


前已经述及PoseGraph的内容,此处继续。位姿图类定义了pose_graph::ConstraintBuilder constraint_builder_对象。



1 // Map of already constructed scan matchers by 'submap_id'.
2 std::map<mapping::SubmapId, SubmapScanMatcher> submap_scan_matchers_ GUARDED_BY(mutex_);


1   struct SubmapScanMatcher 
2  {
3     const ProbabilityGrid* probability_grid;
4     std::unique_ptr<scan_matching::FastCorrelativeScanMatcher>
5         fast_correlative_scan_matcher;
6   };


 1 void ConstraintBuilder::ComputeConstraint(
 2     const mapping::SubmapId& submap_id, const Submap* const submap,
 3     const mapping::NodeId& node_id, bool match_full_submap,
 4     const mapping::TrajectoryNode::Data* const constant_data,
 5     const transform::Rigid2d& initial_relative_pose,
 6     std::unique_ptr<ConstraintBuilder::Constraint>* constraint) {
 7   const transform::Rigid2d initial_pose =
 8       ComputeSubmapPose(*submap) * initial_relative_pose;
 9   const SubmapScanMatcher* const submap_scan_matcher =
10       GetSubmapScanMatcher(submap_id);
12   // The 'constraint_transform' (submap i <- node j) is computed from:
13   // - a 'filtered_gravity_aligned_point_cloud' in node j,
14   // - the initial guess 'initial_pose' for (map <- node j),
15   // - the result 'pose_estimate' of Match() (map <- node j).
16   // - the ComputeSubmapPose() (map <- submap i)
17   float score = 0.;
18   transform::Rigid2d pose_estimate = transform::Rigid2d::Identity();
20   // Compute 'pose_estimate' in three stages:
21   // 1. Fast estimate using the fast correlative scan matcher.
22   // 2. Prune if the score is too low.
23   // 3. Refine.
24   if (match_full_submap) {
25     if (submap_scan_matcher->fast_correlative_scan_matcher->MatchFullSubmap(
26             constant_data->filtered_gravity_aligned_point_cloud,
27             options_.global_localization_min_score(), &score, &pose_estimate)) {
28       CHECK_GT(score, options_.global_localization_min_score());
29       CHECK_GE(node_id.trajectory_id, 0);
30       CHECK_GE(submap_id.trajectory_id, 0);
31     } else {
32       return;
33     }
34   } else {
35     if (submap_scan_matcher->fast_correlative_scan_matcher->Match(
36             initial_pose, constant_data->filtered_gravity_aligned_point_cloud,
37             options_.min_score(), &score, &pose_estimate)) {
38       // We've reported a successful local match.
39       CHECK_GT(score, options_.min_score());
40     } else {
41       return;
42     }
43   }
44   {
45     common::MutexLocker locker(&mutex_);
46     score_histogram_.Add(score);
47   }
49   // Use the CSM estimate as both the initial and previous pose. This has the
50   // effect that, in the absence of better information, we prefer the original
51   // CSM estimate.
52   ceres::Solver::Summary unused_summary;
53   ceres_scan_matcher_.Match(pose_estimate.translation(), pose_estimate,
54                             constant_data->filtered_gravity_aligned_point_cloud,
55                             *submap_scan_matcher->probability_grid,
56                             &pose_estimate, &unused_summary);
58   const transform::Rigid2d constraint_transform =
59       ComputeSubmapPose(*submap).inverse() * pose_estimate;
60   constraint->reset(new Constraint{submap_id,
61                                    node_id,
62                                    {transform::Embed3D(constraint_transform),
63                                     options_.loop_closure_translation_weight(),
64                                     options_.loop_closure_rotation_weight()},
65                                    Constraint::INTER_SUBMAP});
67   if (options_.log_matches()) {
68     std::ostringstream info;
69     info << "Node " << node_id << " with "
70          << constant_data->filtered_gravity_aligned_point_cloud.size()
71          << " points on submap " << submap_id << std::fixed;
72     if (match_full_submap) {
73       info << " matches";
74     } else {
75       const transform::Rigid2d difference =
76           initial_pose.inverse() * pose_estimate;
77       info << " differs by translation " << std::setprecision(2)
78            << difference.translation().norm() << " rotation "
79            << std::setprecision(3) << std::abs(difference.normalized_angle());
80     }
81     info << " with score " << std::setprecision(1) << 100. * score << "%.";
82     LOG(INFO) << info.str();
83   }
84 }







 1 bool FastCorrelativeScanMatcher::MatchWithSearchParameters(
 2     SearchParameters search_parameters,
 3     const transform::Rigid2d& initial_pose_estimate,
 4     const sensor::PointCloud& point_cloud, float min_score, float* score,
 5     transform::Rigid2d* pose_estimate) const 
 6 {
 7   CHECK_NOTNULL(score);
 8   CHECK_NOTNULL(pose_estimate);
10   const Eigen::Rotation2Dd initial_rotation = initial_pose_estimate.rotation();
11   const sensor::PointCloud rotated_point_cloud = sensor::TransformPointCloud(
12       point_cloud,
13       transform::Rigid3f::Rotation(Eigen::AngleAxisf(
14           initial_rotation.cast<float>().angle(), Eigen::Vector3f::UnitZ())));
15   const std::vector<sensor::PointCloud> rotated_scans =
16       GenerateRotatedScans(rotated_point_cloud, search_parameters);
17   const std::vector<DiscreteScan> discrete_scans = DiscretizeScans(
18       limits_, rotated_scans,
19       Eigen::Translation2f(initial_pose_estimate.translation().x(),
20                            initial_pose_estimate.translation().y()));
21   search_parameters.ShrinkToFit(discrete_scans, limits_.cell_limits());
23   const std::vector<Candidate> lowest_resolution_candidates =
24       ComputeLowestResolutionCandidates(discrete_scans, search_parameters);
25   const Candidate best_candidate = BranchAndBound(
26       discrete_scans, search_parameters, lowest_resolution_candidates,
27       precomputation_grid_stack_->max_depth(), min_score);//分支定界法
28   if (best_candidate.score > min_score) {
29     *score = best_candidate.score;
30     *pose_estimate = transform::Rigid2d(
31         {initial_pose_estimate.translation().x() + best_candidate.x,
32          initial_pose_estimate.translation().y() + best_candidate.y},
33         initial_rotation * Eigen::Rotation2Dd(best_candidate.orientation));
34     return true;
35   }
36   return false;
37 }



 1 Candidate FastCorrelativeScanMatcher::BranchAndBound(
 2     const std::vector<DiscreteScan>& discrete_scans,
 3     const SearchParameters& search_parameters,
 4     const std::vector<Candidate>& candidates, const int candidate_depth,
 5     float min_score) const 
 6 {
 7   if (candidate_depth == 0) 
 8   {
 9     // Return the best candidate.
10     return *candidates.begin();
11   }
13   Candidate best_high_resolution_candidate(0, 0, 0, search_parameters);
14   best_high_resolution_candidate.score = min_score;
15   for (const Candidate& candidate : candidates)
16   {
17     if (candidate.score <= min_score) {  break;  }
18     std::vector<Candidate> higher_resolution_candidates;
19     const int half_width = 1 << (candidate_depth - 1);
20     for (int x_offset : {0, half_width})
21     {
22       if (candidate.x_index_offset + x_offset >
23           search_parameters.linear_bounds[candidate.scan_index].max_x) {
24         break;
25       }
26       for (int y_offset : {0, half_width}) {
27         if (candidate.y_index_offset + y_offset >
28             search_parameters.linear_bounds[candidate.scan_index].max_y) {
29           break;
30         }
31         higher_resolution_candidates.emplace_back(
32             candidate.scan_index, candidate.x_index_offset + x_offset,
33             candidate.y_index_offset + y_offset, search_parameters);
34       }
35     }
36     ScoreCandidates(precomputation_grid_stack_->Get(candidate_depth - 1),
37                     discrete_scans, search_parameters,
38                     &higher_resolution_candidates);
39     best_high_resolution_candidate = std::max(
40         best_high_resolution_candidate,
41         BranchAndBound(discrete_scans, search_parameters,
42                        higher_resolution_candidates, candidate_depth - 1,
43                        best_high_resolution_candidate.score));
44   }
45   return best_high_resolution_candidate;
46 }


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