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Redmine是基于Apache、MySQL、以及Ruby on Rails开发的一套缺陷管理系统。BitNami Redmine Stack是BitNami组织开发维护的Stack系列中的一员,可以简化Redmine的安装配置。



2.安装BitNami Redmine(假设安装目录为/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0)
[root@svn_server /]# cd /mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0
[root@svn_server redmine-1.2.0-0]# ./ctlscript.sh start
[root@svn_server redmine-1.2.0-0]# ./ctlscript.sh status
subversion already running
apache already running
redmine already running
mysql already running
1). Copy the plugin directory(ezfaq_plugin) into the /mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/apps/redmine/vendor/plugins directory
NOTE: The plugin directory must be ezfaq_plugin

2). Migrate plugin:  rake db:migrate_plugins
[root@svn_server redmine-1.2.0-0]# ./use_redmine
bash-3.2# export PATH=/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/ruby/bin:$PATH  # 要重启后生效,需要加到/etc/profile中
bash-3.2# pwd
bash-3.2# cd apps/redmine
bash-3.2# rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production

3). Start Redmine
[root@svn_server redmine-1.2.0-0]# ./ctlscript.sh restart
/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/subversion/scripts/ctl.sh : subversion stopped
Syntax OK
/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/apache2/scripts/ctl.sh : httpd stopped
stopping port 3001
stopping port 3002
/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/mysql/scripts/ctl.sh : mysql stopped
110616 08:25:22 mysqld_safe Logging to '/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/mysql/data/mysqld.log'.
110616 08:25:22 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld.bin daemon with databases from /mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/mysql/data
/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/mysql/scripts/ctl.sh : mysql started at port 3306
starting port 3001
starting port 3002
Syntax OK
/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/apache2/scripts/ctl.sh : httpd started at port 8080
/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/subversion/scripts/ctl.sh : subversion started at port 3690

4). In your project in Redmine, go to "Project settings" : On the "Modules" tab, enable the module by checking "Ezfaq".



[root@svn_server redmine-1.2.0-0]# rake db:migrate_plugins 
-bash: rake: command not found

[root@svn_server bin]# export PATH=/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/ruby/bin:$PATH
[root@svn_server bin]#
ruby --version
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-02-18 patchlevel 334) [i686-linux]

[root@svn_server redmine-1.2.0-0]# rake db:migrate_plugins 
rake aborted!
No Rakefile found (looking for: rakefile, Rakefile, rakefile.rb, Rakefile.rb)
/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:2377:in `raw_load_rakefile'
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
[root@svn_server apps]# cd /mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/apps/redmine

[root@svn_server redmine]# rake db:migrate_plugins
(in /mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/apps/redmine)
rake aborted!
Access denied for user 'bitnami'@'localhost' to database 'redmine_development'

(See full trace by running task with --trace)
原因:not run  it in production mode
[root@svn_server redmine-1.2.0-0]# ./use_redmine
bash-3.2# export PATH=/mnt/data/redmine-1.2.0-0/ruby/bin:$PATH
bash-3.2# pwd
bash-3.2# cd apps/redmine
bash-3.2# rake db:migrate_plugins RAILS_ENV=production

posted on 2011-06-16 09:27  xjimmyshcn  阅读(5075)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报