Lesson 33-34 Dieting

一 Words

1 shade 遮蔽,逐渐变成v eg. As the dusk shaded into night,we drove slowly through narrow alleys.夜幕渐渐降临,我们驱车在狭窄的胡同里缓慢前行。

            阴凉处,细微差别n eg.the capacity to convey subtle shades of meaning.能表达意思上的各种微妙差别的能力

2 intake 吸入,摄入量 eg. We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake.不断有人提醒我们要减少脂肪的摄入量。

3 allergic 过敏的,对..讨厌的 eg. Someone allergic to milk is likely to react to cheese.对牛奶过敏的人可能对奶酪也有不良反应。

4 diabetic 糖尿病的,糖尿病患者 eg.The hospital has a diabetic clinic. 这所医院里有糖尿病科.

5 gorge 峡谷n funnel烟囱,通过狭窄空间 eg. The winds came from the north,across the plains,funnelling through the gorge.风从北方吹来,刮过平原,穿过山谷

   gorge 狼吞虎咽,拼命吃 eg. I could spend each day gorging on chocolate.我可以每天只吃巧克力就够了

6 prescribe 开处方,规定 eg. Article Two of the constitution,which prescribes the method of electing a president.规定了总统选举方法的宪法第二条

7 customarily 习惯上adv eg. They customarily went into battle side by side with their men.他们向来都同士兵并肩作战。

8 fad 一时的风尚,一时的怪念头 e.g. Hamnett does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad.哈姆内特不相信对环境的关注是昙花一现

9 medication 药物,药物治疗n eg. With medication,life at home goes on as usual.接受药物治疗后,家里的生活还能一切如常

10 diet 饮食n eg. It’s never too late to improve your diet.什么时候改善饮食都为时不晚。

          节食nv eg. Have you been on a diet?You have lost a lot of weight.你最近在节食吗?你瘦了好多。

                    eg. Most of us have dieted at some time in our lives.我们大多数人都曾在人生的某个时期为减肥而节食过

11 for a while一段时间 pop off 突然离开

    eg. I’ll make the tea and you pop off for a while.我来备茶,你去歇一会儿吧。

12 follower 追随者,拥护者 eg. She herself insists she is no slavish奴性的,盲从的 follower of fashion.她坚称自己绝不会一味地追随时尚。

13 revert to 回到,恢复 eg. They will revert to tilling直到,耕地 the earth in an old-fashioned way.他们将回归到用老方法耕地。

14 in the case of 在...情况下 eg. I dread to think what will happen in the case of a major emergency.我不敢想在重大紧急情况下会发生什么

15 liposuction吸脂手术  underweight 过轻

16 flatten 变平,打倒,摧毁 eg. He carefully flatten the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.他小心翼翼地把包装纸弄平,夹在书页里。

                                    eg. Bombing raids flatten much of the area.空袭将这个地区的大部分都夷为了平地

17 self-conscious害羞的,有强烈自我意识的 eg. I felt a bit self-conscious in my swimming costume.我穿着游泳衣觉得有点害羞。

                                                           eg. They were forged by them,moreover,into a self-conscious nation as early as the 10th century.另外,早在10世纪,他们就被其锻造成了一个具有自我意识的民族。

18 a bit和a little和a few区别:

     肯定句:都是一点儿意思 eg. The speaker spoke up a little/a bit so as to make himself heard more clearly.演讲者把嗓门提高了一点儿,以便使别人听得更清楚。

     否定句:not a bit一点也不=not at all,not a little 很,非常

     a little可以直接作定语,a bit要加of才能作名词的定语,a bit是形容词的定语,两者都接不可数名词。eg. There is a little/a bit of food left for lunch.午饭只能吃剩下的一点食品了

     a few少量  few几乎没有 都接可数名词

20 have nothing to do with与...无关,置身事外 sufficient充分的,足够的 adjust...to 调节,适应 eg. It's difficult to adjust one's habits to someone else.一个人很难使自己的习惯适于他人。

21 marketer 市场营销人员n nonsense胡说,荒唐  eg. She saw herself as a direct,no-nonsense modern woman.她认为自己是个直接了当、不拖泥带水的现代女性。

22 exuberant 生气勃勃的,茂盛的adj eg. Hothouse plants do not possess exuberant vitality.温室下培养的植物,不会有强大的生命力。

23 skinny 极瘦的,皮的adj eg. You're too skinny - we'll have to fatten you up.你太瘦了,我们要把你弄胖些

24 hold up 举起,支撑 eg. Women hold up half the heaven.妇女撑起半边天

                 耽误 eg. Continuing violence  could hold up progress towards reform.持续的暴力活动可能会阻延改革的进程

25 ideal 理想的,完美的,合适的adj 理想,典范n  eg. It's ideal for people who like a sloppy movie.对于喜欢伤感电影的人来说,这部影片再合适不过了。

26 sloppy 懒散的,泥泞的,伤感的adj  eg. He has little patience for sloppy work from colleagues.他对同事们草草敷衍的工作鲜有耐心

27 superior 较高的,较好的adj,上级n superior to优于 eg. We have a relationship infinitely superior to those of many of our friends.我们的关系要比我们其他许多朋友的关系好得多

28 tend to朝..方向,趋向  photogenic易上镜头的 eg. I've got a million photos of my boy.He is very photogenic.我给儿子拍了好多照片,他非常上镜

29 complacent 自满的,得意的adj eg. We must not become complacent the moment we have some success.我们决不能一见成绩就自满起来

30 self-indulgent 放纵的,任性的 eg. Why give publicity to this self-indulgent,adolescent oaf?为什么要宣传报道这个行为任性、青春期未满的白痴呢?

31 lead a ...life 过着...的生活  over time随着时间,经过时间  star athlete体育明星

32 sedentary 长期伏案的,少运动的 eg.Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle have been linked with an increased risk of heart disease.肥胖和久坐不动的生活方式被认为会增加患心脏病的几率。

33 reverse 颠倒,推翻vt 颠倒的,倒退的 Amis tells the story in reverse,from the moment the man dies.埃米斯以倒叙的方式讲述了这个故事,从这个男人死去的时候开始讲起。

34 typical 典型的,特有的 as much 同样的  metabolism新陈代谢n  burn off烧掉,蒸发  clog up堵塞

35 dysfunction 不正常,机能失调 aggravate加重  recipe食谱,秘诀 do the trick获得成功 motherhood做母亲

36 chauvinistic 盲目爱国的,大男子主义的 eg. national narrow-mindedness and chauvinistic arrogance.民族主义的狭隘和大国沙文主义的傲慢

37 sensitive 敏感的,体贴的,担忧的 eg. The classroom teacher should be sensitve to a child's needs.班主任必须对小学生的需求体察入微

38 sane心智健全的,理智的 drivel胡言乱语

39 take a rain check以后再说吧  look the part看上去得体  make up 组成,补偿,编造,化妆

posted on 2014-07-31 17:01  追梦的小屁孩  阅读(419)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报