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DirectX SDK Technical Articles

This section contains a series of technical articles about developing games for Microsoft Windows.




Samples for Direct3D 11

The following samples demonstrate the newest techniques incorporated into Direct3D 11:

In This Section

AdaptiveTessellationCS40 Sample
Illustrates how to implement a simple adaptive tessellation scheme using Compute Shader 4.0.
BasicCompute11 Sample
Illustrates the basic usage of DirectX11 Compute Shader by implementing array A + array B.
Basic HLSL Sample
Illustrates how to load a mesh, create vertex and pixel shaders from files, and then use the shaders to render the mesh.
BC6HBC7EncoderDecoder11 Sample
Illustrates how to implement BC6H/BC7 encoding/decoding using Compute Shader 4.0 acceleration.
Cascaded Shadow Maps Sample
Illustrates cascaded shadow maps and common techniques to improve shadow maps.
ComputeShaderSort11 Sample
Illustrates the basic usage of the DirectX 11 Compute Shader 4.0 feature to implement a bitonic sort algorithm.
ContactHardeningShadows11 Sample
Illustrates how to create contact hardening shadows.
DDSWithoutD3DX11 Sample
Illustrates loading a DDS file into a texture without using D3DX helper functions.
DetailTessellation11 Sample
Illustrates how to do true displacement mapping with the tessellator.
Dynamic Shader Linkage 11 Sample
Illustrates how to dynamically link at run time.
EmptyProject11 Sample
Provides a bare-bones Direct3D application as a convenient starting point for your own project.
HDRToneMappingCS11 Sample
Illustrates how to implement tone mapping with a compute shader.
MultithreadedRendering11 Sample
Illustrates how to split rendering among multiple threads.
NBodyGravityCS11 Sample
Shows an N-Body particle system implemented using Compute Shader 4.0.
OIT11 Sample
Demonstrates a technique for achieving order independent transparency in Direct3D 11.
PNTriangles11 Sample
Tessellates low-res meshes to high-res meshes based on normals.
SimpleBezier11 Sample
Illustrates the basic usage of the DirectX 11 tessellation feature to render a simple cubic Bezier patch.
SimpleSample11 Sample
Provides a basic starting point for creating a Direct3D project.
SubD11 Sample
Illustrates how to use tessellation to render a subdivision surface.
VarianceShadows11 Sample
Illustrates how to use cascaded shadow maps with variance shadow maps.
WindowsTouch11 Sample
Illustrates how to use Windows Touch in a top-down style game.




DirectX SDK (August 2009)



DirectX Developer Center


posted on 2009-12-23 09:46  无痕客  阅读(1018)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报