
  1. Here is more information on the basic primitives that make up a Lanelet2 map.
  2. Read here for a primer on the software architecture of lanelet2.
  3. There is also some documentation on the geometry calculations you can do with lanelet2 primitives.
  4. If you are interested in Lanelet2's projections, you will find more here.
  5. To get more information on how to create valid maps, see here.




Tagging Regulatory Elements

Regulatory Elements are divided into categories. The most common ones are TrafficLightTrafficSignSpeedLimit and RightOfWay, which are already included in the core library, but there are many more ways to model restrictions on lanelets and areas. More might be added in the future and also users are able to add own regulatory elements by inheriting from the generic RegulatoryElement class and registering the new type using the RegisterRegulatoryElement class.

This document describes the generic layout of a Regulatory Element and shows how the common Regulatory Elements are structured.



Regulatory Elements always have type=regulatory_element. If this tag is not present, Lanelet2 will add it when writing to an .osm file.



The subtype tag helps Lanelet2 to distinguish between the different regulatory elements. For the basic Regulatory Elements this would be:

  • traffic_light
  • traffic_sign
  • speed_limit
  • right_of_way


  • 红绿灯
  • 指示牌
  • 车速限制
  • 路权

Other, Optional Tags

The following tags can be used to add more information to a Regulatory Element (of course you can add you own to enhance your map and implement a new TrafficRule object that implements them). The default values for the tag are highlighted.

  • dynamic (yes/no): Indicates that this Regulatory Element might change its meaning based on a condition. Examples would be a road that is closed on weekends. Or a speed limit that is only in action if the road is wet. By default, Lanelet2 cannot handle dynamic Regulatory Elements and will ignore them. Specialized traffic rule classes could be implemented that use background information (such as the current time) to resolve dynamic Regulatory Elements.
  • fallback (yes/no): Indicates that this Regulatory Element has a lower priority than another Regulatory Element. Examples are right of way regulations that become valid if the traffic lights of an intersection are out of order.



  • 动态(的)(yes/no):指示此交通规则可能根据某种情况更改其含义。例如,一条道路在周末关闭。或者只有在路面潮湿的情况下才会起作用的限速。默认情况下,Lanelet2无法处理动态交通规则,所以将忽略它们。可以实现专门化的交通规则类,这些类使用背景信息(例如当前时间)来解析动态交通规则。
  • 后退(yes/no):指示此交通规则的优先级低于另一个交通规则。例如,当交叉路口的交通灯出现故障时,通行(权)规则就会生效。

Basic Regulatory Elements


Traffic Sign


A traffic sign generically expresses a restriction that is expressed by a traffic sign. The refers part refers to traffic signs that form the rule. The cancels parameter then refers to traffic signs that mark the end of the restriction expressed by the sign (e.g. the end of no-overtaking section). The ref_line and cancel_line parameters can then be used to define the exact start and end points of the rule. The LineStrings referenced by that must not have an intersection with the referencing lanelet or Area. If they do, the rule is valid from/to this intersection point. If not, the rule is valid for the whole lanelet/area.



Speed Limit

Speed limits work very similar to traffic signs. If they are put up by a traffic sign, they simply reference this traffic sign. Similar for the ref_line and the cancels role. The TrafficRules class then takes care of interpreting the speed limit from the subtype of the referenced traffic sign.

Alternatively, if the speed limit does not originate from a traffic sign, a sign_type tag can be used to define the speed limit. The value should contain the unit, eg "50 km/h". mph or mps or similar units are possible as well. If no unit is given, km/h is assumed.


限速工作原理与交通标志非常相似。如果他们被一个交通标志提供,他们只是简单地引用这个交通标志。类似于ref_line和cancels角色。然后,traffic rules类负责从引用的交通标志的子类型(subtype)解释速度限制。

或者,如果速度限制不是来自交通标志,可以使用sign_type标记来定义速度限制。数值应包含单位,如“50km /h”。英里每小时或mps或类似的单位也是可能的。如果没有给出单位,则默认是km/h。

Traffic Light

Traffic lights are also similar to traffic signs. Instead of a sign, the light itself is referenced as refers parameter. The cancels and cancels_line role have no meaning for traffic lights. The ref_line can reference the respective stop line. If they are not present, the stop line is implicitly at the end of the lanelet or Area.



Right of Way

By default, intersecting lanelets are treated as a "first come first served" situation, meaning that the vehicle that arrives first at the intersection point has right of way. The RightOfWay Regulatory Element changes this. It has three roles:

  • yield: References the lanelets that have to yield
  • right_of_way: the lanelets that have the right of way over the yielding ones
  • ref_line: The lines where vehicles that are crossing a yield lanelet have to stop at. If not set, this is the end of the yieldlanelet.

Only one lanelet of a chain of lanelets that belong to the same lane have to be referenced. Generally this is the last lanelet that can be undoubtedly assigned to one specific intersection arm (i.e. the last lanelet before the intersection begins). All lanelets that are mentioned by the right of way Regulatory Element also have to reference the regulatory element.



  • 屈服/让步:引用具有路权的Lanelets
  • 路权:具有先行权的lanelets
  • ref_line:车辆需要停在那里的停止线。如果不设置,就相当于具有路权并且不需要让行。






This file describes the technical architectural architecture of Lanelet2. For information on the representation of lanelet and its primitives, please read first here.





Data sharing


In lanelet two, everything that has an id is unique across the whole map. Because multiple primitives can reference the same element, it is therefore not possible to duplicate/copy the information of a lanelet primitive. If that was possible, modifying the information would leave the map in an invalid state, because other elements that reference it would not be notified of the change.

在lanelet 2中,所有事物都拥有唯一的id。由于许多的地图基本组成可以引用同一个元素,因此不可能复制/复制一个lanelet的基本组成之信息。如果可能的话,修改信息将使地图处于无效状态,因为引用它的其他元素不会被通知那个更改。

To solve this issue, Lanelet2's primitive do not actually store data. Instead, they hold a pointer to the real, uncopyable data object. This means they only provide a view on the underlying map data. This means that Lanelet2 primitives can be copied without regret, because all copies still point to the same underlying data object. If the data is modified through one of the primtives, all other copies can observe the change.


This gives some interesting properties. Firstly, primitives can be copied extremely fast, because only the pointer is copied, not the data. Secondly, this means that we can provide different views on the data. One example is that we can give you a 2D view and a 3D view on the data, e.g. a Point2d that returns x and y coordinates but not the z coordinate. You can convert this point back to Point3d without losing information, because in the underlying data, the z-coordinate was always there. Linestrings behave similar. A LineString3d returns Point3d, a LineString2d gives you Point2d.

这给出了一些有趣的性质。首先,基本组成元素的复制速度非常快,因为只复制指针,而不复制数据。其次,这意味着我们可以对数据提供不同的观测视角。例如,我们可以在数据上提供2D视图和3D视图,例如返回x和y坐标但不返回z坐标的Point2d。您可以在不丢失信息的情况下将这个点转换回Point3d,因为在底层数据中,z坐标始终存在。线串具有相似的表现。LineString3d返回Point3d, LineString2d返回Point2d。

We can also easily invert Linestrings and Lanelets with this technique. An inverted Linestring simply returns the underlying data in reversed order. You will not even notice it is inverted, because it still behaves in the same way as a non-inverted one. The effort of creating the inverted Linestring is - you guessed it - just the effort of copying a pointer!


Like this we can make sure that modifying the map is alwas consistent. All primitives will observe the change. However there are two exceptions to this, and they are related to caching: The centerline of a lanelet is calculated based on the left and right bound at the time it was first requested. If the points of a left or right bounds were modified, the Lanelet can not notice the change and still returns the now wrong centerline. You have to reset the centerline of the lanelet yourself. The second issue is within the laneletMap itself. It holds some precalculated Tree structures to efficiently query closest points or usages of a point. If one of the points is modified, the query will still run on the old tree structure. So the general message is: When you plan to modify the map, know what you are doing!




Since Lanelet2's primitives, especially Lanelets represent an atomic section of the map, it is often important to compose these atomic parts together to create compound objects. These compound primitives behave in the same way as the primitives they are composed of, but internally access their data. This is also driven by the pointer-based concept introduced above: The compound objects simply hold a list of pointers instead of a single one. As an example, you can compose multiple Linestring3d to one CompoundLineString3d. It behaves like a single linestring, gives you its size() in points acces to the individual points while still internally accessing the data of the actual linestrings. You can also compose Polygons from Linestrings, LaneletSet from Lanelets, and so on.



Const correctness


Since modifying the map can make cached data invalid, and since modification affects the whole map, Lanelet2 offers some protection against unwanted modification. This is related to const correctness: If an object is passed to a function as const, not only the data of the object itself is immutable, but also the data derived from it and all the copies that you make.

E.g. if a function accepts a Linestring as const Linestring3d, its data is immutable. If you access a point of the linestring, you get a ConstPoint3d, that allows you to access its data, but not modify it. It is not possible to convert a ConstPoint3d back to a Point3d. This means, if you call a function that accepts a const LineString3d or even a ConstLineString3d, you can be 100% sure that you map data will not be modified.


例如,如果一个函数接受一个Linestring作为const Linestring3d,那么它的数据是不可变的。如果您访问linestring的一个点,您将得到ConstPoint3d,它允许您访问它的数据,但不修改它。将ConstPoint3d转换回Point3d是不可能的。这意味着,如果调用一个接受const LineString3d甚至ConstLineString3d的函数,您可以100%确定映地图数据不会被修改。



We are aware of the fact that roads can be very different in different countries and different places. Some things can be hard to squeeze into the typical map format. Also, the requirements on the map can be very different. To account for this, we tried to make Lanelet2 as flexible as possible by adding customization points where you can plugin your customized solution. Also the modularity of Lanelet2 aims to make it as simple as possible to add new functionality in the future.

Part of the flexibility concept is that the tags that are used on objects can be extended without any limits. This way you can easily add more specific information to your maps that you are missing. New, custom Regulatory Elements can be added to accout for difficult traffic situations. Also Lanelet2 can be extended for different countries and different road participants by adding new TrafficRules objects which are used by Lanelet2 to interpret the map data. New parsers and writers for new map formats can be added and registered while still using the same good old load/write function.



Geometry calculations


Lanelet2's objects meant to be directly usable for geometry calculations. They are all registered with boost::geometry, meaning the follwing is easily possible: double d = boost::geometry::distance(laneletPoint1, laneletPoint2). If laneletPoint1/2 is a 2D point, you will get the result in 2D, else in 3D.

However, there are limitations to this that originate from the fact that the ConstCorrectness concept and boost::geometry do not play well with each other, because boost::geometry gets confused by the different point types used when things are used in a const and a non-const context. If you want to know more how to solve this problem and avoid pages and pages of compiler errors from boost's feared template code, read our Geometry Primer on this.

Lanelet2的对象意味着可以直接用于几何计算。它们都注册了boost::geometry,这意味着下面的操作很容易实现:double d = boost::geometry::distance(laneletPoint1, laneletPoint2)。如果laneletPoint1/2是一个二维点,你将得到二维的结果,否则是三维的。


Overview and Interaction


If you don't know Lanelet2's basic primitives yet, better read here first!

如果你还不知道Lanelet2的基本的组成部分,你最好先阅读 一下这里!

Here, we want to introduce the basic terms and object that you will be confronted with when using Lanelet2 and how they interact:


  • Primitive any Lanelet2 primitive and their derivates (LaneletConstLaneletLineString2d, etc)
  • 一切Lanelet2组成和它们的衍生品(LaneletConstLaneletLineString2d, 等)
  • LaneletMap a laneletMap is the basic storage container for primitives. It is separated in layers, one for each primitive type and offers different ways to access its data (by a BoundingBox, by id, by nearest point, etc). It does not provide routing functionality.
  • LaneletMap laneMap是lanelet的基本组件的最基本的存储容器。它是分层的,每一层存储一个基本类型,并提供了不同的方法来访问它的数据(通过一个BoundingBox,通过id,通过最近的点,等等)。它不提供路线规划功能。
  • TrafficRules a traffic rules object interprets the map. E.g. it reports if a lanelet isPassable, or if lane changes are possible between two lanelets. A traffic rule object interprets the map from the perspective of one road participant type. A vehicle TrafficRule object will therefore give completely different results on a specific lanelet than a pedestrian TrafficRule object.
  • 交通规则:一个交通规则对象解释地图。例如,它报告一个lanelet是否是可通行的,或者两个lanelets之间是否可变道。交通规则对象从道路参与者类型的角度解释地图。因此,车辆交通规则对象在特定的lanelet上给出的结果与行人交通规则对象完全不同。
  • RoutingCost these classes are used by the routing graph to determine costs when driving from one Lanelet/Area to another one. It could be by travelled distance, by travel time but there are no limits for more advanced routing cost functions. You can also choose the cost of lane changes so that routes with few, preferably long lane changes are preferred.
  • 路线成本:这些类被用来确定从一个Lanelet/Area到另一个Lanelet/Area的最小成本。它可以通过旅行距离,旅行时间来实现,但是对于更高级的路线成本函数没有限制。您还可以选择车道更改的成本,以便选择较少、最好是较长的车道更改的路线。
  • RoutingGraph a routing graph is built from a LaneletMap, TrafficRules and RoutingCost objects. One routing graph is only for one single participant: The one that the TrafficRules belong to. With the routing graph, you can make all kinds of queries to determine where you or someone else can go/drive.
  • 路线图:路线图是根据LaneletMap、交通规则和路线成本对象构建的。一个路由图只针对一个交通参与者:即交通规则所属的参与者。使用路线图,您可以进行各种查询来确定您或其他人可以去/驾驶的位置。
  • Route a route is something returned by the graph when you query a route from A to B. It contains a structure of all the lanelets that you can use on the way with the lowest routing cost, including all possible lane changes.
  • 路线:一条路线是在查询从a到b的路路线时由路线图返回的内容。它包含一个你在路上所使用的所有lanelets,您可以在路线成本最低的情况下使用这些lanelets,包括所有可能的变道。
  • LaneletPath or Path in general is a sequence of lanelets returned by the RoutingGraph that are directly adjacent and have the lowest routing cost to the destination. "Adjacent" means that they can also be connected by a lane change, not only by following the lanelet in a straight direction.
  • 路径:LaneletPath或Path通常是由路线图返回的直接相邻且到目的地路线成本最低的lanelets序列。“相邻”意味着它们也可以通过变道连接,而不仅仅在直线方向上沿着lanelet行驶。
  • LaneletSequence a list of directly succeeding lanelets that can be reached without lane changes. A LaneletSequence is the special case of a LaneletPath where no lane change is necessary.
  • Lanelet序列:无需更改车道即可到达的连续的lanelets的列表。一个Lanelet序列是不需要改变车道的Lanelet路径的特殊情况。
  • Projector projectors are used by the IO module to convert between maps that store date in the WGS84 (lat/lon) format and the local coordinates used by Lanelet2. There are many different projections that all have different properties, so you should choose the one that fits best to you. If in doubt, use UTM.
  • 投影:IO模块使用投影在存储数据格式为WGS84 (lat/lon)格式的地图和Lanelet2使用的本地坐标之间进行转换。有很多不同的投影都有不同的性质,所以你应该选择最适合你的投影。如果有疑问,请使用UTM。



Geometry Calculations With Lanelet2


Lanelet2 primitives interface with Boost.Geometry. Boost.Geometry offers almost all common geometry calculations and is very fast. One downside is that not all algorithms work well with normal Lanelet2 primitives (see below). Another downside is that Boost.Geometry is compile-time heavy and is thus not included in the normal lanelet2 headers. To use geometry calculations, include the respective geometry header, e.g. geometry/LineString.h.


Thanks to boost, all common geometry algorithms are available out of the box. E.g. you can compute distances between points, linestrings, polygons, etc in all combinations in (mostly) all dimensions.


There are usually two different kinds of algorithms: The one that Boost implements (like distance) and the one that Lanelet2 implements (mostly on top of Boost), like boundingBox2d. When using the first kind, you should read the lines below, while the second kind can be used without further reading.


For a list of algorithms that are available, please refer too Boost's documentation or look through lanelet's geometry headers (or doxygen). All algorithms there have a small description.


Using Lanelet Primitives in Boost.Geometry


Lanelet2 offers every geometrical primitive in three flavors, each for 2D and 3D. Because they are just pointers to the actual data, they can be converted without actually copying data:


  • Mutable (e.g. LineString2d): Are mutable, returned members are mutable (unless the object is const, then they are also immutable)
  • Const (e.g. ConstLineString2d): These are immutable, returned members (e.g. points of linestring) are also immutable
  • Hybrid (e.g. ConstHybridLineString2d): Also immutable, returned members are not lanelet primitives (e.g. BasicPoint2d). If in doubt, use this one.

Let us consider these types one by one. The first one (mutable) has the property that it behaves differently (i.e. returns different types) when used const or non-const. This is an issue for some of Boost.Geometry algorithms, because they sometimes accept const and sometimes non-const objects and therefore get the type wrong. Even if they get the type right, Boost is not fully compatible with the concept that copied primitives still refer to the same data and might therefore accidentally modify the wrong data. Therefore algorithms that modify the input (e.g. correct) are possible, but there is no 100% guarantee they work as expected (across all versions of Boost).


The const version does not have the risk of accidentally modifying the wrong data (because they are always immutable), however some algorithms that should not modify the data still try to instanciate templates in which the data can be modified. This results in longish compiler errors (and this might change from Boost version to Boost version). Algorithms that modify the input data (such as correct) can not be used because of the constness.


The hybrid version returns non-lanelet objects (BasicPoint2d/3d), which are fully compatible with Boost. This is the best solution for almost all geometry calculations. However, algorithms that mutate the primitive itself (such as correct) are not possible because the hybrid versions themselves are immutable (no points can be deleted or added).


In summary:

TypeFor exampleUse for Boost.Geometry
Mutable LineString2d Only for mutating algorithms, but use with care
Const ConstLineString2d No
Hybrid ConstHybridLineString2d Yes, safe to use if they compile

Understanding Boost Geometry's Errors

Boost geometry is known for outputting endless lines of compiler errors when used in the wrong way. Here are some hints to find out what you did wrong (sometimes you have to look closely for the actual error in many lines of instanciated templates). They are related to GCC's error messages, but other compilers will output similar stuff:

  • Something about "no member named 'set' in boost::geometry::traits::access [...]: You used a const primitive (or you used a mutable primitive and Boost converted it into a const by a mistake). Try using the hybrid version.
  • Some error including "NOT_IMPLEMENTED_FOR_THIS_POINT_TYPE" together with some *no matching function for call to assertion failed": This is a very generic error and the error message may be misleading. One reason could be that you forgot to include some lanelet2_core/geometry headers. Other reasons could be that you used the function on a primitive it was not implemented for (refer to Boosts documentation for that) or that it was not implemented for this particular dimension. Especially 3D operations are often not implemented in boost::geometry.
  • Something with "You mixed matrices of different sizes". This is actually an error from Eigen. It means you passed a BasicPoint3d where a BasicPoint2d was expected (or vice versa).
  • Something with "no matching member function for call to '_init1'", also from Eigen: You passed a wrong type where a BasicPoint2d/3d was expected.
  • Some error in boost::assert_dimension_equal: You passed a 2d primitive to Boost where a 3d primitive was expected (or vice versa).


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