微信小程序 swiper 显示图片计数 当前/总数

<view class="swiperContainer">
  <swiper bindchange="swiperChange"  autoplay="{{autoplay}}"  duration="{{duration}}" style='height: 380rpx;'>
    <block wx:for="{{imgUrls}}" wx:key="*this">
      <swiper-item wx:key="*this">
        <image src="{{item}}" class="slide-image"  class='img'  />
  <view class="imageCount">{{current+1}}/{{imgUrls.length}}</view>
.swiperContainer {
  position: relative;
.img {
  width: 100%;
 height:100%; } .imageCount { width:120rpx; height:50rpx; background
-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); border-radius:40rpx; line-height:50rpx; color:#fff; text-align:center; font-size:26rpx; position:absolute; left:13px; bottom:20rpx; }
  data: {
    imgUrls: [
    current: 0
  swiperChange: function (e) {
    var that = this;
    if (e.detail.source == 'touch') {
        current: e.detail.current
  onLoad: function (options) {
    var that = this; 
  onReady: function () {

  onShow: function () {

   * 用户点击右上角分享
  onShareAppMessage: function () {


posted @ 2019-02-15 15:23  bingxiaoxiao  阅读(6184)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报