Doragon Kuesuto 1.0


int main()
    int bloodD = 3200;
    int bloodW = 1788;
    int MP = 240;
    int action;
    int tmp = 0;
    int tmp2 = 0;
    int score = 0;
    int round = 0;
printf("Update by xkfx ( E-mail: ) 2016-10-26\n"); srand((
int)time(0)); for(round = 1; round <= 13; round ++){ srand(rand()); //输出回合数 printf("---Details above------ Round - %d -----\n", round); //输出恶龙血量 printf("<Deathwing> \n"); printf("HP = %d , MP = ??? \n", bloodD); //输出勇者血量 与 MP printf("<Warrior> \n"); printf("HP = %d , MP = %d \n", bloodW, MP); printf("---------------------------------------\n"); //输出勇者的技能列表 //printf("\n"); printf("YOUR ACTIONS:\n"); printf(" 1 --- ATTACK --- 20 MP\n"); printf(" 2 --- DEFENSE --- 10 MP\n"); printf(" 3 --- GATHER STRENGTH --- 0 MP \n"); printf(" 4 -SWORD OF JUDGEMENT --- ALL HP \n"); printf("> Warrior , please choose your action:"); //选择下一步行动 scanf("%d", &action); //计算下一回合数据 switch(action){ case 1: tmp = 100 + rand()%217; bloodD = bloodD - tmp - tmp2; MP = MP - 20; printf("\nYour cause %d damage !\n", tmp+tmp2); score = score + tmp+tmp2; tmp2 = 0; break; case 2: tmp = 400 + rand()%300; bloodW = bloodW + tmp; MP = MP - 10; printf("\nYour recovery %d HP !\n", tmp); break; case 3: tmp2 = tmp2 + rand()%827; printf("\nWarrior:I will find you and I will kill you...\n"); break; case 4: bloodW = 1; tmp = 754 + rand()%1230; score = score + tmp; bloodD = bloodD - tmp; printf("\nWarrior:SWORD OF JUDGEMENT!!!\n"); printf("Your cause %d damage !\n", tmp); break; default: break; } printf("Deathwing:All will burn!\n"); tmp = 200+rand()%546; printf("You got a few injuries - %d HP\n", tmp); bloodW = bloodW - tmp; if((bloodD < 0) || (bloodW < 0)) break; } if(bloodD < 0 && bloodW > 0){ printf("...\n"); printf("......\n"); printf("You have kill the Dragon!\n"); printf(".....\n"); printf("What a brave Warrior!"); printf("Your final score: %d\n", 3270 + (10-round)*478+score); printf("......\n"); }else if(bloodW < 0 && bloodD > 0){ printf("...\n"); printf("......\n"); printf("GAME OVER"); printf("Your final score: %d\n", round*328 +score); }else printf("The game ended in a draw");
return 0; }


Doragon Kuesuto 1.15

Doragon Kuesuto 1.6

posted @ 2016-10-26 19:48  xkfx  阅读(406)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报