题目:给一个字符串、例如 “ababc”要求返回“ab”. 因为“ab”连续重复出现且最长。 用C/C++语言写一函数完成该算法,给出复杂度
像:ababcdcd, 输出是就是ab了
i = 1
for (i to N)
for (0 to N-i)
k = i
for (0 to i) /* 字符串copy */
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main()
string str, tmp, buf;
int i, j, k, index, len, max;
map<string, int> my_map;
cout << "Enter a string:" << endl;
cin >> str;
len = str.size();
for (k = 1; k <= len; k++) /* 长度为K的字符串 */
cout << "串长为" << k << ":" << endl;
for (i = 0; i < len - k + 1; i++) /* 串长为K的字符串的开头 */
index = k;
tmp = "";
j = i;
while (index--) /* 串长为j的 */
tmp += str[j++];
my_map[tmp]++; /* 收集 */
cout << tmp << " ";
cout << endl;
len = str.size();
max = -1;
buf = "";
for (k = 1; k <= len; k++) /* 长度为K的字符串 */
for (i = 0; i < len - k + 1; i++) /* 串长为K的字符串的开头 */
index = k;
tmp = "";
j = i;
while (index--) /* 串长为j的 */
tmp += str[j++];
if ((max == -1 && my_map[tmp] > 1) /* mY_map[tmp] >1:连续重复 */
|| (my_map[tmp] > 1 && max < tmp.size())) /* max < ~.size()且最长 */
buf = tmp;
max = tmp.size();
cout << endl << "应该返回的串是:\n" << buf << endl;