Java 之 POI各Jar包作用

  目前POI的最新版本是 3.16-beta2,该版本是测试版本,稳定版本是 3.15,下载地址为 Apache POI  (。








Maven artifactIdPrerequisitesJARNotes
poi-excelant poi,poi-ooxml poi-excelant-version.jar 用于读取表格、写入表格等一系列操作表格所用到的包

  Component Map

  The Apache POI distribution consists of support for many document file formats. This support is provided in several Jar files. Not all of the Jars are needed for every format. The following tables show the relationships between POI components, Maven repository tags, and the project's Jar files.

ComponentApplication typeMaven artifactIdNotes
POIFS OLE2 Filesystem poi Required to work with OLE2 / POIFS based files
HPSF OLE2 Property Sets poi  
HSSF Excel XLS poi For HSSF only, if common SS is needed see below
HSLF PowerPoint PPT poi-scratchpad  
HWPF Word DOC poi-scratchpad  
HDGF Visio VSD poi-scratchpad  
HPBF Publisher PUB poi-scratchpad  
HSMF Outlook MSG poi-scratchpad  
DDF Escher common drawings poi  
HWMF WMF drawings poi-scratchpad  
OpenXML4J OOXML poi-ooxml plus either poi-ooxml-schemas or
ooxml-schemas and ooxml-security
See notes below for differences between these options
XSSF Excel XLSX poi-ooxml  
XSLF PowerPoint PPTX poi-ooxml  
XWPF Word DOCX poi-ooxml  
XDGF Visio VSDX poi-ooxml  
Common SL PowerPoint PPT and PPTX poi-scratchpad and poi-ooxml SL code is in the core POI jar, but implementations are in poi-scratchpad and poi-ooxml.
Common SS Excel XLS and XLSX poi-ooxml WorkbookFactory and friends all require poi-ooxml, not just core poi

  This table maps artifacts into the jar file name. "version-yyyymmdd" is the POI version stamp. You can see what the latest stamp is on the downloads page.      

Maven artifactIdPrerequisitesJAR
poi commons-logging, commons-codec, commons-collections, log4j poi-version-yyyymmdd.jar
poi-scratchpad poi poi-scratchpad-version-yyyymmdd.jar
poi-ooxml poi, poi-ooxml-schemas poi-ooxml-version-yyyymmdd.jar
poi-ooxml-schemas xmlbeans poi-ooxml-schemas-version-yyyymmdd.jar
poi-examples poi, poi-scratchpad, poi-ooxml poi-examples-version-yyyymmdd.jar
ooxml-schemas xmlbeans ooxml-schemas-1.3.jar
ooxml-security xmlbeans
For signing: bcpkix-jdk15on, bcprov-jdk15on, xmlsec, slf4j-api

  Note:Apache commons-collections4 was added as a dependency in POI 3.15 beta 3.      

  poi-ooxml requires poi-ooxml-schemas. This is a substantially smaller version of the ooxml-schemas jar (ooxml-schemas-1.3.jar for POI 3.14 or later, ooxml-schemas-1.1.jar for POI 3.7 up to POI 3.13, ooxml-schemas-1.0.jar for POI 3.5 and 3.6). The larger ooxml-schemas jar is normally only required for development. Similarly, the ooxml-security jar, which contains all of the classes relating to encryption and signing, is normally only required for development. A subset of its contents are in poi-ooxml-schemas. This JAR is ooxml-security-1.1.jar for POI 3.14 onwards and ooxml-security-1.0.jar prior to that.

  The OOXML jars require a stax implementation, but now that Apache POI requires Java 6, that dependency is provided by the JRE and no additional stax jars are required. The OOXML jars used to require DOM4J, but the code has now been changed to use JAXP and no additional dom4j jars are required. By the way, look at this FAQ if you have problems when using a non-Oracle JDK.

  The ooxml schemas jars are compiled with Apache XMLBeans 2.3, and so can be used at runtime with any version of XMLBeans from 2.3 or newer. Wherever possible though, we recommend that you use XMLBeans 2.6.0 with Apache POI, and that is the version now shipped in the binary release packages.


  poi-3.15.jar  (excel文件生成需要)






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