Exporting a release version of an application(zz from Adobe help)

You can export an optimized release-quality version (non-debug SWF file or AIR file) of your application using the Export Release Build wizard. Required assets are copied to a folder separate from the debug version. After running the wizard, additional steps are required to deploy your application on a server.

Export a release build (Web application, runs in Adobe Flash player)

  1. Select Project > Export Release Build to open the Export Release Build wizard.

  2. Select the project and application you want to export.

  3. (Optional) Select Enable View Source to make application source files available from the exported application.

    Click View Source Files to specify which source files to include. In addition to the specified source files, the wizard generates a ZIP archive file containing the source files.

    Important: For server projects, you can select the services folder when exporting source files. Exporting files that implement services has security implications. These files can expose access to your database, including user names and passwords. See Exporting source files with release version of an application.
  4. Click Finish.

  5. Copy the folder containing the exported release to the web root of the server hosting the application.

  6. (Server projects) If exporting a release from a project that specified an application server type, deploy the services to the web root of the target server.

    Maintain the same directory structure used during development.

    This step applies to ColdFusion, PHP, BlazeDS, and LCDS services. You specify the application server type when creating a project in Flash Builder.

    For local files deployed on the server, a cross-domain policy file is necessary to access these services. This applies to projects accessing static XML service files or local files for HTTP services or web services. See Using cross-domain policy files.

  7. (PHP server projects only) For PHP projects, perform these additional steps:

    1. Install the Zend framework on the server. See Installing Zend Framework.

    2. Modify the amf-config.ini file, which is in the output folder of the exported release:

      For zend_path, specify the absolute path to the Zend installation directory.

      Set amf.production to true.

      Update webroot with the absolute path to the web root on the server.

Export a release build (Desktop application, runs in Adobe AIR)

For AIR projects, a production build creates a digitally signed AIR file, which the user must install before running the application. This process is similar to creating an installer .exe for a typical native application. Optionally you can create an unsigned intermediate package which you can sign later before release. Before you begin the Export Release Build, you must decide how to digitally sign your AIR application:

  • Sign the application using a VeriSign or Thawte digital certificate

  • Create and use a self-signed digital certificate

  • Choose to package the application and sign it later

Digital certificates provided by VeriSign and Thawte give users some assurance as to your identity as a publisher and verification that the installation file has not been altered since you signed it. Self-signed digital certificates serve the same purpose but they are not validated by a third-party.

You also have the option of packaging your AIR application without a digital signature by creating an intermediate AIR file (.airi). An intermediate AIR file is not valid in that it cannot be installed. It is instead used for testing (by the developer) and can be launched using the AIR ADT command line tool. This capability is provided because in some development environments signing is handled by a particular developer or team, which ensures an additional level of security.

Export an AIR application and installer

  1. (Optional) Change the server settings in the project properties.

    An exported desktop application can only access services used during development. If you want to change the server for the exported desktop application, modify the project settings.

  2. Select Project > Export Release Build to open the Export Release Build wizard.

  3. Select the project and application you want to export.

  4. (Optional) Select Enable View Source to make application source files available from the exported application.

    Click View Source Files to specify which source files to include. In addition to the specified source files, the wizard generates a ZIP archive file containing the source files.

    Important: For server projects, you can select the services folder when exporting source files. Exporting files that implement services has security implications. These files can expose access to your database, including user names and passwords. See Exporting source files with release version of an application.
  5. Select Export to AIR File or Export to Native Installer. Click Next.

    Export to AIR File creates a generic installer file that can be used to install the application on either Windows or Mac OS X platforms.

    Export to Native Installer creates an installer for the target platform, either Windows or Mac OS X.

  6. On the Digital Signature page:

    Specify the digital certificate that represents the application publisher’s identity. To generate a self-signed certificate, click Create to enter data in required fields.

    If you want to export a file that can be signed later, export an intermediate AIRI file.

  7. In the AIR File Contents page, select the output files to include in the AIR or AIRI file.

  8. Click Finish.

  9. Copy the .air project to the target desktop.

  10. (Server projects) If exporting a release from a project that specified an application server type, deploy the services on the target server.

    This step applies to ColdFusion, PHP, BlazeDS, and LCDS services. You specify the application server type when creating a project in Flash Builder.

  11. (PHP server projects only) For PHP projects, perform these additional steps:

    1. Install the Zend framework on the server. See Installing Zend Framework.

    2. Modify the amf-config.ini file, which is in the output folder of the exported release:

      For zend_path, specify the absolute path to the Zend installation directory.

      Set amf.production to true.

      Update webroot with the absolute path to the web root on the server.

Debug version

The debug version of your application contains debugging information and is used when you debug your application. The Export Release Build version does not include the additional debugging information and is therefore smaller in size than the debug version. An HTML wrapper file contains a link to the application SWF file and is used to run or debug your application in a web browser.

Note: Both the Run and Debug commands will launch the development build in the bin-debug folder (not the exported release build folder, bin-release.)

In a standard application, a typical output folder resembles the following example:

Output folder example

You can run or debug your Flex and ActionScript applications either in a web browser or in the stand-alone Flash Player. You control how your applications are run or debugged by modifying the project’s launch configuration (see Running your applications). For more information about running and debugging your applications, see Running applications and Debugging your applications.

When you use LiveCycle Data Services ES you create applications that leverage the Flex server technologies. When building LiveCycle Data Services ES applications, you have the option of compiling the output files locally using Flash Builder or on the server when the application is first accessed.

posted @ 2011-11-16 10:55  yjios  阅读(160)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报