时间:2018-04-24 22:04:52
直接复数转实数,需要将nxn的矩阵扩展为2n x 2n的矩阵,而直接转化的相关矩阵仍然为 n x n,降低了Jacobi的复杂度。
这里可以看出:(R + J*conj(R)*J)/2等价于中心对称线阵的前、后项空间平滑算法,而斜Hermitian矩阵的特征向量与转化的特征向量等价,因此可以得出特性:对于具备中心对称特性的线阵,复数->实数,既可以降低Jacobi复杂度,又具备了解相干信号的能力。
clc;clear all;close all %Ref:Narrowband direction of arrival estimation for antenna arrays doas=[-30 -5 40]*pi/180; %DOA's of signals in rad. P=[1 1 1]; %Power of incoming signals N=10; %Number of array elements K=1024; %Number of data snapshots d=0.5; %Distance between elements in wavelengths noise_var=1; %Variance of noise r=length(doas); %Total number of signals % Steering vector matrix. Columns will contain the steering vectors % of the r signals A=exp(-i*2*pi*d*(0:N-1)'*sin([doas(:).'])); % Signal and noise generation sig=round(rand(r,K))*2-1; % Generate random BPSK symbols for each of the % r signals noise=sqrt(noise_var/2)*(randn(N,K)+i*randn(N,K)); %Uncorrelated noise X=A*diag(sqrt(P))*sig+noise; %Generate data matrix R=X*X'/K; %Spatial covariance matrix [Q ,D]= svd(R); %Compute eigendecomposition of covariance matrix [D,I]=sort(diag(D),1,'descend'); %Find r largest eigenvalues Q=Q(:,I);%Sort?the?eigenvectors?to?put?signal?eigenvectors?first Qs=Q (:,1:r); %Get the signal eigenvectors Qn=Q(:,r+1:N); %Get the noise eigenvectors % MUSIC algorithm %?Define?angles?at?which?MUSIC???spectrum????will?be?computed angles=(-90:0.1:90); %Compute steering vectors corresponding values in angles a1=exp(-i*2*pi*d*(0:N-1)'*sin([angles(:).']*pi/180)); for k=1:length(angles)%Compute?MUSIC???spectrum?? music_spectrum(k)= 1/(a1(:,k)'*Qn*Qn'*a1(:,k)); end figure(1) plot(angles,abs(music_spectrum)) title('MUSIC Spectrum') xlabel('Angle in degrees')
clc;clear all;close all %Ref:Narrowband direction of arrival estimation for antenna arrays doas=[-30 -5 40]*pi/180; %DOA's of signals in rad. P=[1 1 1]; %Power of incoming signals N=10; %Number of array elements K=1024; %Number of data snapshots d=0.5; %Distance between elements in wavelengths noise_var=1; %Variance of noise r=length(doas); %Total number of signals % Steering vector matrix. Columns will contain the steering vectors % of the r signals A=exp(-i*2*pi*d*(0:N-1)'*sin([doas(:).'])); % Signal and noise generation sig=round(rand(r,K))*2-1; % Generate random BPSK symbols for each of the % r signals noise=sqrt(noise_var/2)*(randn(N,K)+i*randn(N,K)); %Uncorrelated noise X=A*diag(sqrt(P))*sig+noise; %Generate data matrix R=X*X'/K; %Spatial covariance matrix %% Reconstruct %实数 n = size(R); I = eye(n/2); J = fliplr(eye(n)); U = 1/sqrt(2)*[I fliplr(I);1j*fliplr(I) -1j*I]; R = 0.5*U*(R+J*conj(R)*J)*U'; % Reconstruct_end [Q ,D]= svd(R); %Compute eigendecomposition of covariance matrix [D,I]=sort(diag(D),1,'descend'); %Find r largest eigenvalues Q=Q(:,I);%Sort?the?eigenvectors?to?put?signal?eigenvectors?first Qs=Q (:,1:r); %Get the signal eigenvectors Qn=Q(:,r+1:N); %Get the noise eigenvectors % MUSIC algorithm %?Define?angles?at?which?MUSIC???spectrum????will?be?computed angles=(-90:0.1:90); %Compute steering vectors corresponding values in angles a1=exp(-i*2*pi*d*(0:N-1)'*sin([angles(:).']*pi/180)); for k=1:length(angles)%Compute?MUSIC???spectrum?? music_spectrum(k)= 1/(a1(:,k)'*U'*Qn*Qn'*U*a1(:,k)); end figure(1) plot(angles,abs(music_spectrum)) title('MUSIC Spectrum') xlabel('Angle in degrees')