style sheets, and is used to style HTML elements.

h1 - h6: indicate text headings on a webpage. h1 is the largest heading; h6 is the smallest.


p: used for non-heading text, such as the bodies of articles or company descriptions.

Description of company here.

a: short for anchor and used to add links to other webpages. Anchor elements typically have an href attribute:

Click here to learn how to make a website!
img: used to add an image to a webpage. Image elements are self-closing and do not require a closing tag:

video: used to add videos to a webpage, and uses multiple attributes and a nested source element: unordered list: used to create lists on a webpage and requires li elements inside a ul:
  • list item
  • another item
  • yet another
div: used to organize HTML elements into different groups, which can be given a class attribute:


metadata tags: provide metadata about a webpage. WEB CONCEPTS

parent/child elements: used to describe HTML elements that enclose or are enclosed by other elements. For example, below the ul is the parent and the li items are children:

  • ...
  • ...
  • ...
Click Up Next to start learning about CSS!
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