linux 查看系统状态方法


输出:16:11:40 up 59 days, 4:21, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00

cat /proc/uptime
输出: 5113396.94 575949.85
第一数字即是系统已运行的时间5113396.94 秒,运用系统工具date即可算出系统启动时间

代码: 全选
date -d "$(awk -F. '{print $1}' /proc/uptime) second ago" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

输出: 2008-11-09 11:50:31


代码: 全选
cat /proc/uptime| awk -F. '{run_days=$1 / 86400;run_hour=($1 % 86400)/3600;run_minute=($1 % 3600)/60;run_second=$1 % 60;printf("系统已运行:%d天%d时%d分%d秒",run_days,run_hour,run_minute,run_second)}'


Linux 查询服务器序列号命令

例:dmidecode -t 1
查看服务器型号:dmidecode | grep 'Product Name'
查看主板的序列号:dmidecode |grep 'Serial Number'
查看系统序列号:dmidecode -s system-serial-number
查看内存信息:dmidecode -t memory
查看OEM信息:dmidecode -t 11
1 System
2 Base Board
3 Chassis
4 Processor
5 Memory Controller
6 Memory Module
7 Cache
8 Port Connector
9 System Slots
10 On Board Devices
11 OEM Strings
12 System Configuration Options
13 BIOS Language
14 Group Associations
15 System Event Log
16 Physical Memory Array
17 Memory Device
18 32-bit Memory Error
19 Memory Array Mapped Address
20 Memory Device Mapped Address
21 Built-in Pointing Device
22 Portable Battery
23 System Reset
24 Hardware Security
25 System Power Controls
26 Voltage Probe
27 Cooling Device
28 Temperature Probe
29 Electrical Current Probe
30 Out-of-band Remote Access
31 Boot Integrity Services
32 System Boot
33 64-bit Memory Error
34 Management Device
35 Management Device Component
36 Management Device Threshold Data
37 Memory Channel
38 IPMI Device
39 Power Supply
40 Additional Information
41 Onboard Device
-s, --string KEYWORD Only display the value of the given DMI string
-t, --type TYPE Only display the entries of given type

posted on 2015-07-20 12:31  小小鸟儿!  阅读(303)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报