MATLAB-Computer Vision System Toolbox学习计划


Feature Detection and Extraction

Image registration, interest point detection, extracting feature descriptors, and point feature matching

Object Detection and Recognition

Object detection, recognition, block matching, background estimation, bag of features

Object Tracking and Motion Estimation

Optical flow, activity recognition, motion estimation, and tracking

Camera Calibration

Camera calibration and stereo vision

Multiple View Geometry

3-D information extraction from 2-D images, stereo rectification, depth estimation, 3-D reconstruction, triangulation, and structure from motion

3-D Point Cloud Processing

Downsampling, denoising, transform, visualize, register, and fit geometrical shapes of 3-D point clouds

Analysis and Enhancements

Statistics, FIR filtering, frequency and Hough transforms, morphology, contrast enhancement, and noise removal

Input, Output, and Graphics

Importing, exporting, color space formatting, conversions, display, annotation

Code Generation and Third-Party Support

C Code generation, OCR language data support, OpenCV interface, fixed-point data type support, and System objects

posted @ 2017-04-11 21:07  lotus_wang2355  阅读(1458)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报