Lesson 61-62 Are Relatives Important to You?

1 Mid-Autumn Festival eg. The Dragon Boat Festival is one of three major Chinese holidays,along with the Spring and Moon Festivals.端午节是三个中国主要节日之一,另两个是春节和中秋节

2 clan家族,集团 eg. She ranks as my junior in the clan.她的辈分比我小.

3 disinherit剥夺继承权 brother-german同父母的兄弟 cousin表兄弟姐妹 sibling同胞兄弟

4 keep track of 记录,跟踪,与...保持联系 deductible 可扣除的adj  eg. Keep track of tax-deductible expenses, such as the supplies and equipment you buy.记下可减免课税的开支,比如买的原料和设备。

5 straighten out理清,改正,开导 eg. He would make an appointment with him to straighten out a couple of things.他将和他约个时间把几件事情理清楚

6 vague 含糊的,模糊的 eg. They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available.他们只是大概知道可用水的总量。

on a regular basis例行的,定期的 eg. The group meets on a regular basis,usually weekly or biweekly.这个小组定期会面,通常是每周或每两周一次。

   keep in touch保持联系 eg. We're a tight group, so we do keep in touch.我们关系很铁,所以的确保持着联系。

7 clash发出撞击声,冲突,交锋nv  eg.Inside government,there was a clash of views.政府内部意见不一

                                     eg. Behind the scenes, Parsons clashed with almost everyone on the show.在幕后,帕森斯几乎和剧组的所有人都发生过冲突。

8 in-laws岳父岳母 no other别无其他 eg.He would have to accept it;there was no other way.对此他将别无选择,只有接受。

9 one another互相 hit off适合,打掉v eg. How well did you hit it off with one another?你们俩人合得来吗?

10 modernity现代性  His ideology concentrated on the contradiction of aesthetic modernity.他的思想集中传达了审美现代性的悖论.

 scorn轻蔑,鄙视nv greet with以...对待 eg. Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn.研究员们对这个建议嗤之以鼻。

11 ever since 从那时到现在,自从 eg. I simply give in to him,and I've regretted it ever since.我就向他屈服了,从那以后我一直后悔。

12 have a crush on非常喜欢,有好感 eg. I used to have a crush on her myself.我过去曾经爱上了她

13 as though 好像 eg. He looks as though(宾语从句中) he would not hurt a fly.他看起来善良得连只苍蝇都不肯伤害。

                          eg. The house was lit up as though a big celeration was going on.整个屋子灯火辉煌, 犹如在举行盛大庆典。

14 being +done现在进行时被动式  eg. Maybe you think I am being selfish.

             因为,存在 eg. Little boys,being what they are,might decide to play on it.出于天性,小男孩们可能会决定利用这一点。    

15  come to后接固定词组 eg. come to an agreement/understanding/terms 达成一致/谅解/ 协议 或和解

      come to a decision/conclusion 作出决定/结论 come to a(n)..end有..结果(下场) come to life 活跃起来 come to light被发现 

      come to nothing没有结果 come to oneself恢复知觉 come to sb's attention得到某人注意 come to the point谈正题

16 nuisance 讨厌的人,麻烦事n eg. He spent three days making an absolute nuisance of himself.他3天时间就把自己变成了个地地道道的“讨人嫌”。

17 tag along 尾随  eg. She seems quite happy to tag along with them.她好像很乐意跟着他们。

18 get-together聚会n  seldom很少adv eg. I've seldom felt so happy.我很少感觉如此幸福。

19 along with 一起,伴随 eg. Of course, along with the responsibilities come some great privileges.当然 , 极大的特权伴随责任而来.

20 compatibility 兼容性,和睦相处n eg. People usually choose their friends on the basis of compatiblility and shared concerns.人们通常在和睦相处和有共同话题的基础上选择朋友。

21 shadow影子,阴暗处n,遮蔽,尾随v eg.Most of the lake was in shadow.湖面的大部分都处在背阴中。

                eg. It's as though we are each other's shadow, we are so close.

22 outlaw宣布...非法v,逃犯n sanctuary避难所n,庇护v  eg. The outlaw was granted sanctuary in the church.这名犯法者获准在教堂里避难.

23 real estate房地产n  thrust upon强加于v eg. Why has such sadness been thrust upon us.我们为什么要遭这份罪?

24 reunion团聚,聚会n eg. The Association holds an annual reunion.这个协会每年聚会一次。

25 continuity连贯性n  eg..the problems of trying to maintain continuity between your youthful past and your middle-aged present...力图保持年轻的过往和现在的中年阶段之间的连贯性的问题

26 metaphor 暗喻,象征n eg. In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征.

27 jam 果酱,拥挤n 堵住,挤入v eg. Cracks appeared in the wall,and a door jammed shut.墙上出现了裂缝,一扇门卡住打不开了。

posted on 2014-08-18 23:33  追梦的小屁孩  阅读(272)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报