
勤学似春起之苗,不见其增,日有所长; 辍学如磨刀之石,不见其损,日所有亏!


Effective C# 原则4:用条件属性而不是#if预编译块(译)

Item 4: Use Conditional Attributes Instead of #if

使用#if/#endif 块可以在同样源码上生成不同的编译(结果),大多数debug和release两个版本。但它们决不是我们喜欢用的工具。由于#if/#endif很容易被滥用,使得编写的代码难于理解且更难于调试。程序语言设计者有责任提供更好的工具,用于生成在不同运行环境下的机器代码。C#就提供了条件属性(Conditional attribute)来识别哪些方法可以根据环境设置来判断是否应该被调用。






private void CheckState( )
// The Old way:
  Trace.WriteLine( "Entering CheckState for Person" );

  // Grab the name of the calling routine:
  string methodName =
    new StackTrace( ).GetFrame( 1 ).GetMethod( ).Name;

  Debug.Assert( _lastName != null,
    "Last Name cannot be null" );

  Debug.Assert( _lastName.Length > 0,
    "Last Name cannot be blank" );

  Debug.Assert( _firstName != null,
    "First Name cannot be null" );

  Debug.Assert( _firstName.Length > 0,
    "First Name cannot be blank" );

  Trace.WriteLine( "Exiting CheckState for Person" );


public void Func( )
  string msg = null;

  msg = GetDiagnostics( );
  Console.WriteLine( msg );


C#有更好的选择:这就是条件属性。用条件属性,你可以在指定的编译环境下废弃一个类的部份函数, 而这个环境可是某个变量是否被定义,或者是某个变量具有明确的值。这一功能最常见的用法就是使你的代码具有调试时可用的声明。.Net框架库已经为你提供了了基本泛型功能。这个例子告诉你如何使用.net框架库里的兼容性的调试功能,也告诉你条件属性是如何工作的以及你在何时应该添加它:

private void CheckState( )
  // Grab the name of the calling routine:
  string methodName =
    new StackTrace( ).GetFrame( 1 ).GetMethod( ).Name;

  Trace.WriteLine( "Entering CheckState for Person:" );
  Trace.Write( "\tcalled by " );
  Trace.WriteLine( methodName );

  Debug.Assert( _lastName != null,
    "Last Name cannot be null" );

  Debug.Assert( _lastName.Length > 0,
    "Last Name cannot be blank" );

  Debug.Assert( _firstName != null,
    "First Name cannot be null" );

  Debug.Assert( _firstName.Length > 0,
    "First Name cannot be blank" );

  Trace.WriteLine( "Exiting CheckState for Person" );

这这个方法上,你可能不必用到太多的库函数,让我简化一下。这个StackTrace 类通过反射取得了调用方法的的名字。这样的代价是昂贵的,但它确实很好的简化了工作,例如生成程序流程的信息。这里,断定了CheckState所调用的方法的名字。被判定(determining)的方法是System.Diagnostics.Debug类的一部份,或者是System.Diagnostics.Trace类的一部份。Degbug.Assert方法用来测试条件是否满足,并在条件为false时会终止应用程序。剩下的参数定义了在断言失败后要打印的消息。Trace.WriteLine输出诊断消息到调试控制台。因此,这个方法会在Person对象不合法时输出消息到调试控制台,并终止应用程序。你可以把它做为一个先决条件或者后继条件,在所有的公共方法或者属性上调用这个方法。
public string LastName
    CheckState( );
    return _lastName;
    CheckState( );
    _lastName = value;
    CheckState( );


[ Conditional( "DEBUG" ) ]
private void CheckState( )
  // same code as above

public string LastName
    CheckState( );
    return _lastName;
    CheckState( );
    _lastName = value;
    CheckState( );
public string LastName
    return _lastName;
    _lastName = value;


[ Conditional( "DEBUG" ),
  Conditional( "TRACE" ) ]
private void CheckState( )

#if ( VAR1 && VAR2 )
#define BOTH

是的,为了创建一个依懒于前面多个环境变量的条件例程(conditional routine),你不得不退到开始时使用的#if实践中了。#if为我们产生一个新的标记,但避免在编译选项内添加任何可运行的代码。





分开了一个子类,专门POST Effective C#的翻译。



Item 4: Use Conditional Attributes Instead of #if
#if/#endif blocks have been used to produce different builds from the same source, most often debug and release variants. But these have never been a tool we were happy to use. #if/#endif blocks are too easily abused, creating code that is hard to understand and harder to debug. Language designers have responded by creating better tools to produce different machine code for different environments. C# has added the Conditional attribute to indicate whether a method should be called based on an environment setting. It's a cleaner way to describe conditional compilation than #if/#endif. The compiler understands the Conditional attribute, so it can do a better job of verifying code when conditional attributes are applied. The conditional attribute is applied at the method level, so it forces you to separate conditional code into distinct methods. Use the Conditional attribute instead of #if/#endif blocks when you create conditional code blocks.

Most veteran programmers have used conditional compilation to check pre- and post-conditions in an object. You would write a private method to check all the class and object invariants. That method would be conditionally compiled so that it appeared only in your debug builds.

private void CheckState( )
// The Old way:
  Trace.WriteLine( "Entering CheckState for Person" );

  // Grab the name of the calling routine:
  string methodName =
    new StackTrace( ).GetFrame( 1 ).GetMethod( ).Name;

  Debug.Assert( _lastName != null,
    "Last Name cannot be null" );

  Debug.Assert( _lastName.Length > 0,
    "Last Name cannot be blank" );

  Debug.Assert( _firstName != null,
    "First Name cannot be null" );

  Debug.Assert( _firstName.Length > 0,
    "First Name cannot be blank" );

  Trace.WriteLine( "Exiting CheckState for Person" );


Using the #if and #endif pragmas, you've created an empty method in your release builds. The CheckState() method gets called in all builds, release and debug. It doesn't do anything in the release builds, but you pay for the method call. You also pay a small cost to load and JIT the empty routine.

This practice works fine, but can lead to subtle bugs that appear only in release builds. The following common mistake shows what can happen when you use pragmas for conditional compilation:

public void Func( )
  string msg = null;

  msg = GetDiagnostics( );
  Console.WriteLine( msg );


Everything works fine in your debug build, but the release builds print a blank line. Your release builds happily print a blank message. That's not your intent. You goofed, but the compiler couldn't help you. You have code that is fundamental to your logic inside a conditional block. Sprinkling your source code with #if/#endif blocks makes it hard to diagnose the differences in behavior with the different builds.

C# has a better alternative: the Conditional attribute. Using the Conditional attribute, you can isolate functions that should be part of your classes only when a particular environment variable is defined or set to a certain value. The most common use of this feature is to instrument your code with debugging statements. The .NET Framework library already has the basic functionality you need for this use. This example shows how to use the debugging capabilities in the .NET Framework Library, to show you how Conditional attributes work and when to add them to your code.

When you build the Person object, you add a method to verify the object invariants:

private void CheckState( )
  // Grab the name of the calling routine:
  string methodName =
    new StackTrace( ).GetFrame( 1 ).GetMethod( ).Name;

  Trace.WriteLine( "Entering CheckState for Person:" );
  Trace.Write( "\tcalled by " );
  Trace.WriteLine( methodName );

  Debug.Assert( _lastName != null,
    "Last Name cannot be null" );

  Debug.Assert( _lastName.Length > 0,
    "Last Name cannot be blank" );

  Debug.Assert( _firstName != null,
    "First Name cannot be null" );

  Debug.Assert( _firstName.Length > 0,
    "First Name cannot be blank" );

  Trace.WriteLine( "Exiting CheckState for Person" );


You might not have encountered many library functions in this method, so let's go over them briefly. The StackTrace class gets the name of the calling method using Reflection (see Item 43). It's rather expensive, but it greatly simplifies tasks, such as generating information about program flow. Here, it determines the name of the method that called CheckState. The remaining methods are part of the System.Diagnostics.Debug class or the System.Diagnostics.Trace class. The Debug.Assert method tests a condition and stops the program if that condition is false. The remaining parameters define messages that will be printed if the condition is false. trace.WriteLine writes diagnostic messages to the debug console. So, this method writes messages and stops the program if a person object is invalid. You would call this method in all your public methods and properties as a precondition and a post-condition:

public string LastName
    CheckState( );
    return _lastName;
    CheckState( );
    _lastName = value;
    CheckState( );


CheckState fires an assert the first time someone tries to set the last name to the empty string, or null. Then you fix your set accessor to check the parameter used for LastName. It's doing just what you want.

But this extra checking in each public routine takes time. You'll want to include this extra checking only when creating debug builds. That's where the Conditional attribute comes in:

[ Conditional( "DEBUG" ) ]
private void CheckState( )
  // same code as above


The Conditional attribute tells the C# compiler that this method should be called only when the compiler detects the DEBUG environment variable. The Conditional attribute does not affect the code generated for the CheckState() function; it modifies the calls to the function. If the DEBUG symbol is defined, you get this:

public string LastName
    CheckState( );
    return _lastName;
    CheckState( );
    _lastName = value;
    CheckState( );


If not, you get this:

public string LastName
    return _lastName;
    _lastName = value;


The body of the CheckState() function is the same, regardless of the state of the environment variable. This is one example of why you need to understand the distinction made between the compilation and JIT steps in .NET. Whether the DEBUG environment variable is defined or not, the CheckState() method is compiled and delivered with the assembly. That might seem inefficient, but the only cost is disk space. The CheckState() function does not get loaded into memory and JITed unless it is called. Its presence in the assembly file is immaterial. This strategy increases flexibility and does so with minimal performance costs. You can get a deeper understanding by looking at the Debug class in the .NET Framework. On any machine with the .NET Framework installed, the System.dll assembly does have all the code for all the methods in the Debug class. Environment variables control whether they get called when callers are compiled.

You can also create methods that depend on more than one environment variable. When you apply multiple conditional attributes, they are combined with OR. For example, this version of CheckState would be called when either DEBUG or trACE is TRue:

[ Conditional( "DEBUG" ),
  Conditional( "TRACE" ) ]
private void CheckState( )


To create a construct using AND, you need to define the preprocessor symbol yourself using preprocessor directives in your source code:

#if ( VAR1 && VAR2 )
#define BOTH


Yes, to create a conditional routine that relies on the presence of more than one environment variable, you must fall back on your old practice of #if. All #if does is create a new symbol for you. But avoid putting any executable code inside that pragma.

The Conditional attribute can be applied only to entire methods. In addition, any method with a Conditional attribute must have a return type of void. You cannot use the Conditional attribute for blocks of code inside methods or with methods that return values. Instead, create carefully constructed conditional methods and isolate the conditional behavior to those functions. You still need to review those conditional methods for side effects to the object state, but the Conditional attribute localizes those points much better than #if/#endif. With #if and #endif blocks, you can mistakenly remove important method calls or assignments.

The previous examples use the predefined DEBUG or trACE symbols. But you can extend this technique for any symbols you define. The Conditional attribute can be controlled by symbols defined in a variety of ways. You can define symbols from the compiler command line, from environment variables in the operating system shell, or from pragmas in the source code.

The Conditional attribute generates more efficient IL than #if/#endif does. It also has the advantage of being applicable only at the function level, which forces you to better structure your conditional code. The compiler uses the Conditional attribute to help you avoid the common errors we've all made by placing the #if or #endif in the wrong spot. The Conditional attribute provides better support for you to cleanly separate conditional code than the preprocessor did.

posted on 2007-02-13 16:29  Wu.Country@侠缘  阅读(5946)  评论(6编辑  收藏  举报