nginx module 基本模块流程解析

//导入nginx 基础文件
#include <ngx_config.h> #include <ngx_core.h> #include <ngx_http.h>
//定义 自己的结构体 typedef
struct { ngx_str_t output_words; } ngx_http_hello_world_loc_conf_t;
// To process HelloWorld command arguments static char* ngx_http_hello_world(ngx_conf_t* cf, ngx_command_t* cmd, void* conf); // Allocate memory for HelloWorld command static void* ngx_http_hello_world_create_loc_conf(ngx_conf_t* cf); // Copy HelloWorld argument to another place static char* ngx_http_hello_world_merge_loc_conf(ngx_conf_t* cf, void* parent, void* child); // Structure for the HelloWorld command
// 注册你的module到commands数组中,这样nginx.conf就能识别 hello_world命令了
// 识别命令,调用函数 static ngx_command_t ngx_http_hello_world_commands[] = { { ngx_string("hello_world"), // The command name NGX_HTTP_LOC_CONF | NGX_CONF_TAKE1, hello_world 命令所在conf文件中的位置,参数数量 ngx_http_hello_world, // The command handler,解析nginx.conf,遇到hello_world时要调用的处理函数 NGX_HTTP_LOC_CONF_OFFSET,//location 配置参数的存储的位置, offsetof(ngx_http_hello_world_loc_conf_t, output_words),//从上面位置开始,获取我们需要的配置参数 NULL//配置项读取后的处理方法 }, ngx_null_command //commands结束标志 }; // Structure for the HelloWorld context
// 模块上下问初始时,需要调用函数
// 配置项处理,对应配置在不同的框架位置 static ngx_http_module_t ngx_http_hello_world_module_ctx = { NULL,/* preconfiguration */ NULL,/* postconfiguration */ NULL,/* create main configuration */ NULL, /* init main configuration */ NULL,/* create server configuration */ NULL,/* merge server configuration */ ngx_http_hello_world_create_loc_conf, /* create location configuration */ ngx_http_hello_world_merge_loc_conf /* merge location configuration */ }; // Structure for the HelloWorld module, the most important thing
// 定义一个模块组变量,编译后加入模块组
ngx_module_t ngx_http_hello_world_module = { NGX_MODULE_V1,//定义了7个默认值,给ctx_index,index,spare0-3,version &ngx_http_hello_world_module_ctx,//指向特定模块的处理接口 ngx_http_hello_world_commands,//根据commands,识别配置项 NGX_HTTP_MODULE,//模块类型 NULL,//init master NULL,//init module NULL,//init process NULL,//init thread NULL,//exit thread NULL,//exit process NULL,//exit master NGX_MODULE_V1_PADDING//spare_hook0-7 8个保留的填充 }; static ngx_int_t ngx_http_hello_world_handler(ngx_http_request_t* r) { ngx_int_t rc; ngx_buf_t* b; ngx_chain_t out[2]; ngx_http_hello_world_loc_conf_t* hlcf; hlcf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(r, ngx_http_hello_world_module);   
  // 返回数据,及返回头部信息设置 r
->headers_out.content_type.len = sizeof("text/plain") - 1; r-> = (u_char*)"text/plain";
  //设置临时缓冲区 b
= ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t)); out[0].buf = b; out[0].next = &out[1]; b->pos = (u_char*)"hello_world, "; b->last = b->pos + sizeof("hello_world, ") - 1; b->memory = 1; b = ngx_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t));   
out[1].buf = b; out[1].next = NULL; b->pos = hlcf->; b->last = hlcf-> + (hlcf->output_words.len); b->memory = 1; b->last_buf = 1; r->headers_out.status = NGX_HTTP_OK; r->headers_out.content_length_n = hlcf->output_words.len + sizeof("hello_world, ") - 1; rc = ngx_http_send_header(r); if (rc == NGX_ERROR || rc > NGX_OK || r->header_only) { return rc; } return ngx_http_output_filter(r, &out[0]); } static void* ngx_http_hello_world_create_loc_conf(ngx_conf_t* cf) { ngx_http_hello_world_loc_conf_t* conf; conf = ngx_pcalloc(cf->pool, sizeof(ngx_http_hello_world_loc_conf_t)); if (conf == NULL) { return NGX_CONF_ERROR; } conf->output_words.len = 0; conf-> = NULL; return conf; } static char* ngx_http_hello_world_merge_loc_conf(ngx_conf_t* cf, void* parent, void* child) { ngx_http_hello_world_loc_conf_t* prev = parent; ngx_http_hello_world_loc_conf_t* conf = child; ngx_conf_merge_str_value(conf->output_words, prev->output_words, "Nginx"); return NGX_CONF_OK; } static char* ngx_http_hello_world(ngx_conf_t* cf, ngx_command_t* cmd, void* conf) { ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t* clcf; clcf = ngx_http_conf_get_module_loc_conf(cf, ngx_http_core_module); clcf->handler = ngx_http_hello_world_handler; ngx_conf_set_str_slot(cf, cmd, conf); return NGX_CONF_OK; }


posted @ 2017-05-04 11:10  萤火d光芒  阅读(274)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报