随笔分类 - machine learning
摘要:Today we have learned the Matrix Factorization, and I want to record my study notes. Some kownledge which I have learned before is forgot...(呜呜)1.Terminology单位矩阵:identity matrix特征值:eigenvalues特征向量:eigenvectors矩阵的秩:rank对角矩阵:diagonal matrix对角化矩阵:Diagonalizing a Matrix矩阵分解:matrix factorization奇异值分解:SVD
摘要:Recently, I am studying Maching Learning which is our course. My English is not good but this course use English all, and so I use English to record my studying notes. And our teacher is Dr.Deng Caiand reference book is Pattern Classfication. This is only my studing notes and I want to share to th..