因为initWallet函数是公开函数( public function) , 攻击者调用initWallet,重新初始化钱包会把之前合约钱包所有者覆盖, 即可改变钱包所有者。
// constructor - just pass on the owner array to the multiowned and // the limit to daylimit function initWallet(address[] _owners, uint _required, uint _daylimit) { initDaylimit(_daylimit); initMultiowned(_owners, _required); } // constructor - stores initial daily limit and records the present day's index. function initDaylimit(uint _limit) { m_dailyLimit = _limit; m_lastDay = today(); } // constructor is given number of sigs required to do protected "onlymanyowners" transactions // as well as the selection of addresses capable of confirming them. function initMultiowned(address[] _owners, uint _required) { m_numOwners = _owners.length + 1; m_owners[1] = uint(msg.sender); m_ownerIndex[uint(msg.sender)] = 1; for (uint i = 0; i < _owners.length; ++i) { m_owners[2 + i] = uint(_owners[i]); m_ownerIndex[uint(_owners[i])] = 2 + i; } m_required = _required; }
设置 initMultiowned 和 initDaylimit 禁止外部调用,给initWallet添加only_uninitialized函数修改器,确保initWallt只被调用一次。
// throw unless the contract is not yet initialized. modifier only_uninitialized { if (m_numOwners > 0) throw; _; } // constructor - just pass on the owner array to the multiowned and // the limit to daylimit function initWallet(address[] _owners, uint _required, uint _daylimit) only_uninitialized { initDaylimit(_daylimit); initMultiowned(_owners, _required); } // constructor - stores initial daily limit and records the present day's index. function initDaylimit(uint _limit) internal { m_dailyLimit = _limit; m_lastDay = today(); } // constructor is given number of sigs required to do protected "onlymanyowners" transactions // as well as the selection of addresses capable of confirming them. function initMultiowned(address[] _owners, uint _required) internal { m_numOwners = _owners.length + 1; m_owners[1] = uint(msg.sender); m_ownerIndex[uint(msg.sender)] = 1; for (uint i = 0; i < _owners.length; ++i) { m_owners[2 + i] = uint(_owners[i]); m_ownerIndex[uint(_owners[i])] = 2 + i; } m_required = _required; }
web3.eth.contract(MultiSigParityAbit).at(Vulnerable_Address).initWallet.getData([YOUR_ADDRESS], 1,2000000000000000000)
--- --- --- --- From 小小leo 的博客 --- --- --- ---