【Largest Rectangle in Histogram】cpp
Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram's bar height where the width of each bar is 1, find the area of largest rectangle in the histogram.
Above is a histogram where width of each bar is 1, given height = [2,1,5,6,2,3]
The largest rectangle is shown in the shaded area, which has area = 10
For example,
Given height = [2,1,5,6,2,3]
return 10
class Solution { public: int largestRectangleArea(vector<int>& height) { int ret = 0; const size_t len = height.size(); if (!len) return len; int *dp_left = new int[len](), *dp_right = new int[len](); dp_left[0] = 0; dp_right[len-1] = len-1; // dp_left : record the left most position of height arr that the curr element can reach for ( size_t i = 1; i < len; ++i ){ int left = i; while ( left>0 && height[i]<=height[left-1] ) left = dp_left[left-1]; dp_left[i] = left; } // dp_right : vice versa for ( int i = len-2; i >0; --i) { int right = i; while ( right<len-1 && height[i]<=height[right+1] ) right = dp_right[right+1]; dp_right[i] = right; } // get the largest rectangle for ( size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i ) ret = std::max( ret, (dp_right[i]-dp_left[i]+1)*height[i] ); delete[] dp_left; delete[] dp_right; return ret; } };
采用dp的思路,主要参考 http://www.acmerblog.com/largest-rectangle-in-histogram-6117.html
1. left to right : dp_left[i]数组存放height[i]向左最多能推到哪个位置
2. right to left : dp_right[i]数组存放height[i]向右最多能推到哪个位置
3. 最后走一遍dp,记录最大值
class Solution { public: int largestRectangleArea(vector<int>& height) { int ret = 0; height.push_back(0); stack<int> sta; for ( int i = 0; i < height.size(); ) { if ( sta.empty() || height[i]>height[sta.top()] ) { sta.push(i++); } else { int tmp = sta.top(); sta.pop(); ret = std::max( ret, height[tmp]*(sta.empty() ? i:i-sta.top()-1 )); } } return ret; } };
1. 一旦遇到不能维持递增stack的元素了,就逐个往外弹出,直到能压进去。
2. 往外弹一个元素,就意味着这个元素不能再留着了,因此就计算一下包含弹出的这个元素在内,最大的rectangle是多少。
class Solution { public: int largestRectangleArea(vector<int>& height) { if (height.size()==0) return 0; height.push_back(0); int ret = 0; stack<int> sta; for ( int i=0; i<height.size(); ++i ) { if ( sta.empty() || height[sta.top()]<height[i] ) { sta.push(i); } else { while ( !sta.empty() && height[sta.top()]>=height[i] ) { int tmp = sta.top(); sta.pop(); if ( sta.empty() ) { ret = max(ret, i*height[tmp]); } else { ret = max(ret, (i-sta.top()-1)*height[tmp]); } } sta.push(i); } } return ret; } };
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