phase format :scaled radians,归化到多少pi
roundmode :nearest even 近似值
coarse rotation: selected-pi——pi。not set -pi/4-+pi/4
phase in 2QN
out 1QN
s_axis_phase_tdata[C-1:0] In
This port has one subfield, PHASE_IN. It is the polar operand.
The subfield is Input_Width bits wide, padded to the next byte
s_axis_phase_tvalid In
Handshake signal for channel S_AXIS_PHASE.(1)
Channels still have the non-optional tvalid signal, which is analogous to the
New Data (ND) signal on many cores prior to the adoption of AXI4-Stream.
m_axis_dout_tdata[E-1:0] Out
Depending on Functional Configuration this port contains the
following subfields; X_OUT, Y_OUT, PHASE_OUT. Each subfield
is Output_Width bits wide, padded to the next byte width
before concatenation.
m_axis_dout_tvalid Out
Handshake signal for channel M_AXIS_DOUT. (1)
Sin and Cos函数功能
When the Sin and Cos functional configuration is selected, the unit vector is rotated by
input angle, , using the CORDIC algorithm. This generates the output vector (Cos( ),
Sin( )).
The input PHASE_IN is limited to the range given in Table 3-3 when coarse rotation is set.
Inputs outside this range produce unpredictable results. See Input/Output Data
Representation for more information about CORDIC binary data formats.
An optional coarse rotation module is provided to extend the range of input angle, , to the
full circle. For this functional configuration, the coarse rotation module is selected by
default, but can be manually deselected. See Advanced Configuration Parameters for more
information. When this option is not set, inputs must be constrained to lie in the first
quadrant, -Pi/4 to + Pi/4.
The compensation scaling module is disabled for the Sin and Cos functional configuration
as it is internally pre-scaled to compensate for the CORDIC scale factor.
Input/Output Data Representation
In 2Q7, or Fix10_7, format values, +Pi and -Pi are:
“01100100100” => 011.00100100 => +3.14
“10011011100” => 100.11011100 => - 3.14
When Phase Format is set to Scaled Radians PHASE_IN must be in the range: -1 <=
(PHASE_IN) <= +1. PHASE_IN outside this range produce undefined results.
In 2Q7, or Fix10_7 format values, +1 and -1 are represented as:
“0010000000” => 001.0000000 => +1.0
“1110000000” => 111.0000000 => - 1.0