
增: 1 第一种

$post=new Post;
$post->title='sample post';
$post->content='content for the sample post';
$post->createTime=time();/$post->createTime=new CDbexpression_r('NOW()');
$user_field_data= new user_field_data;
$user_field_data->save(); 注当一个表存储4次的时候,需要创建4个handle new4次

2 第二种

存储后我们需要找到这条记录的流水id 这样做 $profile = new profile; $profile->id;

3 第三种

用于更加安全的方法,来绑定变量类型  这样可以在同一个表中存储两个记录

$sql="insert into user_field_data(user_id,field_id,flag,value1) values(:user_id,:field_id,:flag,:value1);";
$rowchange = $command->execute();
if( $rowchange != 0){ 修改成功 }// 用来判断
//注:update delete都可以用这个方法
$sql="delete from profile where id=:id";
$sql="update profile set pass=:pass,role=:role where id=:id";
// 同理变更updateAll()模式
$sql="update user_field_data set flag = :flag where user_id= :user_id and field_id= :field_id ";
$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->condition = 'user_id = :user_id and field_id= :field_id';
$criteria->params = array(':user_id' => $userid,':field_id' => $fieldid);
$arrupdate = array('flag' => $flag);
if(user_field_data::model()->updateAll($arrupdate,$criteria) != 0)

4 第四种

更新和存储应用同一个handle 流程:先查询记录是否存在,若存在就更新,不存在就新创建 注:1. 第一次查询的变量,要跟save()前的变量一致。2. 存储时候需要再次 new一下库对象

$user_field_data = user_field_data::model()->findByAttributes(
$attributes = array('user_id' => Yii::app()->user->user_id, 'field_id' => $key));
if ($user_field_data !== null)
    $user_field_data->value1 = $value;
    $user_field_data = new user_field_data;
    $user_field_data->user_id = Yii::app()->user->user_id;
    $user_field_data->field_id = $key;
    $user_field_data->value1 = $value;

$post=Post::model()->findByPk(10); // assuming there is a post whose ID is 10 $post->delete(); // delete the row from the database table // delete the rows matching the specified condition Post::model()->deleteAll($condition,$params); // delete the rows matching the specified condition and primary key(s) Post::model()->deleteByPk($pk,$condition,$params);

例子: $post=Post::model()->findByPk(10); $post->title=’new post title’; $post->save(); // save the change to database

// update the rows matching the specified condition Post::model()->updateAll($attributes,$condition,$params); 例子:或者参考上面例子 $c=new CDbCriteria; $c->condition=’something=1′; $c->limit=10; $a=array(‘name’=>’NewName’); Post::model()->updateAll($a, $c);

// update the rows matching the specified condition and primary key(s) Post::model()->updateByPk($pk,$attributes,$condition,$params); 例子 $profile = profile::model()->updateByPk( Yii::app()->user->user_id, $attributes = array(‘pass’ => md5($_POST['password']), ‘role’ => 1));

// update counter columns in the rows satisfying the specified conditions Post::model()->updateCounters($counters,$condition,$params);

查: 注:当项目没查找到整个对象会为空需要这样判定

if($rows !== null) 当对象不为空
    return true;
    return false;

} SELECT,读表时候用到 find() 第一种find()

// find the first row satisfying the specified condition
// 条件查询
$post = Post::model()->find('post_id=:post_id AND status=:status',

)); 同样的语句,用另种方式表示

$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select='title'// only select the 'title' column
$post=Post::model()->find($criteria); // $params is not needed 第二种find()
// find the row with the specified primary key

findByAttributes() $post=Post::model()->findByAttributes($attributes,$condition,$params); 第一种findByAttributes()

$checkuser = user_field_data::model()->findByAttributes(
    array('user_id' => Yii::app()->user->user_id, 'field_id' => $fieldid)); 第二种findByAttributes()
$checkuser = user_field_data::model()->findByAttributes(
    $attributes = array('user_id' => Yii::app()->user->user_id, 'field_id' => $fieldid)); 第三种当没有conditions时候,不用params
$user_field_data = user_field_data::model()->findAllByAttributes(
    $attributes = array('user_id' => ':user_id'),
    $condition = "field_id in (:fields)",
    $params = array(':user_id' => Yii::app()->user->user_id, ':fields' => "$rule->dep_fields"));

// find the first row using the specified SQL statement $post=Post::model()->findBySql($sql,$params); 例子 user_field_data::model()->findBySql(“select id from user_field_data  where user_id = :user_id and field_id = :field_id “, array(‘:user_id’   => $userid,’:field_id’=>$fieldid)); 此时回传的是一个对象

第四种  添加其他条件

$criteria = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria->select ='newtime';//选择只显示哪几个字段要与库中名字相同,但是不能COUNT(newtime) as name这样写
$criteria->join = 'LEFT JOIN Post ON Post.id=Date.id';//1.先要在relation函数中增加与Post表的关系语句 2.Date::model()->with('post')->findAll($criteria)
$criteria->group  = 'newtime';
$criteria->limit  = 2; // 都是从0开始,选取几个
$criteria-> offset = 2;// 从哪个偏移量开始
//得到行数目或者其他数目 count
// get the number of rows satisfying the specified condition
// get the number of rows using the specified SQL statement
// check if there is at least a row satisfying the specified condition
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