element form源码


  <form class="el-form" :class="[
    labelPosition ? 'el-form--label-' + labelPosition : '',
    { 'el-form--inline': inline }
  import objectAssign from 'element-ui/src/utils/merge';

  export default {
    name: 'ElForm',

    componentName: 'ElForm',
    // 注入自身,子孙组件接收不管层级多深
    provide() {
      return {
        elForm: this

    props: {
      // model    表单数据对象
      model: Object,
      // rules    表单验证规则
      rules: Object,
      // 表单域标签的位置,如果值为 left 或者 right 时,则需要设置 label-width
      labelPosition: String,
      // 表单域标签的宽度,例如 '50px'。作为 Form 直接子元素的 form-item 会继承该值。支持 auto。
      labelWidth: String,
      // 表单域标签的后缀
      labelSuffix: {
        type: String,
        default: ''
      inline: Boolean,
      // 是否以行内形式展示校验信息
      inlineMessage: Boolean,
      // 是否在输入框中显示校验结果反馈图标
      statusIcon: Boolean,
      // 是否显示校验错误信息
      showMessage: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: true
      // 用于控制该表单内组件的尺寸
      size: String,
      // 是否禁用该表单内的所有组件。若设置为 true,则表单内组件上的 disabled 属性不再生效
      disabled: Boolean,
      // 是否在 rules 属性改变后立即触发一次验证
      validateOnRuleChange: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: true
      // 是否显示必填字段的标签旁边的红色星号
      hideRequiredAsterisk: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: false
    watch: {
      rules() {
        // remove then add event listeners on form-item after form rules change
        this.fields.forEach(field => {

        if (this.validateOnRuleChange) {
          this.validate(() => {});
    computed: {
      autoLabelWidth() {
        if (!this.potentialLabelWidthArr.length) return 0;
        const max = Math.max(...this.potentialLabelWidthArr);
        return max ? `${max}px` : '';
    data() {
      return {
        fields: [],
        potentialLabelWidthArr: [] // use this array to calculate auto width
    created() {
      // 接收子组件添加rule验证事件
      this.$on('el.form.addField', (field) => {
        if (field) {
      /* istanbul ignore next */
      // 移除严重事件监听
      this.$on('el.form.removeField', (field) => {
        if (field.prop) {
          this.fields.splice(this.fields.indexOf(field), 1);
    methods: {
      // 重置验证
      resetFields() {
        if (!this.model) {
          console.warn('[Element Warn][Form]model is required for resetFields to work.');
        this.fields.forEach(field => {
          // 每项都重置
      // 关闭验证
      clearValidate(props = []) {
        const fields = props.length
          ? (typeof props === 'string'
            ? this.fields.filter(field => props === field.prop)
            : this.fields.filter(field => props.indexOf(field.prop) > -1)
          ) : this.fields;
        fields.forEach(field => {
      validate(callback) {
        if (!this.model) {
          console.warn('[Element Warn][Form]model is required for validate to work!');

        let promise;
        // if no callback, return promise
        if (typeof callback !== 'function' && window.Promise) {
          promise = new window.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            callback = function(valid) {
              valid ? resolve(valid) : reject(valid);

        let valid = true;
        let count = 0;
        // 如果需要验证的fields为空,调用验证时立刻返回callback
        if (this.fields.length === 0 && callback) {
        let invalidFields = {};
        this.fields.forEach(field => {
          field.validate('', (message, field) => {
            if (message) {
              valid = false;
            invalidFields = objectAssign({}, invalidFields, field);
            if (typeof callback === 'function' && ++count === this.fields.length) {
              callback(valid, invalidFields);

        if (promise) {
          return promise;
      validateField(props, cb) {
        props = [].concat(props);
        const fields = this.fields.filter(field => props.indexOf(field.prop) !== -1);
        if (!fields.length) {
          console.warn('[Element Warn]please pass correct props!');

        fields.forEach(field => {
          field.validate('', cb);
      // 获取label的下标
      getLabelWidthIndex(width) {
        const index = this.potentialLabelWidthArr.indexOf(width);
        // it's impossible
        if (index === -1) {
          throw new Error('[ElementForm]unpected width ', width);
        return index;
      // 重置labelwidth
      registerLabelWidth(val, oldVal) {
        if (val && oldVal) {
          const index = this.getLabelWidthIndex(oldVal);
          this.potentialLabelWidthArr.splice(index, 1, val);
        } else if (val) {
      // 移除此宽度
      deregisterLabelWidth(val) {
        const index = this.getLabelWidthIndex(val);
        this.potentialLabelWidthArr.splice(index, 1);



export default {
  props: {
    isAutoWidth: Boolean,
    updateAll: Boolean
  // 接收el-form和el-form-item
  inject: ['elForm', 'elFormItem'],

  render() {
    const slots = this.$slots.default;
    if (!slots) return null;
    if (this.isAutoWidth) {
      const autoLabelWidth = this.elForm.autoLabelWidth;
      const style = {};
      if (autoLabelWidth && autoLabelWidth !== 'auto') {
        const marginLeft = parseInt(autoLabelWidth, 10) - this.computedWidth;
        if (marginLeft) {
          style.marginLeft = marginLeft + 'px';
      return (<div class="el-form-item__label-wrap" style={style}>
        { slots }
    } else {
      return slots[0];

  methods: {
    // 获取第一个元素的宽度
    getLabelWidth() {
      if (this.$el && this.$el.firstElementChild) {
        const computedWidth = window.getComputedStyle(this.$el.firstElementChild).width;
        return Math.ceil(parseFloat(computedWidth));
      } else {
        return 0;
    updateLabelWidth(action = 'update') {
      if (this.$slots.default && this.isAutoWidth && this.$el.firstElementChild) {
        if (action === 'update') {
          // 第一个元素宽度座位此组件的宽度
          this.computedWidth = this.getLabelWidth();
        } else if (action === 'remove') {
          // 调用父组件方法

  watch: {
    // 检测computedWidth变化
    computedWidth(val, oldVal) {
      if (this.updateAll) {
        // 更新父组件label
        this.elForm.registerLabelWidth(val, oldVal);
        // 更新当前item的label

  data() {
    return {
      computedWidth: 0

  mounted() {

  updated() {

  beforeDestroy() {


  <div class="el-form-item" :class="[{
      'el-form-item--feedback': elForm && elForm.statusIcon,
      'is-error': validateState === 'error',
      'is-validating': validateState === 'validating',
      'is-success': validateState === 'success',
      'is-required': isRequired || required,
      'is-no-asterisk': elForm && elForm.hideRequiredAsterisk
    sizeClass ? 'el-form-item--' + sizeClass : ''
      :is-auto-width="labelStyle && labelStyle.width === 'auto'"
      :update-all="form.labelWidth === 'auto'">
      <label :for="labelFor" class="el-form-item__label" :style="labelStyle" v-if="label || $slots.label">
        <slot name="label">{{label + form.labelSuffix}}</slot>
    <div class="el-form-item__content" :style="contentStyle">
      <transition name="el-zoom-in-top">
          v-if="validateState === 'error' && showMessage && form.showMessage"
              'el-form-item__error--inline': typeof inlineMessage === 'boolean'
                ? inlineMessage
                : (elForm && elForm.inlineMessage || false)
  import AsyncValidator from 'async-validator';
  import emitter from 'element-ui/src/mixins/emitter';
  import objectAssign from 'element-ui/src/utils/merge';
  import { noop, getPropByPath } from 'element-ui/src/utils/util';
  import LabelWrap from './label-wrap';
  export default {
    name: 'ElFormItem',

    componentName: 'ElFormItem',

    mixins: [emitter],

    provide() {
      return {
        elFormItem: this

    inject: ['elForm'],

    props: {
      label: String,
      labelWidth: String,
      prop: String,
      required: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: undefined
      rules: [Object, Array],
      error: String,
      validateStatus: String,
      for: String,
      inlineMessage: {
        type: [String, Boolean],
        default: ''
      showMessage: {
        type: Boolean,
        default: true
      size: String
    components: {
      // use this component to calculate auto width
    watch: {
      error: {
        immediate: true,
        handler(value) {
          this.validateMessage = value;
          this.validateState = value ? 'error' : '';
      // 验证状态
      validateStatus(value) {
        this.validateState = value;
    computed: {
      labelFor() {
        return this.for || this.prop;
      // labelStyle的样式
      labelStyle() {
        const ret = {};
        if (this.form.labelPosition === 'top') return ret;
        const labelWidth = this.labelWidth || this.form.labelWidth;
        if (labelWidth) {
          ret.width = labelWidth;
        return ret;
      // 内容的样式
      contentStyle() {
        const ret = {};
        const label = this.label;
        if (this.form.labelPosition === 'top' || this.form.inline) return ret;
        if (!label && !this.labelWidth && this.isNested) return ret;
        const labelWidth = this.labelWidth || this.form.labelWidth;
        if (labelWidth === 'auto') {
          if (this.labelWidth === 'auto') {
            ret.marginLeft = this.computedLabelWidth;
          } else if (this.form.labelWidth === 'auto') {
            ret.marginLeft = this.elForm.autoLabelWidth;
        } else {
          ret.marginLeft = labelWidth;
        return ret;
      form() {
        let parent = this.$parent;
        let parentName = parent.$options.componentName;
        while (parentName !== 'ElForm') {
          if (parentName === 'ElFormItem') {
            this.isNested = true;
          parent = parent.$parent;
          parentName = parent.$options.componentName;
        return parent;
      // 获取当前项的值
      fieldValue() {
        const model = this.form.model;
        if (!model || !this.prop) { return; }

        let path = this.prop;
        if (path.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
          path = path.replace(/:/, '.');

        return getPropByPath(model, path, true).v;
      // 是否必填
      isRequired() {
        let rules = this.getRules();
        let isRequired = false;

        if (rules && rules.length) {
          rules.every(rule => {
            if (rule.required) {
              isRequired = true;
              return false;
            return true;
        return isRequired;
      _formSize() {
        return this.elForm.size;
      elFormItemSize() {
        return this.size || this._formSize;
      sizeClass() {
        return this.elFormItemSize || (this.$ELEMENT || {}).size;
    data() {
      return {
        validateState: '',
        validateMessage: '',
        validateDisabled: false,
        validator: {},
        isNested: false,
        computedLabelWidth: ''
    methods: {
      // 验证
      validate(trigger, callback = noop) {
        this.validateDisabled = false;
        // 获取触发方式是否匹配
        const rules = this.getFilteredRule(trigger);
        if ((!rules || rules.length === 0) && this.required === undefined) {
          return true;

        this.validateState = 'validating';

        const descriptor = {};
        if (rules && rules.length > 0) {
          rules.forEach(rule => {
            delete rule.trigger;
        descriptor[this.prop] = rules;

        const validator = new AsyncValidator(descriptor);
        const model = {};

        model[this.prop] = this.fieldValue;

        validator.validate(model, { firstFields: true }, (errors, invalidFields) => {
          this.validateState = !errors ? 'success' : 'error';
          this.validateMessage = errors ? errors[0].message : '';

          callback(this.validateMessage, invalidFields);
          this.elForm && this.elForm.$emit('validate', this.prop, !errors, this.validateMessage || null);
      //  清除验证
      clearValidate() {
        this.validateState = '';
        this.validateMessage = '';
        this.validateDisabled = false;
      // 重置
      resetField() {
        this.validateState = '';
        this.validateMessage = '';

        let model = this.form.model;
        let value = this.fieldValue;
        let path = this.prop;
        if (path.indexOf(':') !== -1) {
          path = path.replace(/:/, '.');

        let prop = getPropByPath(model, path, true);

        this.validateDisabled = true;
        if (Array.isArray(value)) {
          prop.o[prop.k] = [].concat(this.initialValue);
        } else {
          prop.o[prop.k] = this.initialValue;
        // 通知ElTimeSelect,执行fieldReset事件,传值initialValue
        this.broadcast('ElTimeSelect', 'fieldReset', this.initialValue);
      // 获取rules
      getRules() {
        let formRules = this.form.rules;
        // 当前组件rules,默认为空[]
        const selfRules = this.rules;
        const requiredRule = this.required !== undefined ? { required: !!this.required } : [];
        // 获取当前项对象
        const prop = getPropByPath(formRules, this.prop || '');
        formRules = formRules ? (prop.o[this.prop || ''] || prop.v) : [];

        return [].concat(selfRules || formRules || []).concat(requiredRule);
      getFilteredRule(trigger) {
        const rules = this.getRules();

        return rules.filter(rule => {
          if (!rule.trigger || trigger === '') return true;
          if (Array.isArray(rule.trigger)) {
            return rule.trigger.indexOf(trigger) > -1;
          } else {
            return rule.trigger === trigger;
        }).map(rule => objectAssign({}, rule));
      // 触发失焦
      onFieldBlur() {
      onFieldChange() {
        if (this.validateDisabled) {
          this.validateDisabled = false;
        // 触发change事件
      updateComputedLabelWidth(width) {
        this.computedLabelWidth = width ? `${width}px` : '';
      // 添加验证事件
      addValidateEvents() {
        const rules = this.getRules();

        if (rules.length || this.required !== undefined) {
          // 监听form表单blur事件,触发onFieldBlur
          this.$on('el.form.blur', this.onFieldBlur);
          // 监听form表单chang事件
          this.$on('el.form.change', this.onFieldChange);
      // 移除验证事件
      removeValidateEvents() {
    mounted() {
      if (this.prop) {
        // 通知ElForm组件el.form.addField方法,传递this
        this.dispatch('ElForm', 'el.form.addField', [this]);
        // 初始化的值
        let initialValue = this.fieldValue;
        if (Array.isArray(initialValue)) {
          initialValue = [].concat(initialValue);
          Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, descriptor)


        // 设置初始值
        Object.defineProperty(this, 'initialValue', {
          value: initialValue
        // 设置监听事件
    // 销毁
    beforeDestroy() {
      this.dispatch('ElForm', 'el.form.removeField', [this]);


posted on 2019-05-30 18:50  心痛随缘  阅读(1248)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报