oracle 常用sql语句
--新建表: create table table1( id varchar(300) primary key, name varchar(200) not null); --插入数据 insert into table1 (id,name) values ('aa','bb'); --更新数据 update table1 set id = 'bb' where id='cc'; --删除数据 delete from table1 where id ='cc'; --删除表 drop table table1; --修改表名: alter table table1 rename to table2; --表数据复制: insert into table1 (select * from table2); --复制表结构: create table table1 select * from table2 where 1>1; --复制表结构和数据: create table table1 select * from table2; --复制指定字段: create table table1 as select id, name from table2 where 1>1; --条件查询: select id,name (case gender when 0 then '男' when 1 then ‘女’ end ) gender from table1
--绝对值:abs() select abs(-2) value from dual; --(2) --取整函数(大):ceil() select ceil(-2.001) value from dual; --(-2) --取整函数(小):floor() select floor(-2.001) value from dual; --(-3) --取整函数(截取):trunc() select trunc(-2.001) value from dual; -- (-2) --四舍五入:round() select round(1.234564,4) value from dual; --(1.2346) --取平方:Power(m,n) select power(4,2) value from dual; --(16) --取平方根:SQRT() select sqrt(16) value from dual; --(4) --取随机数:dbms_random(minvalue,maxvalue) select dbms_random.value() from dual; (默认是0到1之间) select dbms_random.value(2,4) value from dual; (2-4之间随机数) --取符号:Sign() select sign(-3) value from dual; --(-1) select sign(3) value from dual; --(1) --取集合的最大值:greatest(value) select greatest(-1,3,5,7,9) value from dual; --(9) --取集合的最小值:least(value) select least(-1,3,5,7,9) value from dual; --(-1) --处理Null值:nvl(空值,代替值) select nvl(null,10) value from dual; --(10) select nvl(score,10) score from student;
--rownum小于某个数时可以直接作为查询条件(注意oracle不支持select top) select * from student where rownum <3; --查询rownum大于某个数值,需要使用子查询,并且rownum需要有别名 select * from(select rownum rn ,id,name from student) where rn>2; select * from (select rownum rn, student.* from student) where rn >3; --区间查询 select * from (select rownum rn, student.* from student) where rn >3 and rn<6; --排序+前n条 select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRUVER d order by drivernumber)t )p where p.rn<10; --排序+区间查询1 select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t )p where p.rn<9 and p.rn>6; --排序+区间查询2 select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t where rownum<9 )p where p.rn>6;--效率远高于方式一
--效率低 select * from (select rownum rn, d.* from DJDRIVER d )p where p.rn<=20 and p.rn>=10;
select * from (select rownum rn, d.* from DJDRIVER d )p where p.rn between 10 and 20; --效率高 select * from (select rownum rn, d.* from DJDRIVER d where rownum<=20 )p where p.rn>=10;
select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t )p where p.rn<=20 and p.rn>=10;
select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t )p where p.rn between 10 and 20; --排序+区间查询2(效率高)
select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t where rownum<=20 )p where p.rn>=10;
1. to_char和to_date基本使用
--日期 --年 yyyy yyy yy year --月 month mm mon month --日+星期 dd ddd(一年中第几天) dy day --小时 hh hh24 --分 mi --秒 ss
select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')currenttime, to_char(sysdate,'yyyy') year, to_char(sysdate,'mm') month, to_char(sysdate,'dd') day, to_char(sysdate,'day') week, to_char(sysdate,'hh24')hour, to_char(sysdate,'mi') minute, to_char(sysdate,'ss') second from dual;
select to_date('2009-07-04 05:02:01','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss')currenttime, to_char(to_date('2009-07-04 05:02:01','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'yyyy')year, to_char(to_date('2009-07-04 05:02:01','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'mm')month, to_char(to_date('2009-07-04 05:02:01','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'dd') day, to_char(to_date('2009-07-04 05:02:01','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'day') week, to_char(to_date('2009-07-04 05:02:01','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'day','NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE=American') week, --设置语言 to_char(to_date('2009-07-04 05:02:01','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'hh24')hour, to_char(to_date('2009-07-04 05:02:01','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'mi') minute, to_char(to_date('2009-07-04 05:02:01','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),'ss') second from dual;
select months_between(to_date('03-31-2014','MM-DD-YYYY'),to_date('12-31-2013','MM-DD-YYYY')) "MONTHS" FROM DUAL;
select sysdate today, next_day(sysdate,6) nextweek from dual;
select cardid, borrowdate from borrow where to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') between to_date('2014-02-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('2014-05-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');
select to_char(sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') currenttime, to_char(sysdate - interval '7' year,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') intervalyear, to_char(sysdate - interval '7' month,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') intervalMonth, to_char(sysdate - interval '7' day,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') intervalday, to_char(sysdate - interval '7' hour,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') intervalHour, to_char(sysdate - interval '7' minute,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') intervalMinute, to_char(sysdate - interval '7' second,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') intervalSecond from dual;
select add_months(sysdate,12) newtime from dual;
select extract(month from sysdate) "This Month", extract(year from add_months(sysdate,36)) " Years" from dual;
--字符函数 select substr('abcdefg',1,5)substr, --字符串截取 instr('abcdefg','bc') instr, --查找子串 'Hello'||'World' concat, --连接 trim(' wish ') trim, --去前后空格 rtrim('wish ') rtrim, --去后面空格 ltrim(' wish') ltrim, --去前面空格 trim(leading 'w' from 'wish') deleteprefix, --去前缀 trim(trailing 'h' from 'wish') deletetrailing, --去后缀 trim('w' from 'wish') trim1, ascii('A') A1, ascii('a') A2, --ascii(转换为对应的十进制数) chr(65) C1, chr(97) C2, --chr(十进制转对应字符) length('abcdefg') len, --length lower('WISH')lower, upper('wish')upper, initcap('wish')initcap, --大小写变换 replace('wish1','1','youhappy') replace, --替换 translate('wish1','1','y')translate, --转换,对应一位(前面的位数大于等于后面的位数) translate('wish1','sh1','hy')translate1, concat('11','22') concat --连接
from dual;
--to_number(expr) --to_number(expr,format) --to_number(expr,format,'nls-param') select to_number('0123')number1, --converts a string to number trunc(to_number('0123.123'),2) number2, to_number('120.11','999.99') number3,
to_number('0a','xx') number4, --converts a hex number to decimal to_number(100000,'xxxxxx') number5 from dual;
--count (distinct|all) select count(1) as count from student;--效率最高 select count(*) as count from student; select count(distinct score) from student;
--avg (distinct|all) select avg(score) score from student; select avg(distinct score) from student; select classno,avg(score) score from student group by classno;
--max (distinct|all) select max(score) from student; select classno, max(score) score from student group by classno;
--min (distinct|all) select min(score) from student; select classno, min(score) score from student group by classno;
stddev(standard deviation)标准差
--stddev select stddev(score) from student; select classno, stddev(score) score from student group by classno;
--sum select sum(score) from student; select classno, sum(score) score from student group by classno;
--median select median(score) from student; select classno, median(score) score from student group by classno;
1. 创建表 stu(学生表),course(课程表),选课表(s_c)
--创建表 create table STU ( id NUMBER not null, name VARCHAR2(255) ) ; create table COURSE ( id NUMBER not null, coursename VARCHAR2(255) ) ; create table S_C ( sid NUMBER, cid NUMBER, score NUMBER );
--插入数据 Insert into STU (ID,NAME) values (1,'wish'); Insert into STU (ID,NAME) values (2,'rain'); Insert into STU (ID,NAME) values (3,'july'); Insert into STU (ID,NAME) values (4,'joey'); Insert into COURSE (ID,COURSENAME) values (1,'math'); Insert into COURSE (ID,COURSENAME) values (2,'english'); Insert into COURSE (ID,COURSENAME) values (3,'Japanese'); Insert into COURSE (ID,COURSENAME) values (4,'chinese'); Insert into S_C (SID,CID,SCORE) values (1,1,80); Insert into S_C (SID,CID,SCORE) values (1,2,90); Insert into S_C (SID,CID,SCORE) values (2,4,100); Insert into S_C (SID,CID,SCORE) values (4,4,90); Insert into S_C (SID,CID,SCORE) values (4,1,100); Insert into S_C (SID,CID,SCORE) values (4,3,80); Insert into S_C (SID,CID,SCORE) values (4,2,80); Insert into S_C (SID,CID,SCORE) values (2,1,90); Insert into S_C (SID,CID,SCORE) values (2,4,100); Insert into S_C (SID,CID,SCORE) values (3,1,60);
with vt as (select,,c.coursename,sc.score from stu s, course c, s_c sc where and select * from vt order by id;
1.创建表: 图书(book),读者(reader),借阅(borrow)
--创建表 book create table book( bookId varchar2(30), --图书总编号 sortid varchar2(30), --分类号 bookname varchar2(100), --书名 author varchar2(30), --作者 publisher varchar2(100),--出版单位 price number(6,2) --价格 ); --创建表 reader create table reader ( cardId varchar2(30), --借书证号 org varchar2(100), --单位 name varchar2(100), --姓名 gender varchar2(2), --性别 title varchar2(30), --职称 address varchar2(100) --地址 ); --创建表 borrow create table borrow( cardId varchar2(30), --借书证号 bookId varchar2(30), --图书总编号 borrowDate varchar2(30) --借阅时间 );
--插入数据-book insert into book (bookId,sortid,bookname,author,publisher,price) values ('aaa','a1','gone with the wind','CA','renmin','103'); insert into book (bookId,sortid,bookname,author,publisher,price) values ('bbb','a2','the little prince','CB','jixie','30'); insert into book (bookId,sortid,bookname,author,publisher,price) values ('ccc','a3','the ordinary world','CC','renmin','130'); insert into book (bookId,sortid,bookname,author,publisher,price) values ('ddd','a4','the little women','CA','dianzi','110'); --插入数据-reader insert into reader(cardid, org, name,gender, title, address) values ('xxx','A','wish','1','student','bupt'); insert into reader(cardid, org, name,gender, title, address) values ('uuu','A','luna','1','student','bupt'); insert into reader(cardid, org, name,gender, title, address) values ('vvv','B','harry','1','student','bupt'); insert into reader(cardid, org, name,gender, title, address) values ('www','C','chander','2','professor','bupt'); insert into reader(cardid, org, name,gender, title, address) values ('yyy','A','joey','2','student','bupt'); insert into reader(cardid, org, name,gender, title, address) values ('zzz','B','richard','2','student','bupt'); insert into reader(cardid, org, name,gender, title, address) values ('OOO','A','micheal','2','student','bupt'); insert into reader(cardid, org, name,gender, title, address) values ('ppp','A','richal','2','student','bupt'); insert into reader(cardid, org, name,gender, title, address) values ('abp','A','michal','2','student','bupt'); insert into reader(cardid, org, name,gender, title, address) values ('ccp','A','mike','2','student','bupt'); --插入数据-borrow insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('xxx','aaa','2014-4-29'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('xxx','bbb','2014-4-29'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('xxx','ccc','2014-4-28'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('yyy','ccc','2014-4-28'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('yyy','ddd','2014-4-27'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('yyy','aaa','2014-4-27'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('zzz','bbb','2014-4-28'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('zzz','ddd','2014-4-27'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('zzz','aaa','2014-4-27'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('uuu','bbb','2014-4-28'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('uuu','ddd','2014-4-27'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('uuu','aaa','2014-4-27'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('uuu','ccc','2014-4-26'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('vvv','bbb','2014-4-28'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('vvv','ddd','2014-4-27'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('www','aaa','2014-4-27'); insert into borrow(cardid,bookid,borrowdate) values('www','ccc','2014-4-26');
book------> reader-------> borrow
3. 查询A单位借阅图书的读者人数和人员详细信息
with vt1 as (select cardid from reader where'A') select count(1) from vt1 where exists (select cardid from borrow where borrow.cardid=vt1.cardid);
with vt1 as (select cardid,name,org from reader where'A') select cardid,name,org from vt1 where exists (select cardid from borrow where borrow.cardid=vt1.cardid);
select cardid, name, org from reader where cardid like '%p';
5. 查询名字以m开头的女性读者,‘1’显示为女,‘2’显示为男
select cardid, name, org, case when gender='1' then '女' when gender='2' then '男' else '其他' end gender from reader where name like 'm%';
6. 2014年2-4月借过书的读者
select cardid, borrowdate from borrow where to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy')='2014' and to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'mm')>='02' and to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'mm')<='04';
select cardid, borrowdate from borrow where to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy')='2014' --查询 and to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm')>='2014-02' and to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm')<='2014-04';
select cardid, borrowdate from borrow where to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') between to_date('2014-02-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('2014-05-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');
2) 查询+去重
select distinct cardid from borrow where to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy')='2014' --查询+去重 and to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm')>='2014-02' and to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm')<='2014-04';
select distinct cardid from borrow where to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') between to_date('2014-02-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') and to_date('2014-05-01 00:00:00','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss');
with vt1 as (select distinct cardid from borrow where to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy')='2014' and to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm')>='2014-02' and to_char(to_date(borrowdate,'yyyy-mm-dd'),'yyyy-mm')<='2014-04') select cardid, name,org from reader where exists (select cardid from vt1 where vt1.cardid=reader.cardid);
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