Mybatis 的分页条件查询语句编写

刚来到一家新公司, 翻看项目代码, 发现一位同事写的查询逻辑很好, 不用插件, 一个语句完成了分页条件查询.

而我之前一般都是在业务层对参数进行判断, 如果有条件,就调用条件查询的方法, 如果没有条件, 就调用查询所有的方法, 代码冗余较多



1, 首先定义resultMap:


<resultMap id="xxxModel" type="">
<id column="id" javaType="java.lang.Long" jdbcType="BIGINT" property="id" />
<result column="ip" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="ip" />
<result column="port" javaType="java.lang.Integer" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="port" />
<result column="userName" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="userName" />
<result column="password" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="password" />
<result column="lineNum" javaType="java.lang.Integer" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="lineNum" />
<result column="isInternation" javaType="java.lang.Integer" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="isInternation" />
<result column="createDate" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="createDate" />
<result column="updateDate" javaType="java.lang.String" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="updateDate" />

2, 定义sql片段, 方便阅读:
//条件和分页参数的封装, 利用动态sql, 特别是模糊查询的%拼接, 很赞:
<sql id="pageListCount">
from anti_http_proxy a
<if test="groupId != null and groupId !=''">
LEFT JOIN anti_proxy_group b on a.`host` = b.`host`
LEFT JOIN anti_group_server c on b.group_id = c.group_id
where 1=1
<if test="ip != null and ip !=''">
and a.`host` like CONCAT('%','${ip}','%')
<if test="groupId != null and groupId !=''">
and = #{groupId}
ORDER BY a.gmt_modified desc
<if test="(pageNumber != null and pageNumber != '' or pageNumber == 0) and pageSize != null and pageSize != ''">
limit #{pageNumber}, #{pageSize}

<sql id="resultCol">
,a.`host` as ip
,a.username as userName
, as lineNum
, as isInternation
,DATE_FORMAT(a.gmt_create,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as createDate
,DATE_FORMAT(a.gmt_modified,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') as updateDate
3, 完成查询方法
<select id="selectAllByPage" resultMap="xxxModel">
<include refid="resultCol" />
<include refid="pageListCount" />
posted @ 2017-03-23 15:00  阅读(9585)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报