
function showTree(treeid) { if(treeid == 0 ) return false; top.frameColumn.location.href = ""+ treeid +".html"; } function init() { t = new Bs_Tree(); t.imageDir = './images/icon/Help/'; t.draggable = true; t.initByArray(a); t.drawInto('treeDiv1'); t.getElement(1).open();//打开结点 t.setActiveElement(t.getElement(1)); setTimeout("showTree(t.getElement(1).treeID);", 100); }
function Bs_TreeElement()

 // bluemaple add
 this.treeID; //记录数据库中的id

 this.title;// Created by yangxl 2004-6-15

 this.isOncontextmenu = true; //是否打开右键控制,默认为true

 this.isOpen = false;
 this.visible = true;
 this.isChecked = 0;
 this._level = 0;
 this._children = new Array;
 this.tag;// Created by yangxl 2004-6-15
 this._isOutrendered = false;

 this.getThis = function()
  return this;

 this.addChild = function(treeElement)
  treeElement.parent = this;
  if (typeof(this._children) != 'object')
    this._children = new Array;

  if (this._children.push)
   this._children[this._children.length] = treeElement;

  treeElement._level = this._level +1;
  this._tree._clearingHouse[] = treeElement;
  if (this._isOutrendered)
   this.render(true, true);

 this.addChildByArray = function(elementData)
  var treeElement = this._tree._createTreeElement(elementData);
  return treeElement;

 this.isChild = function(elementId, bubble)
  for (var i=0; i<this._children.length; i++)
   if (this._children[i].id == elementId)
    return true;
   if (bubble)
    if (this._children[i].isChild(elementId, true))
     return true;
  return false;

 this.setCaption = function(caption)
  this.caption = caption;
  if (this._isOutrendered)
   var span = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption2');
   if (span) span.innerHTML = caption;

 this.render = function(omitDivTags, putIntoPage, lookAhead)
  if (typeof(this._tree.stopWatch) == 'object')
   this._tree.stopWatch.takeTime('Bs_TreeElement.render() for id: ' + + ' in level: ' + this._level);

  if (typeof(lookAhead) == 'undefined')
   lookAhead = this._tree.lookAhead;

  if ((this._tree._pseudoElement == this) && !this._tree.showPseudoElement && (lookAhead != -1))

  var imageDir    = this._getVar('imageDir');
  var imageHeight = this._getVar('imageHeight');
  var out      = new Array();
  var outI     = 0;
  var evalStr  = '';
  if (!omitDivTags)
   out[outI++] = '<span id="' + this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '"';out[outI++] = ' style="';
   if (!this.visible)
    out[outI++] = 'display:none;';
   out[outI++] = '">';
  if ((this._level) > 0 || (this._tree.showPseudoElement))
   out[outI++] = '<nobr>';
   out[outI++] = '<div style="float:none;"';
   out[outI++] = ' id="' + this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_drag"';
   if (this._tree.draggable)
    out[outI++] = ' onDragStart="Bs_Objects['+this._tree._id+'].executeOnElement(\'' + + '\', \'fireEvent\', Array(\'onDragStart\'));"';
    out[outI++] = ' onDragEnter="Bs_Objects['+this._tree._id+'].executeOnElement(\'' + + '\', \'fireEvent\', Array(\'onDragEnter\'));"';
    out[outI++] = ' onDragOver="Bs_Objects['+this._tree._id+'].executeOnElement(\'' + + '\', \'fireEvent\', Array(\'onDragOver\'));"';
    out[outI++] = ' onDrop="Bs_Objects['+this._tree._id+'].executeOnElement(\'' + + '\', \'fireEvent\', Array(\'onDrop\'));"';
   out[outI++] = '>';
   out[outI++] = '<div style="overflow:visible; height:' + imageHeight + '; ' + this._getVar('divStyle') + '">';
   var level = this._level;
   if (!this._tree.showPseudoElement)
   var obj = null;
   var outTemp = '';
   for (var i=0; i<level; i++)
    if (!obj)
     obj = this.parent;
     obj = obj.parent;

    if (obj.hasSiblingsDown())
     var img = 'line1';
     var img = 'empty';
    // 2004-6-28 yangxl outTemp = '<img src="' + imageDir + img + '.gif" height="' + imageHeight + '" border="0" align="top">' + outTemp;
    outTemp = '<img src="' + imageDir + img + '.gif" border="0" align="top">' + outTemp;
   out[outI++] = outTemp;
   if (this.hasSiblingsDown())
    var imgNumber = 3;
    var imgNumber = 2;
   if (this.hasVisibleChildren())
    if ((this._level == 0) || (!this._tree.showPseudoElement && (this._level == 1) && ((this._tree.useAutoSequence && ( == 1)) || (!this._tree.useAutoSequence && true))))
     if (this.hasSiblingsDown())
    if (this.isOpen)
     var plusImg = 'minus' + imgNumber;
     var onClick = 'Close';
     var plusImg = 'plus' + imgNumber;var onClick = 'Open';
    var plusImg = 'line' + imgNumber;
    var onClick = false;

   if (onClick)
    var onClickStr = 'onClick="Bs_Objects['+this._tree._id+'].elementToggleOpenClose(\'' + + '\');"';
    var onClickStr = '';

   if (this.onClick)
    var onClick = this.onClick;
    onClick = onClick.replace(/__this\.id__/g,; //replace the string __this.id__ with the actual id (int).
    out[outI++] = '<span style="cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;" onClick="' + onClick + '">';
   // 2004-6-28 yangxl  out[outI++] = '<img id="' + this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_openClose" src="' + imageDir + plusImg + '.gif" height="' + imageHeight + '" border="0" ' + onClickStr + ' align="middle"';
   out[outI++] = '<img id="' + this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_openClose" src="' + imageDir + plusImg + '.gif"  border="0" ' + onClickStr + ' align="middle"';
   out[outI++] = ' style="vertical-align:' + ((imageHeight > 16) ? 'middle' : 'top') + '">';
   if (this.beforeIconSpan)
    out[outI++] = "<span>" + this.beforeIconSpan + "</span>";
   if (this.url)
    var hRef = '<a href="' + this.url + '"';
    if (
     hRef += ' target="' + + '"';
     hRef += ' style="'  + this._getLinkStyle() + '"';
    hRef += '>';
   var folderIconId = this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_folder';
   if (this._getVar('useFolderIcon'))
    if (hRef) out[outI++] = hRef;switch (typeof(this.icon))
     case 'undefined':
      if (this._tree.useLeaf && !this.hasChildren())
       var folderImg = 'leaf';
       var folderImg = 'folder';
       folderImg += (this.isOpen) ? 'Open' : 'Closed';
      out[outI++] = '<img id="' + folderIconId + '" src="' + imageDir + folderImg + '.gif" height="' + imageHeight + '" border="0" align="top">';
     case 'bool':
     case 'boolean':
     case 'string':
      if (this.icon != 'false')
       out[outI++] = '<img id="' + folderIconId + '" src="';
       if (!this._iconHasPath(this.icon))
        out[outI++] = imageDir;
       out[outI++] = this.icon;
       if (!this._iconHasExtension(this.icon))
        out[outI++] = '.gif';
       out[outI++] = '" height="' + imageHeight + '" border="0" align="top">';
    if (hRef) out[outI++] = '</a>';
   if (this.beforeCaptionSpan)
    out[outI++] = "<span>" + this.beforeCaptionSpan + "</span>";
   if (this._tree.useRadioButton)
    out[outI++] = '<input type="radio"';
    if (this._tree.radioButtonName)
     out[outI++] = ' name="' + this._tree.radioButtonName + '"';
     out[outI++] = ' name="' + 'bsTreeRad_' + this._tree._objectId + '"';

    if (true)
     out[outI++] = ' style="height:16px;"';

    if (this.radioButtonSelected)
     out[outI++] = ' checked';
    out[outI++] = '>';
   if (this._tree.useCheckboxSystem)
    var checkboxSpan = this.checkboxName + 'Span';
    var checkboxObj  = this.checkboxName + 'Obj';
    out[outI++] = '&nbsp;<span id="' + checkboxSpan + '">';
    var t = new Bs_Checkbox();
    t.objectName = checkboxObj;
    t.checkboxName = this.checkboxName;
    t.value = this.isChecked;
    if (this._getVar('checkboxSystemGuiNochange'))
     t.guiNochange = true;
    var chkImagDir = this._getVar('checkboxSystemImgDir');
    if (chkImagDir)
     t.imgDir = chkImagDir;
     t.imgDir     = "/_bsJavascript/components/checkbox/img/win2k_noBorder/";
    t.imgWidth   = '13';
    t.imgHeight  = '13';
    if (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree)
     t.attachOnClick('Bs_Objects['+this._tree._id+'].elementCheckboxEvent(\'' + + '\', ' + checkboxObj + '.value);');
    eval(checkboxObj + ' = t;');
    this._checkboxObject = t;evalStr += checkboxObj + ".draw('" + checkboxSpan + "');";
    out[outI++] = '</span>';
   out[outI++] = '&nbsp;';
   //out[outI++] = '<span id="' + this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption"';
   // modified by yangxl 2004-6-15
   if ( typeof(this.title) != "undefined")
    out[outI++] = '<span title=\"' + this.title + '\" id="' + this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption"';
    out[outI++] = '<span title=\"' + this.caption + '\" id="' + this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption"';
   out[outI++] = '<span title=\"' + this.caption + '\" id="' + this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption"';
   if (this.onClick || this.hasEventAttached('onClickCaption'))
    out[outI++] = ' style="cursor:pointer; cursor:hand;"';
    out[outI++] = ' style="cursor:default;"';

   if(this.isOncontextmenu && !this.hasEventAttached('oncontextmenuCaption') )
    out[outI++] = ' oncontextmenu="event.returnValue=false; Bs_Objects['+this._tree._id+'].getElement('+ +').setActive();"';
   else if(this.hasEventAttached('oncontextmenuCaption') )
    out[outI++] = ' oncontextmenu="event.returnValue=false; Bs_Objects['+this._tree._id+'].getElement('+ +').setActive();Bs_Objects['+this._tree._id+'].executeOnElement(\'' + + '\', \'fireEvent\', Array(\'oncontextmenuCaption\'));"';

   out[outI++] = ' onClick="Bs_Objects['+this._tree._id+'].executeOnElement(\'' + + '\', \'fireEvent\', Array(\'onClickCaption\'));">';

   if (hRef) out[outI++] = hRef;
   out[outI++] = '<span id="' + this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption2">' + this.caption + '</span>';
   if (hRef) out[outI++] = '</a>';
   out[outI++] = '</span>';
   if (this.onClick)
    out[outI++] = '</span>';
   out[outI++] = '</div>';
   if (this.afterCaptionSpan)
    out[outI++] = '<div style="overflow:visible;">' + this.afterCaptionSpan + '</div>';
   else {}
   out[outI++] = '</div>';
   out[outI++] = '</nobr>';
  out[outI++] = '<span id="' + this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_children"';
  if (!this.isOpen)
   out[outI++] = ' style="display:none;"';
  out[outI++] = '>';
  if (this.isOpen || (lookAhead > 0) || (lookAhead == -1))
   for (var i=0; i<this._children.length; i++)
    if (lookAhead == -1)
     var newLookAhead = -1;
     if (this.isOpen)
      var newLookAhead = lookAhead;
      var newLookAhead = lookAhead -1;
    var t = this._children[i].render(false, false, newLookAhead);
    out[outI++] = t[0];
    evalStr    += t[1];
  out[outI++] = '</span>';
  if (!omitDivTags)
   out[outI++] = '</span>';
  out[outI++] = "\n";
  this._isOutrendered = true;
  var content = new Array(out.join(''), evalStr);
  if (putIntoPage)
   var doc = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' +;if (doc != null)
    doc.innerHTML = content[0];
    if (content[1] != '')
    return true;
    return false;
   return content;
 this.reset = function()
  this.caption           = null;
  this.url               = null;            = null;
  this.onClick           = null;
  this.isOpen            = false;
  this.isChecked         = 0;
  this.checkboxName      = null;
  this.beforeIconSpan    = null;
  this.beforeCaptionSpan = null;
  this.afterCaptionSpan  = null;

 this.initByArray = function(a, tree, level)
  this._tree   = tree;
  this._level  = level;
  if (typeof(this._tree.stopWatch) == 'object')
  if (this._tree.useAutoSequence && (level > 0))
  {      = ++this._tree._elementSequence;
   if (typeof(a['id']) == 'undefined')
    this._addError('tree error: useAutoSequence is set to false, but for an array element there is no id defined.');
    return false;
   } = a['id'];

  if (typeof(a['caption'])             != 'undefined')
   this.caption             = a['caption'];
  if (typeof(a['title'])             != 'undefined') // Created by yangxl 2004-6-15
   this.title             = a['title'];
  if (typeof(a['url'])                 != 'undefined')
   this.url                 = a['url'];
  if (typeof(a['target'])              != 'undefined')              = a['target'];
  if (typeof(a['onClick'])             != 'undefined')
   this.onClick             = a['onClick'];
  if (typeof(a['isOpen'])              != 'undefined')
   this.isOpen              = a['isOpen'];
  if (typeof(a['isChecked'])           != 'undefined')
   this.isChecked           = parseInt(a['isChecked']);
  if (typeof(a['visible'])             != 'undefined')
   this.visible             = a['visible'];
  if (typeof(a['icon'])                != 'undefined')
   this.icon                = a['icon'];
  if (typeof(a['imageDir'])            != 'undefined')
   this.imageDir            = a['imageDir'];
  if (typeof(a['beforeIconSpan'])      != 'undefined')
   this.beforeIconSpan      = a['beforeIconSpan'];
  if (typeof(a['beforeCaptionSpan'])   != 'undefined')
   this.beforeCaptionSpan   = a['beforeCaptionSpan'];
  if (typeof(a['afterCaptionSpan'])    != 'undefined')
   this.afterCaptionSpan    = a['afterCaptionSpan'];
  if (typeof(a['radioButtonSelected']) != 'undefined')
   this.radioButtonSelected = a['radioButtonSelected'];
  if (typeof(a['dataContainer'])       != 'undefined')
   this.dataContainer       = a['dataContainer'];
  if (typeof(a['tag'])       != 'undefined')// Created by yangxl 2004-6-15
   this.tag       = a['tag'];
  if (typeof(a['treeID'])       != 'undefined') // bluemaple add
   this.treeID       = a['treeID'];

  if (typeof(a['checkboxName']) != 'undefined')
   this.checkboxName  = a['checkboxName'];
   if (this._tree.useCheckboxSystem)
    this.checkboxName = 'bsTreeChk_' + this._tree._objectId + '_' +;

  if (typeof(a['oncontextmenuCaption'])    != 'undefined')
   this.attachEvent('oncontextmenuCaption', a['oncontextmenuCaption']);

  if (typeof(a['onClickCaption'])    != 'undefined')
   this.attachEvent('onClickCaption', a['onClickCaption']);

  if (typeof(a['onChangeCheckbox'])    != 'undefined')
   this.attachEvent('onChangeCheckbox', a['onChangeCheckbox']);

  if (typeof(a['events']) != 'undefined')
   for (ev in a['events'])
    this.attachEvent(ev, a['events'][ev]);

  return true;

 this.exportAsArray = function(withChildren)
  var ret = new Array();
  if (typeof(                       != 'undefined')
   ret['id']                       =;
  if (typeof(this.caption)                  != 'undefined')
   ret['caption']                  = this.caption;
  if (typeof(this.title)                  != 'undefined')// Created by yangxl 2004-6-15
   ret['title']                  = this.title;
  if (typeof(this.url)                      != 'undefined')
   ret['url']                      = this.url;
  if (typeof(                   != 'undefined')
   ret['target']                   =;
  if (typeof(this.onClick)                  != 'undefined')
   ret['onClick']                  = this.onClick;
  if (typeof(this.isOpen)                   != 'undefined')
   ret['isOpen']                   = this.isOpen;
  if (typeof(this.isChecked)                != 'undefined')
   ret['isChecked']                = this.isChecked;
  if (typeof(this.visible)                  != 'undefined')
   ret['visible']                  = this.visible;
  if (typeof(this.icon)                     != 'undefined')
   ret['icon']                     = this.icon;
  if (typeof(this.imageDir)                 != 'undefined')
   ret['imageDir']                 = this.imageDir;
  if (typeof(this.beforeIconSpan)           != 'undefined')
   ret['beforeIconSpan']           = this.beforeIconSpan;
  if (typeof(this.afterCaptionSpan)         != 'undefined')
   ret['afterCaptionSpan']         = this.afterCaptionSpan;
  if (typeof(this.radioButtonSelected)      != 'undefined')
   ret['radioButtonSelected']      = this.radioButtonSelected;
  if (typeof(this.dataContainer)            != 'undefined')
   ret['dataContainer']            = this.dataContainer;
  if (typeof(this.checkboxName)             != 'undefined')
   ret['checkboxName']             = this.checkboxName;
  if (typeof(this.beforeCaptionSpan)        != 'undefined')
   ret['beforeCaptionSpan']        = this.beforeCaptionSpan;
  if (typeof(this.tag)        != 'undefined')// Created by yangxl 2004-6-15
   ret['tag']        = this.tag;
  if (typeof(this.treeID)        != 'undefined')// Created by fangj
   ret['treeID']        = this.treeID;

  /* start modi by fangj */

  if (typeof(this._attachedEvents['onClickCaption'])        != 'undefined')// Created by fangj
   ret['onClickCaption']        = this._attachedEvents['onClickCaption'];

  if (typeof(this._attachedEvents['oncontextmenuCaption'])        != 'undefined')// Created by fangj
   ret['oncontextmenuCaption']        = this._attachedEvents['oncontextmenuCaption'];

  /* end modi by fangj */

  if (withChildren)
   ret['children'] = new Array();
   for (var i=0; i<this._children.length; i++)
    ret['children'][ret['children'].length] = this._children[i].exportAsArray(true);
  return ret;

 this.updateObjectByArray = function(a)
  if (a['caption'])            this.caption            = a['caption'];
  if (a['title'])            this.title            = a['title'];// Created by yangxl 2004-6-15
  if (a['url'])                this.url                = a['url'];
  if (a['target'])                = a['target'];
  if (a['onClick'])            this.onClick            = a['onClick'];
  if (a['isOpen'])             this.isOpen             = a['isOpen'];
  if (a['isChecked'])          this.isChecked          = a['isChecked'];
  if (a['imageDir'])           this.imageDir           = a['imageDir'];
  if (a['checkboxName'])
   this.checkboxName  = a['checkboxName'];
   if (this._tree.useCheckboxSystem)
    this.checkboxName = 'bsTreeCheckbox' +;
  if (a['beforeIconSpan'])     this.beforeIconSpan     = a['beforeIconSpan'];
  if (a['beforeCaptionSpan'])  this.beforeCaptionSpan  = a['beforeCaptionSpan'];
  if (a['afterCaptionSpan'])   this.afterCaptionSpan   = a['afterCaptionSpan'];
  if (a['tag'])   this.afterCaptionSpan   = a['tag'];// Created by yangxl 2004-6-15

 this.getJavascriptCode = function(varName, recursive)
  var ret = "";
   (this._tree.useAutoSequence && ( > 1))
   || (!this._tree.useAutoSequence && !this.parent)
   ret += varName + " = new Array();\n";
   if (!this._tree.useAutoSequence)
    ret += varName + "['id'] = \"" + + "\";\n";
   if (this.caption)           ret += varName + "['caption']            = \"" + this.caption            + "\";\n";if (this.url)               ret += varName + "['url']                = \"" + this.url                + "\";\n";if (            ret += varName + "['target']             = \"" +             + "\";\n";if (this.onClick) {
   //var onClick = this.onClick.replace(/'/g,  "\'");
   var onClick = this.onClick.replace(/"/g,  '\"');
   ret += varName + "['onClick']            = \"" + onClick            + "\";\n";
  if (this.imageDir)          ret += varName + "['imageDir']           = \"" + this.imageDir          + "\";\n";if (this.isOpen)            ret += varName + "['isOpen']             = '" + this.isOpen             + "';\n";if (this.isChecked)         ret += varName + "['isChecked']          = '" + this.isChecked          + "';\n";if (this.checkboxName)      ret += varName + "['checkboxName']       = '" + this.checkboxName       + "';\n";if (this.icon)              ret += varName + "['icon']               = \"" + this.icon              + "\";\n";if (this.beforeIconSpan)    ret += varName + "['beforeIconSpan']     = \"" + this.beforeIconSpan     + "\";\n";if (this.beforeCaptionSpan) ret += varName + "['beforeCaptionSpan']  = \"" + this.beforeCaptionSpan  + "\";\n";if (this.afterCaptionSpan)  ret += varName + "['afterCaptionSpan']   = \"" + this.afterCaptionSpan   + "\";\n";varName += "['children']";}
  if (recursive)
   if (this._children.length > 0)
    ret += varName + " = new Array();\n";
    for (var i=0; i<this._children.length; i++)
     ret += this._children[i].getJavascriptCode(varName + "[" + i + "]", recursive);
  return ret;

 this.setActive = function()
  var activeElement = this._tree.getActiveElement();
  if (activeElement != false)

 this._highlight = function()
  var elmSetActive = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption');
  var elmSetActive2 = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption2');
  var elmSetActive3 = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_folder');//bluemaple modi
  if (elmSetActive != null)
  { = this._getVar('captionBgColor'); = this._getVar('captionForeColor');

   if(this._getVar('icon') != "false")
    if( elmSetActive3.src.indexOf(this._getVar('imageDir').substring(this._getVar('imageDir').indexOf("/"), this._getVar('imageDir').length )+"leaf.gif") >=0 )
     elmSetActive3.src = this._getVar('imageDir') + "leaf1.gif";
   setTimeout("Bs_Objects["+this._tree._id+"].executeOnElement('" + + "', '_highlight');", 100);

 // bluemaple add
 this.highlight = function()
  var elmSetActive = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption');
  var elmSetActive2 = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption2');
  var elmSetActive3 = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_folder');//bluemaple modi
  if (elmSetActive != null)
  { = this._getVar('captionBgColor'); = this._getVar('captionForeColor');

   if(this._getVar('icon') != "false")
    if( elmSetActive3.src.indexOf(this._getVar('imageDir').substring(this._getVar('imageDir').indexOf("/"), this._getVar('imageDir').length )+"leaf.gif") >=0 )
     elmSetActive3.src = this._getVar('imageDir') + "leaf1.gif";
   setTimeout("Bs_Objects["+this._tree._id+"].executeOnElement('" + + "', '_highlight');", 100);

 this.unsetActive = function()
  var e = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption');
  var e2 = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_caption2');

  var e3 = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_folder');//bluemaple modi

  if (e != null) = 'transparent';
  if (e2 != null) = 'black';

  if(e3 != null)
   if( e3.src.indexOf(this._getVar('imageDir').substring( this._getVar('imageDir').indexOf("/"), this._getVar('imageDir').length ) + "leaf1.gif") >=0 )
    e3.src = this._getVar('imageDir') + "leaf.gif";

 this.toggleOpenClose = function()
  if (this.isOpen)
   if (this.hasEventAttached('onBeforeClose'))
    var status = this.fireEvent('onBeforeClose');
    if (status != true) return;
   if (this.hasEventAttached('onAfterClose')) this.fireEvent('onAfterClose');
   if (this.hasEventAttached('onBeforeOpen'))
    var status = this.fireEvent('onBeforeOpen');
    if (status != true) return;
   if (this.hasEventAttached('onAfterOpen')) this.fireEvent('onAfterOpen');
 } = function(checkParents)
  if (this.isOpen) return;
  this.isOpen = true;
  if (true || !doRender)
   if (this._isOutrendered)
    var d = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_children'); = 'block';
    if (checkParents)
    this.render(true, true);
  if (this._tree.autoCollapse)
   var sib = this.getSiblings();
   for (var i=0; i<sib.length; i++)
    if (sib[i].id !=
  if (this.hasVisibleChildren())
   var lookAhead = this._tree.lookAhead;
   var treeElm     = this;
   for (var j=0; j<treeElm._children.length; j++)
    if (typeof(treeElm._children[j]._undoneChildren) == 'object')
     for (var k=0; k<treeElm._children[j]._undoneChildren.length; k++)
      var newE = this._tree._createTreeElement(treeElm._children[j]._undoneChildren[k], treeElm._children[j]._level +1);
     treeElm._children[j]._undoneChildren = false;
    if (treeElm._children[j].hasVisibleChildren())
     var doRender = false;
     for (var k=0; k<treeElm._children[j]._children.length; k++)
      if (!treeElm._children[j]._children[k]._isOutrendered)
       var doRender = true;break;
     if (doRender)
      treeElm._children[j].render(true, true, lookAhead);

 this._renderParentsUp = function()
  if (typeof(this.parent) == 'undefined') this.parent._renderParentsUp();
  if (this._isOutrendered) return;
  this.render(true, true);

 this.close = function()
  if (!this.isOpen) return;
   this.isOpen = false;
  if (this._isOutrendered)
   var d = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_children'); = 'none';
   this.render(true, true);

 this._switchIconsOnToggleOpenClose = function()
  var openClose = document.getElementById(this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_openClose');
  openClose.src = this._getSourceOpenCloseIcon();
  if (this._getVar('useFolderIcon'))
   var folderIconId = this._tree._objectId + '_e_' + + '_folder';
   var fIcon = document.getElementById(folderIconId);
   if (fIcon)
    fIcon.src = this._getSourceFolderIcon();

 this._getSourceOpenCloseIcon = function()
  if (this.hasSiblingsDown())
   var imgNumber = 3;
   var imgNumber = 2;
  if (this.hasVisibleChildren())
   if ((this._level == 0) || (!this._tree.showPseudoElement && (this._level == 1) && ((this._tree.useAutoSequence && ( == 1)) || (!this._tree.useAutoSequence && true))))
    if (this.hasSiblingsDown())
   if (this.isOpen)
    var plusImg = 'minus' + imgNumber;
    var onClick = 'Close';
    var plusImg = 'plus' + imgNumber;
    var onClick = 'Open';
   var plusImg = 'line' + imgNumber;
  var imageDir = this._getVar('imageDir');
  return imageDir + plusImg + '.gif';

 this._getSourceFolderIcon = function()
  var imageDir = this._getVar('imageDir');
  switch (typeof(this.icon))
   case 'undefined':
    if (this._tree.useLeaf && !this.hasChildren())
     var folderImg = 'leaf';
     var folderImg = 'folder';
     folderImg += (this.isOpen) ? 'Open' : 'Closed';
    return imageDir + folderImg + '.gif';
   case 'bool':
   case 'boolean':
   case 'string':
   if (this.icon != 'false')
    var ret = '';
    if (!this._iconHasPath(this.icon))
     ret += imageDir;
    ret += this.icon;
    if (!this._iconHasExtension(this.icon))
     ret += '.gif';
    return ret;
  return '';

 this.hasChildren = function()
  return (this._children.length > 0);

 this.hasVisibleChildren = function()
  if (!this._children || !(this._children.length > 0)) return false;
  for (var i=0; i<this._children.length; i++)
   if (this._children[i].visible) return true;
  return false;

 this.numChildren = function()
  return this._children.length;

 this.childPos = function(id)
  for (var i=0; i<this._children.length; i++)
   if (this._children[i].id == id)
    return ++i;
  return false;

 this.hasSiblings = function()

 this.hasSiblingsDown = function()
   var tot = this.parent.numChildren();
   var pos = this.parent.childPos(;
   return (pos < tot);
  catch (e)
   return false;

 this.hasSiblingsAbove = function()

 this.getSiblings = function()
   return this.parent.getChildren();
   return new Array;

 this.getChildren = function()
  return this._children;

 this.getParentId = function()
  catch (e)
   return false;

 this.hasParent = function()
  return (this.parent);

 this.attachEvent = function(trigger, yourEvent)
  if (typeof(this._attachedEvents) == 'undefined')
   this._attachedEvents = new Array();

  if (typeof(this._attachedEvents[trigger]) == 'undefined')
   this._attachedEvents[trigger] = new Array(yourEvent);
   this._attachedEvents[trigger][this._attachedEvents[trigger].length] = yourEvent;

 this.hasEventAttached = function(trigger)
  return ((typeof(this._attachedEvents) != 'undefined') && (typeof(this._attachedEvents[trigger]) != 'undefined'));

 this.fireEvent = function(trigger)
  var ret = true;
  if (trigger == 'onClickCaption')

   if ((typeof(this._attachedEvents) != 'undefined') && (typeof(this._attachedEvents[trigger]) != 'undefined'))
    eval(''+ this._attachedEvents['onClickCaption'] +'');//add by fangj
  else if ((typeof(this._attachedEvents) != 'undefined') && (typeof(this._attachedEvents[trigger]) != 'undefined'))
   var e = this._attachedEvents[trigger];
   if ((typeof(e) == 'string') || (typeof(e) == 'function'))
    e = new Array(e);
   for (var i=0; i<e.length; i++)
    if (typeof(e[i]) == 'function')
     var status = e[i](this);
     if (status == false) ret = false;
    else if (typeof(e[i]) == 'string')
     var ev = e[i].replace(/__this\.id__/g,; //replace the string __this.id__ with the actual id.
     //ev = ev.replace(/__this__/g, 'this'); //replace the string __this__ with 'this'.
  return ret;

 this._addError = function(str)
  if (typeof(this._errorArray) == 'undefined')
   this._errorArray = new Array(str);
   this._errorArray[this._errorArray.length] = str;

 this.getLastError = function()
  if (typeof(this._errorArray) != 'undefined')
   if (this._errorArray.length > 0)
    return this._errorArray[this._errorArray.length -1];
  return false;

 this._getVar = function(varName)
  if (typeof(this[varName]) != 'undefined')
   return this[varName];
   if (this._tree.walkTree && (typeof(this.parent) != 'undefined'))
    return this.parent._getVar(varName);
   else if (typeof(this._tree[varName]) != 'undefined')
    return this._tree[varName];
    return null;

 this.onMouseOver = function()
  var img = document.getElementById(this._spanId + 'icon');
  if (!img.swapOver0)
   img.swapOver0 = new Image();
   img.swapOver0.src = this.imgDir + 'enabled_0_over.gif';
   img.swapOver1 = new Image();
   img.swapOver1.src = this.imgDir + 'enabled_1_over.gif';
   img.swapOver2 = new Image();
   img.swapOver2.src = this.imgDir + 'enabled_2_over.gif';
   img.swapOut0 = new Image();
   img.swapOut0.src = this.imgDir + 'enabled_0.gif';
   img.swapOut1 = new Image();
   img.swapOut1.src = this.imgDir + 'enabled_1.gif';
   img.swapOut2 = new Image();
   img.swapOut2.src = this.imgDir + 'enabled_2.gif';
  img.src = img['swapOver' + this.value].src;

 this.onMouseOut = function()
  var img = document.getElementById(this._spanId + 'icon');
  img.src = img['swapOut' + this.value].src;

 this.setCheckboxValue = function(value, fireEvents, doWalk)
  if (typeof(fireEvents) == 'undefined') fireEvents = true;
  if (typeof(doWalk)     == 'undefined') doWalk     = true;
  if (!this.hasChildren())
   value = (value) ? 2 : 0;
   if (this.isChecked == 0)
    if (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree && (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree != 2) && (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree != 3) && this.hasChildren())
     value = 1;
  this.isChecked = value;
  this._checkboxObject.setTo(value, true);
  if (fireEvents)
   if (this.hasEventAttached('onChangeCheckbox')) this.fireEvent('onChangeCheckbox');
  if (doWalk)
   if ((this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 3) || (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 1) || (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 4))
   if ((this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 3) || (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 2) || ((this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 4) && (value == 0)))

 this.checkboxEvent = function(value)
  if (!this.hasChildren())
   value = (value) ? 2 : 0;
   if (this.isChecked == 1)
    if ((!this._tree.checkboxSystemIfPartlyThenFull) || ((this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree) && (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree != 2) && (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree != 3)))
     value = 0;
     value = 2;
   else if (this.isChecked == 0)
    if (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree && (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree != 2) && (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree != 3) && this.hasChildren())
     value = 1;
  this.isChecked = value;
  this._checkboxObject.setTo(value, true);
  if (this.hasEventAttached('onChangeCheckbox'))
  if ((this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 3) || (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 1) || (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 4))
  if ((this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 3) || (this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 2) || ((this._tree.checkboxSystemWalkTree == 4) && (value == 0)))

 this.checkboxUpdateDown = function(value)
  for (var i=0; i<this._children.length; i++)
   this._children[i]._updateCheckboxFromParent(value, true);

 this.updateCheckboxVisually = function()
  if (typeof(this._checkboxObject) == 'object')
   catch (e)

 this._updateCheckboxFromParent = function(newValue, recursiveDown)
  var backupValue = this.isChecked;
  this.isChecked = (newValue) ? 2 : 0;
  var hasChanged = (this.isChecked != backupValue);
  if (hasChanged)
   if (this.hasEventAttached('onChangeCheckbox'))
  if (recursiveDown) this.checkboxUpdateDown(newValue, true);

 this.updateCheckboxFromChild = function()
  var backupIsChecked = this.isChecked;var numYes   = 0;var numNo    = 0;var isPartly = false;for (var i=0; i<this._children.length; i++)
   if (this._children[i].isChecked == 1)
    isPartly = true;
    this.isChecked = 1;
   else if (this._children[i].isChecked)
   if ((numYes > 0) && (numNo > 0))

  if (!isPartly)
   if ((numYes > 0) && (numNo > 0))
    this.isChecked = 1;
   else if (numYes > 0)
    this.isChecked = 2;
    this.isChecked = 0;
  if (backupIsChecked != this.isChecked)
   if (this.hasEventAttached('onChangeCheckbox'))
  if (typeof(this.parent) == 'object')

 this._updateLevelAndParent = function(treeElement)
  if ((typeof(treeElement._children) == 'object') && (treeElement._children.length > 0))
   for (var i=0; i<treeElement._children.length; i++)
    treeElement._children[i].parent = treeElement;
    treeElement._children[i]._level = treeElement._level +1;

 this._getLinkStyle = function()
  if (typeof(this.linkStyle)       != 'undefined') return this.linkStyle;
  if (typeof(this._tree.linkStyle) != 'undefined') return this._tree.linkStyle;
  return '';

 this._iconHasExtension = function(iconStr)
  var iconLower = iconStr.toLowerCase();
  var iconPos   = iconLower.lastIndexOf('.');
  if (iconPos > -1)
   var iconExt = iconLower.substr(iconPos +1);
   if ((iconExt != 'gif') && (iconExt != 'png') && (iconExt != 'jpg') && (iconExt != 'jpeg'))
    return false;
   return false;
  return true;

 this._iconHasPath = function(iconStr)
  if (iconStr.indexOf('://') > -1) return true;
  if (iconStr.substr(0, 1) == '/') return true;
  return false;
if (!Bs_Objects)
 var Bs_Objects = [];

function Bs_Tree()
 this.autoCollapse      = false;
 this.lookAhead = 2;
 this.captionBgColor    = "highlight";
 this.captionForeColor    = "highlighttext";
 this.divStyle = 'font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px;';
 this.showPseudoElement = false;
 this.useCheckboxSystem = false;
 this.checkboxSystemWalkTree = 3;
 this.checkboxSystemIfPartlyThenFull = true;
 this.useRadioButton = false;
 this.imageDir = './images/icon/';
 this.imageHeight = 16;
 this.useFolderIcon = true;
 this.useLeaf = true;
 this.walkTree = true;
 this.useAutoSequence = true;
 this.draggable = false;
 this._clearingHouse = new Array;
 this._elementSequence = 0;
 this.totalElements = 0;//add 2004-6-15

 this._constructor = function()
  this._id = Bs_Objects.length;
  Bs_Objects[this._id] = this;
  this._objectId = "Bs_Tree_"+this._id;
  var a = [];
  a['id']               = 'pseudoElement001';
  a['caption']          = "root";
  a['url']              = "";
  a['target']           = "";
  a['isOpen']           = true;
  this._pseudoElement = this._createTreeElement(a, 0);

 this.initByArray = function(arr)
  for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++)
   var e = this._createTreeElement(arr[i], 1);
   if (e == false)
    return false;
  return true;
 this.getActiveElement = function()
  if (typeof(this._currentActiveElement) != 'undefined')
   return this._currentActiveElement;

  return false;

 this.setActiveElement = function(treeElement)
  this._currentActiveElement = treeElement;

 this._createTreeElement = function(arr, level)
  ++this.totalElements; //add 2004-6-15
  if (typeof(level) == 'undefined') level = 1;
  var e = new Bs_TreeElement();
  var status = e.initByArray(arr, this, level);
  if (!status)
   return false;
  this._clearingHouse[] = e;

  if (arr['children'])
   if ((this.useCheckboxSystem && (this.checkboxSystemWalkTree >= 2)) || e.isOpen || ((this.lookAhead +2) > level) || (this.lookAhead == -1) || ((typeof(e.parent) == 'object') && (e.parent.isOpen)))
    for (var i=0; i<arr['children'].length; i++)
     var newE = this._createTreeElement(arr['children'][i], level +1);
     if (!newE) return false;
    e._undoneChildren = arr['children'];
  return e;

 this.getElement = function(elementId)
  if (elementId == 0) return this._pseudoElement;
  if (typeof(this._clearingHouse[elementId]) == 'object')
   return this._clearingHouse[elementId];
   return false;

 this.removeElement = function(elementId)
  if (typeof(this._clearingHouse[elementId]) == 'undefined') return false;
  var elm = this._clearingHouse[elementId];
  if ((typeof(elm.parent) == 'object') && (typeof(elm.parent._children) == 'object'))
   for (var i=0; i<elm.parent._children.length; i++)
    if (elm.parent._children[i].id == elementId)
  for (var i=0; i<elm._children.length; i++)
  if ((typeof(elm.parent) == 'object') && (elm.parent._isOutrendered))
   elm.parent.render(true, true);
  return true;

 this.draw = function()
  var content = this._pseudoElement.render();

 this.toHtml = function()
  return this._pseudoElement.render();

 this.executeOnElement = function(id, func, params)
  if (this._clearingHouse[id])
   if (this._clearingHouse[id][func])
    if (params)
     switch (params.length)
      case 1:
       return this._clearingHouse[id][func](params[0]);
      case 2:
       return this._clearingHouse[id][func](params[0], params[1]);
      case 3:
       return this._clearingHouse[id][func](params[0], params[1], params[2]);
      case 4:
       return this._clearingHouse[id][func](params[0], params[1], params[2], params[3]);
     return this._clearingHouse[id][func]();

 this.getJavascriptCode = function()
  return this._pseudoElement.getJavascriptCode('a', true);

 this.elementToggleOpenClose = function(id)

 this.elementOpenWalkUp = function(id)
  if (typeof(this._clearingHouse[id]) != 'undefined')
   var elm = this._clearingHouse[id];;
   if (typeof(elm.parent) != 'undefined')
   return false;
  return true;

 this.elementCloseWalkUp = function(id)
  if (typeof(this._clearingHouse[id]) != 'undefined')
   var elm = this._clearingHouse[id];
   if (typeof(elm.parent) != 'undefined') this.elementCloseWalkUp(;
   return false;
  return true;

 this.elementCloseWalkDown = function(id)
  if (typeof(id) == 'undefined')
   var elm = this._pseudoElement;
  else if (typeof(this._clearingHouse[id]) != 'undefined')
   var elm = this._clearingHouse[id];elm.close(true);
   return false;
  if (typeof(elm._children) != 'undefined')
   for (var i=0; i<elm._children.length; i++)
  return true;

 this.elementOpen = function(id)
  if (typeof(this._clearingHouse[id]) != 'undefined')

 this.elementClose = function(id)

 this.openPath = function(data, valueType)
  var elm = this.getElementByCaptionPath(data);
  if (elm == false) return false;
  return true;

 this.getElementByCaptionPath = function(data)
  var elm = this._pseudoElement;
  for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++)
   var newElm = null;
   for (var j=0; j<elm._children.length; j++)
    if (elm._children[j].caption == data[i])
     newElm = elm._children[j];
     elm = newElm;
     if (typeof(elm._undoneChildren) == 'object')
      for (var k=0; k<elm._undoneChildren.length; k++)
       var newE = this._createTreeElement(elm._undoneChildren[k], elm._level +1);
      elm._undoneChildren = false;
   if (newElm == null) return false;
  return newElm;

 this.elementCheckboxEvent = function(id, value)

 this.debugDumpTree = function(elm, indent)
  if (typeof(elm) == 'undefined')
   elm    = this._pseudoElement;indent = '';
   var firstCall = true;
  var ret = '';
  if (typeof(elm._children) == 'object')
   for (var i=0; i<elm._children.length; i++)
    ret += indent + i + ': ' + elm._children[i].id + ': ' + elm._children[i].caption + "\n";
    ret += this.debugDumpTree(elm._children[i], indent + '  ');
  if (firstCall)
   return ret;

 this._addError = function(str)
  if (typeof(this._errorArray) == 'undefined')
   this._errorArray = new Array(str);
   this._errorArray[this._errorArray.length] = str;

 this.getLastError = function()
  if (typeof(this._errorArray) != 'undefined')
   if (this._errorArray.length > 0)
    return this._errorArray[this._errorArray.length -1];
  return false;

 this.old_drawInto = function(id)
  var content = this._pseudoElement.render();
  var e       = document.getElementById(id);
  if (e)
   e.innerHTML = content[0];
   if ('' != content[1]) eval(content[1]);

 this._imgPreload = function()
  var id = this.globalId;
  var e  = document.getElementById(id);
  var ii = 0;
  var outTemp = new Array();
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'line1.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'line2.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'line3.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'minus1.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'minus2.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'minus3.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'plus1.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'plus2.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'plus3.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'line3.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'empty.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'leaf.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'folderClosed.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  outTemp[ii++] = '<img src="' + this.imageDir + 'folderOpen.gif" border="0" style="display:none;">';
  if (e) e.innerHTML = outTemp.join('');

 this._afterImgPreload = function()
  var id = this.globalId;
  var content = this._pseudoElement.render();
  var e       = document.getElementById(id);
  if (e)
   e.innerHTML = content[0];
   if ('' != content[1])

 this.drawInto = function(id)
  this.globalId = id;
  setTimeout('Bs_Objects['+this._id+']._imgPreload()', 0);

 this.getTotalElements = function()
 {//add 2004-6-15
  return (this.totalElements - 1);

Array.prototype.moveUp = function(key)
 if (key == 0) return this;
 if (key >= (this.length)) return this;if (key > 1)
  var newArr = this.slice(0, key -1);
  var newArr = new Array;

 newArr[newArr.length] = this[key];newArr[newArr.length] = this[key -1];var endArr = this.slice(key +1, this.length);return newArr.concat(endArr);

Array.prototype.moveDown = function(key)
 if (key >= (this.length -1)) return this;if (key > 0)
  var newArr = this.slice(0, key);
  var newArr = new Array;
 newArr[newArr.length] = this[key +1];newArr[newArr.length] = this[key];

 if (this.length > (key +2))
  var endArr = this.slice(key +2, this.length);return newArr.concat(endArr);
 return newArr;

Array.prototype.moveToTop = function(key)
 if (key == 0) return this;
 if (key >= (this.length)) return this;
 var startArr  = new Array(this[key]);
 var middleArr = this.slice(0, key);
 var endArr    = this.slice(key +1, this.length);
 return startArr.concat(middleArr, endArr);

Array.prototype.moveToBottom = function(key)
 if (key >= (this.length -1)) return this;
 if (key > 0)
  var startArr = this.slice(0, key);
  var startArr = new Array;
 var middleArr = this.slice(key +1, this.length);var endArr    = new Array(this[key]);return startArr.concat(middleArr, endArr);

Array.prototype.indexOf = function(str)
 for(var i=0; i<this.length; i++)
  if (this[i] == str) return i;
 return -1;

Array.prototype.has = function(str)
return (this.indexOf(str) >= 0);

Array.prototype.deleteItem = function(i)
 if (i<0 || i>(this.length-1)) return false;if (i == (this.length-1))
  this.length--;return true;
 for (var i=(i+1); i<this.length; i++)
  this[i-1] = this[i];
 return true;

Array.prototype.deleteItemHash = function(key)
 var ret = new Array;
 for (var k in this)
  if (k != key) ret[k] = this[k];
 return ret;

function bs_array_maxSizeOfLevel(array, level)
 if (!array) return 0;
 if (array.length == 0) return 0;
 if (level == 1) return array.length;
 var ret = 0;
 for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++)
  if (array[i].length > ret) ret = array[i].length;
 return ret;

function bs_array_toCsv(array, separator)
 if (typeof(separator) != 'string') separator = ';';
 var ret = '';
 for (var i=0; i<array.length; i++)
  var lineA = new Array();
  for (var j=0; j<array[i].length; j++)
   if ((array[i][j]) && (array[i][j]['value']))
    lineA[j] = array[i][j]['value'];
  ret += lineA.join(separator) + "\n";
 return ret;

posted @ 2006-04-27 16:07  WUYQ  阅读(926)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报