Flash与3D编程探秘(三)- 摄像机(Camera)
1. 和以前一样,定义原点,设置焦距,创建舞台。
// everything scale around this point
// these lines of code will shift 3d space origin to the center
var origin = new Object();
origin.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
origin.y = stage.stageHeight/2-70;
// focal length of viewer's camera
var focal_length = 400;
2. 下面定义一个摄像机物体,它具有3D空间的x,y,z,并且给它一个移动方向和初始的在z方向的移动速度。
var camera = new Object();
camera.x = 0;
camera.y = 0;
camera.z = 0;
camera.direction = 1;
camera.speed_z = 6;
3. 创建一个小球在舞台上。
// go to library, right click on Sphere, choose linkage
// and check Export for Actionscript
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++)
var sphere = new Sphere();
sphere.x_3d = -30;
sphere.y_3d = 80;
sphere.z_3d = 600;
// add all the spherees to the scene object
4. 接下来开始写运动的循环函数。每一次执行函数一开始我们要把摄像机的位置在z方向移动一定的量。如果摄像机移动的离小球很近了的话,让摄像机向反方向移动。
function run(e:Event)
// here we offset the camera position by its moving speed times the direction
camera.z += camera.speed_z*camera.direction;
if (camera.z > 600) // if the camera is too close to the ball
camera.z = 600;
camera.direction = -1; // move camera backward
else if (camera.z < 0) // if the camera is too close to the screen
camera.z = 0;
camera.direction = 1;
// loop through all the objects on the scene
for (var i = 0; i < scene.numChildren; i++)
// calculate the scale what the object should be
var scale = focal_length/(focal_length+scene.getChildAt(i).z_3d-camera.z);
scene.getChildAt(i).x = (scene.getChildAt(i).x_3d-camera.x)*scale;
scene.getChildAt(i).y = (scene.getChildAt(i).y_3d-camera.x)*scale;
// properly scale the object to look 3d
scene.getChildAt(i).scaleX = scene.getChildAt(i).scaleY = scale;
5. 计算出小球离摄像机的x距离,y距离和z距离,然后得出小球的缩放比率。最后把小球缩放并移动到相应的位置。That's it! 不要忘记添加循环函数执行事件。
你需要考虑让摄像机的z的指不能小于-1乘焦距,如果z小于这个值,那么公式scale = focal_length/(focal_length+z)得出的缩放比率会是负数,那么物体就会开始向后运动。
1. 定义原点,设置焦距,创建舞台。
// everything scale around this point
// these lines of code will shift 3d space origin to the center
var origin = new Object();
origin.x = stage.stageWidth/2;
origin.y = stage.stageHeight/2;
// now create a scene object to hold all the spheres
var scene = new Sprite();
scene.x = origin.x;
scene.y = origin.y;
// focal length of viewer's camera
var focal_length = 400;
2. 下面定义一个摄像机物体,它具有3D空间的x,y,z,并且给它初始的在z方向的移动速度。
var camera = new Object();
camera.x = 0;
camera.y = -40; // make the camera off the ground a little bit
camera.z = 0;
camera.speed_z = 0; // your driving speed
3. 创建两个个场景,一个用来盛放所有的赛车,另外一个盛放放有的路边轮胎。然后把它们添加到舞台上。
var cars = new Sprite(); // this sprite holds all the cars
var txt_speed = new TextField(); // your dashboard
txt_speed.x = 20;
txt_speed.y = 20;
// now add them to the screen
4. 定义一些赛车的运动状态的变量。
var move_left = false;
var move_right = false;
var speed_up = false;
var brake = false;
5. 那么接下来创建40个轮胎并且把前20个放在路的左边,后20个放在路的右边,给赛道画出一个轮廓。
for (var i = 0; i < 40; i++)
var tire = new Tire();
if (i < 20)
tire.x_3d = -400;
tire.z_3d = i*500;
tire.x_3d = 400;
tire.z_3d = (i-20)*500;
tire.y_3d = 40;
6. 创建8个赛车,给它们相应的xyz位置(注意要赛车放在赛道上,设置它们的x范围在-230到230之间)不同的起始z位置和速度,最后添加到舞台上。
for (var j = 0; j < 8; j++)
var car = new Car();
car.x_3d = Math.random()*(-230-230)+230; // give them random x position
car.y_3d = -30;
car.z_3d = -800+(8-j)*400; // give them speed
car.speed_z = (8-j)*15;
7. 接下来要写一个函数,每一次执行这个函数,首先把赛车在z方向移动一定量(赛车相对地面是运动的),然后计算比率,把赛车移动到相应的位置并且缩放。我把它命名updateCar,还是运用摄像机的理移动的基本知识,在每一个摄像机移动后,分别计算出摄像机与小车的xyz距离,然后把小车缩放和移动。注意小车如果离摄像机太远或者被甩到摄像机的后面的话,让它不在屏幕上显示。
function updateCar(car)
var x = car.x_3d-camera.x; // calculate the x distance between your camera and car
var y = car.y_3d-camera.y; // same we can y distance
var z = car.z_3d-camera.z; // and z distance
if (z < 0 || z > 10000) // if car is too far or left behind
car.visible = false; // then do not draw it
car.visible = true;
car.z_3d += car.speed_z; // move the car
z = car.z_3d-camera.z; // recaculate the z distance
var scale = focal_length/(focal_length+z); // caculate the scale what the car should be
car.x = x*scale;
car.y = y*scale;
car.scaleX = car.scaleY = scale; // scale it to a proper size
8. 轮胎的更新函数updateTire和赛车的更新函数类似,不同的是,轮胎相对地面是静止的,所以这里不改变它们的xyz值。如果轮胎已经到了摄像机后面(轮胎的z小于摄像机的z),把这个轮胎重新定位到摄像机前非常远的地方。
var x = tire.x_3d-camera.x;
var y = tire.y_3d-camera.y;
var z = tire.z_3d-camera.z;
if (z < 0)
tire.z_3d += 10000; // if the tire is left behind, then offset it
z = tire.z_3d-camera.z;
var scale = focal_length/(focal_length+z);
tire.x = x*scale;
tire.y = y*scale;
tire.scaleX = tire.scaleY = scale;
9. 下一步,run函数执行首先把摄像头沿z方向移动,然后调用前面写的updateCar和updateTire函数,刷新所有赛车和轮胎的位置和大小。
function run(e:Event)
camera.z += camera.speed_z; // first move your camera
for (var i = 0; i < cars.numChildren; i++) // update all the cars
for (var j = 0; j < tires.numChildren; j++) // and the tires on the side
txt_speed.text = int(camera.speed_z) + " MPH"; // show your speed
txt_speed.setTextFormat(new TextFormat("Verdana", 16, 0x444444, true));
10. 下面是键盘响应事件函数,我写了一些的注释在程序里,不过我相信你应该很快就能看懂,就不打算详细解说了。实现的功能是当按下左键你的赛车左移;按下上键,赛车开始加速(当然极速是需要你来定义的了)等等。
function key_down(e:KeyboardEvent):void
if (e.keyCode == 37) // left key
move_left = true;
if (e.keyCode == 39) // right key
move_right = true;
if (e.keyCode == 38) // up key
speed_up = true;
if (e.keyCode == 40) // down key
brake = true;
function key_up(e:KeyboardEvent):void
if (e.keyCode == 37)
move_left = false;
if (e.keyCode == 39)
move_right = false;
if (e.keyCode == 38)
speed_up = false;
if (e.keyCode == 40)
brake = false;
function keyboard_response(e:Event):void
if (move_left)
// move the camera to the left, remember here the fast you go, the fast your steer
camera.x -= camera.speed_z/6;
if (camera.x < -300) camera.x = -300; // limit your car so it won't go off the road
if (move_right)
camera.x += camera.speed_z/6;
if (camera.x > 300) camera.x = 300; // limit your car so it won't go off the road
if (speed_up)
camera.speed_z += .2; // accelerate
// limit the car speed in a range
if (camera.speed_z < 0) camera.speed_z = 0;
else if (camera.speed_z > 120) camera.speed_z = 120;
camera.speed_z *= .99; // if you don't hit the throttle, it will stop soon
if (brake)
camera.speed_z -= .3; // slow down
if (camera.speed_z < 0) camera.speed_z = 0;
11. 最后,添加循环函数执行和键盘响应事件。如果没问题的话,现在发布运行。成功了!
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, run);
this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, keyboard_response);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, key_down);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, key_up);
stage.stageFocusRect = false;
stage.focus = scene;
在这篇或者接下来的文章,我只会使用简单的一个变量focal_length来代表摄像机镜头的设置(当然现实中摄像机的镜头操作要复杂的多,文章中不再涉及,你可以自己添加镜头设置变量及操作) 。下面的动画里,你可以调节摄像机的镜头的焦距来观看物体空间扭曲的程度。
作者:Yang Zhou 出处:http://yangzhou1030.cnblogs.com 本文版权归作者和博客园共有,转载未经作者同意必须保留此段声明。请在文章页面明显位置给出原文连接,作者保留追究法律责任的权利。 |
posted on 2008-11-01 14:16 yangzhou1030 阅读(6839) 评论(10) 编辑 收藏 举报