/** * 闭包实例 * todo 用一个例子展现闭包的基本作用。 */ /*计数 doctest: count(1); >>1 count(1); >>2 count(2); >>3 count(5); >>8 */ var count = (function () { var i = 0 var func = function (x) { if (arguments[0] != null) { i += x; } else { i++ } return i; } return func })(); //加这个可以直接实例化。 /** * 实例化两个对象。每个对象有变量i,且不共享.私有变量 */ var addPrivateValue = function (o, name) { var value = 1; o['get' + name] = function () { return value; } o['set' + name] = function (v) { value = v } } o = Object(); addPrivateValue(o, "s"); o.sets("asdf"); o.gets(); /** * 避免变量污染 * * 应用场景 * 如果一个页面,有一个按钮点击切换div的显示或者隐藏. (这个div的内容也在这个方法内定义。) * */ var main_message = (function () { var message = "<div>" + " 测试!这是一个警告" "</div>"; var box = document.createElement("div") document.body.appendChild(box) var show = function () { box.style.display = ''; console.log("hha") } var hide = function () { box.style.display = "None"; } var obj = {} obj.show = show; obj.hide =hide; return obj })();
var Credit = function(){ var name; } //prototype 返回对对象的原型引用。 原型函数会先调用原来的那个方法 与继承还是有区别的。 Credit.prototype.getName = function(){ console.log("Credit"); return this.name } Credit.prototype.setName = function(name){ console.log("Credit"); this.name = name; } var NewCredit = function(){ } NewCredit.prototype.getName = function(){ console.log("NewCredit"); return this.name } NewCredit.prototype.setName = function(name){ console.log("NewCredit"); this.name = name; } NewCredit.prototype = new Credit(); var c = new NewCredit(); c.setName("adf");//这个会输出Credit c.getName();
var Person = function(){ this.name = arguments[0]; this.age = arguments[1]; if(null != arguments[2]){ this.addr = arguments[2]; } Person.prototype.addr = "默认"; Person.prototype.hello = function(){ console.log("my name is "+ this.name+" and I'm "+this.age+"years old and in "+this.addr+" now!"); } } var p = new Person("xiaoming",17,"长沙"); var s = new Person("xiaohong",16); p.hello(); s.hello(); // output /* >>my name is xiaoming and I'm 17years old! >>my name is xiaohong and I'm 16years old! */ //现在我扩展这个方法,让Person类加入一个方法发邮件问好 Person.prototype.email = function(){ console.log("This is a `hello` from "+this.name+"!"); } p.email(); s.email();